Microsoft Bing Chat finally starts rolling out its long requested chat history f...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/microsoft-bing-chat-finally-starts-rolling-out-its-long-requested-chat-history-feature/
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Microsoft Bing Chat finally starts rolling out its long requested chat history feature

Bing chat history

When Microsoft first launched the Bing Chat chatbot a few months ago, one of the most requested features by users was to add a way to save their chats. Microsoft promised for weeks that the feature was indeed in the works, and that was repeated last week when the company revealed a ton of other upcoming Bing Chat additions.

This week, it appears the chat history feature has started rolling out. Posts on the Bing Reddit forums show screenshots of the feature in action. Windows Central has reported seeing the feature go live as well. There are apparently still some users who don't see it when they use Bing Chat, so it's possible that it's still rolling out for public use. Also, this feature is, at least so far, limited to the web version of Bing Chat.

If the feature is indeed live where you are, when you use Bing Chat, any conversation thread is saved and placed in a Recent Activity section on the right hand side of the chat, complete with a time stamp. You can rename the saved chat if you want. It will certainly be a very helpful addition for people who want to preserve their conversation turns.

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