Utopia or dystopia? Five endgames for the AI arms race

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source link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2023/05/07/what-is-the-future-of-ai-outcomes-utopia-dystopia/
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We’re rolling the dice with AI – and there are five possible outcomes

Industry leaders give their predictions for the future of artificial intelligence... and if that’s a work-free world or the end of humanity

By Harry de Quetteville

7 May 2023 • 8:00am

It is the technology that few now doubt will fundamentally change humanity’s existence. Just this week it has been described as both “the new industrial revolution” by the country’s former Chief Scientific Advisor, Sir Patrick Vallance, and an “existential risk” to our species by Geoff Hinton, a man who was central to developing it. Others think it will solve our greatest problems and unlock our true potential, delivering a utopia we can only dream of. But where will Artificial Intelligence truly take us?

The range of possibilities is extraordinary. Today, with breakthrough piled on breakthrough, the potential of AI has never seemed greater, nor its impact more real. But accompanying excitement among AI’s elite researchers is a terror of unleashing a devilish genie which can never be returned to the bottle. Like Dr Frankenstein, they confess their fears about the capabilities of their creations, then press ahead anyway, afraid of falling behind in what is often called an “AI arms race”. It is a twinning of enthusiasm and trepidation that leaves many in the field conflicted. “I know a lot of the senior people across a lot of leading-edge organisations and that is exactly what they’re struggling with,” says one senior figure in the UK’s AI scene. “It’s mental.”

The split sensibility has been fuelled by rapid developments, notably AI acquiring an astonishing facility with language that apes human creativity and understanding. Yet mirroring those positive advances have been disquieting developments: machines producing results their creators can’t explain, or developing capabilities they haven’t been trained to acquire.

And while AI’s much-hyped large language models (LLM) – which are essentially hyper-sophisticated versions of predictive text – may not sound so threatening, or close to emulating consciousness, they are certainly a way of reasoning and navigating the world. And by connecting such reason to other computer programmes, or robots, such models will be able to issue commands, form plans and carry them out. Already, capabilities exist that are basic and benign, so that when you say “Gosh I’m thirsty”, say, an LLM-infused robot might bring you a drink. But as we move towards what many in the field think is the inevitability of “superintelligent” Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), which rivals then surpasses our own plastic, multipurpose brains, the potential for catastrophe grows – not least the risk of takeover from bad actors using it for nefarious ends. So how do those inside the industry imagine the future – or endgame – for AI?

It may sound like Hollywood fantasy, but this is a possibility taken in deadly earnest. Exactly 20 years ago, the Swedish philosopher Nick Bostrom famously imagined a world in which an intelligent machine was asked to manufacture as many paperclips as possible. Soon it would see humans as an impediment to its task, first because we might turn the machine off, secondly because human bodies contain elements that can be turned into paperclips. “The future,” he noted, “would be one in which there were a lot of paperclips but no humans.” Today, Bostrom tells me he does not discount such a grim outcome. “I think the most extreme AI scenarios are the most likely, both very good ones and very bad ones,” he says. “The coming years will be increasingly weird.”

The “paperclip maximiser” is an example of the so-called “unintended consequences catastrophe” posed by AI, says Michael Wooldridge, Professor of Computer Science at Oxford University. “It’s easy to imagine others.” He talks of AI nuclear deterrents not being so averse to Mutually Assured Destruction as humans. The esteemed British computer scientist Stuart Russell, who has long worried about AI-safety, imagines a world in which AI is put in charge of climate-change mitigation, only to decide that the best way of limiting carbon dioxide emissions is doing away with homo sapiens. Today Bostrom says that “a powerful AI that optimises the world according to some criterion that doesn’t include human values…remains a central concern.”

“The other potential existential risk,” says Wooldridge, “is that AI at some point is going to be more intelligent than us. And when it’s more intelligent than us, why would it have our interests at heart?” This – the Terminator scenario – has long been feared. “It seems probable,” noted Alan Turing in 1951, “that once the machine thinking method has started, it would not take long to outstrip our feeble powers.”

This future is inherently bound up with whether AI remains “narrow” (specifically trained for specific tasks) or becomes “generalised” (like us, but better). For Marc Warner, CEO of Faculty AI, regarded as one of the brightest lights in the UK tech sector, the creation of such AGI “given enough time, very likely”.

“Because we know of essentially no circumstance where a vastly more intelligent thing has been constrained by something much, much less intelligent, there’s no one who can guarantee you that this will be safe. That means there is a risk to be taken seriously.”

We “simply don’t know right now” how to ensure that such AGI would not harm us, he says. “That kind of common sense is just hard to specify in a programme,” he says. “Humanity has never done it before.”

Without constraints, experts imagine a world in which AGI escapes human oversight, and develops ways of improving itself, leading to an “intelligence explosion”. “If we train the machines up and let them go, they’ll build themselves into something and it will be a nightmare,” says Dame Wendy Hall, Regius Professor of Computer Science at Southampton University. “I’ve always been worried that this is [the AI company] Deep Mind’s aim, as much as I respect the good that’s come out from what they’ve done. I think if your stated aim is to create AGI then you’re actually saying I’m perfectly happy to create machines that will destroy humankind.”

Warner says that relative lack of oversight is bizarre. “At the moment, there’s less regulation around building AGI than making a sandwich in a cafe. I think everyone I know in this field agrees that’s out of whack.”

In this scenario, AI does not destroy us, but provides tools so powerful that we destroy ourselves, or come close. Tools that can equally be weaponised by what the AI industry euphemistically calls “bad actors”, but who the rest of us might refer to as criminals, hackers and terrorists. Think Vladimir Putin using it to sow chaos.

It is a thesis propagated by Israeli philosopher Yuval Harari, who imagines a world where the creative, so-called “generative” AI tools, like ChatGPT and others popular today, are deployed to whip up propaganda that fuels hatred and war. Indeed, some version of this is already happening – we know, for example, that Russian operatives interfered in the 2016 US presidential election by posing as Americans on fake social media accounts: AI could take such tactics and magnify them a thousandfold.

“Misinformation is number one on my list of concerns,” says Wooldridge. In an election week in Britain, he says it is all too easy to imagine “social media flooded with high-quality misinformation on an industrial scale fundamentally disrupting the democracy.” It is a world, he says, in which “10 different stories and videos about your least favourite politician” could be spat out by AI, each tailored to specific audiences: “Tory voters in the home counties, or Jeremy Corbyn supporters in Islington. It’s just going to be impossible to know what’s real and what isn’t. I think it’s very alarming.”

That analysis is backed up by studies. According to Dr Michael Cook, Senior Lecturer in Informatics at King’s College London, “the best detection systems for AI-generated text can only identify ChatGPT-authored text about 25 per cent of the time; and it falsely identifies human-authored text as fake about 9 per cent of the time.”

Wooldridge worries that “there are any number of people out there right now” who want to deploy AI’s current capacity to to twist the truth (“you don’t have to be a PhD to do so”). He fears the potential for thieves “to industrialise scams to part the elderly from their savings” is acute. And he is not alone. Several experts I spoke to suggested that the potential of AI to fray political, economic, social and military norms is their most pressing concern, more even than AGI.

AI is already being used on the battlefield. Big tech companies “continue to normalise the use of AI in defence,” say influential AI investors Nathan Benaich and Ian Hogarth. They can help with operational planning. Take GIS Arta, developed in Ukraine. Once an officer decides to hit a Russian target, it is the software that issues commands to local units, based on which it thinks are best placed to destroy the enemy. As a result, fire tends to come in not just from one direction, but several.  

This augmentation of human destructive power by AI tools is likely to extend to terrorism and hacking. AI tools that now enable the discovery of new molecules could be turned to the creation of new bioweapons. Nor will such malice require great expertise – that is what the AI provides. “Today’s AI,” says Wooldridge, “is already very good at writing computer programmes, which means that basically everybody in the world now has access to a very competent programmer which will do exactly what it’s asked to do.” Including, for example, creating malicious bugs that target the NHS, something previously the preserve of sophisticated attackers.  

More prosaically, but no less ruinously, there is the capacity for AI to snaffle up huge numbers of jobs, creating what Harari provocatively calls a “useless” class, left without the income or satisfaction of work.

Yet the threat of mass redundancy, ironically, is one factor that may stunt the continued development of AI, leading to a new “AI winter” – which is the experts’ third scenario.

A decade ago, Carl Frey, Associate Professor of AI & Work at the Oxford Internet Institute, produced a celebrated paper predicting that swathes of jobs would be lost to automation.

“Mostly it was low-skilled jobs that were exposed,” he says now. Generative AI, with its capacity to create and compose text and images, puts another category of workers in peril. “More highly skilled, with more political clout, who are more likely to be successful in bringing these technologies to a halt.” Modern, white-collar Luddites, in other words, pressuring governments to ban AI to save their jobs.

There’s also another reason AI might not continue to blossom, to do with technology itself. Recent AI breakthroughs have been fuelled in part by vast increases in computing power and the size of the datasets models have been trained on. But AI is now exhausting those resources. “It isn’t sustainable,” says Wooldrdge. “[Researchers] have used every piece of digital text there is [to train AI language models]. They’ve run out.” AI that is blocked or runs out of steam, in the medium term at least, is, he says, “an entirely plausible scenario”.

The promise of countless AI entrepreneurs today is that their products will eventually enhance what humans do, not replace humans altogether. And this is the fourth possible future that experts envisage.

For Warner, such “narrow” subject-specific tools will, in contrast to AGI, prove an undoubted boon. “We will have these wonderful things like a personal tutor for every kid on the planet, a personal assistant for every doctor that just lifts their ability to cure us.”

In this scenario, we barely notice the advent of AI at all, quickly taking for granted its benefits. “Here AI just becomes a tool that we use in our jobs, synthesising, extrapolating information,” says Wooldridge. He gives the example of computer-translation software, now quite expert, but unimaginable at the turn of the century. “There was this Tower of Babel and researchers delivered the solution. In most cases people don’t even realise that it’s AI. They just got on and used it.”

The final option is utopia, where safe, securely harnessed AI frees humanity from drudgery and allows us to pursue our dreams. “AI can unlock cheap, sustainable energy, solve many problems of human health, and deliver better, more efficient agriculture,” says Stephen Cave, Director of the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at the University of Cambridge. “There is no question that there are solutions to these problems and we can all live in a prosperous way.”

The signs are already there. Even today AI is helping researchers capture the limitless power of atomic fusion; creating new enzymes that can break down plastics and transform recycling; discovering new drugs that are in clinical trials.

The AI utopia is not overseen by some omnipotent godlike AI, says Cave. “It’s not the theistic model. It is where AI permeates our lives. Most people want to work less. We all could.” Technology, in this future, “does not alienate us from nature” forcing us into Matrix-style cocoons. Rather AI, and the prosperity it brings, gives us the time and space “to reconnect with the natural world and with each other. We can be freed from the rigours of the 9-5 in front of computers and on factory floors.” The new industrial revolution will correct the brute labour-centric model of the old. Our longer, healthier lives will no longer be linear – education, career, retirement – but circular, with cyclical bursts of education and work and sabbatical. The only danger here is the social and political reformation that will be required. But of course we will have AI to help with that.

So which will it be? AI heaven or hell? Or heaven that emerges only after a little devilry? Few in the industry doubt the scale of AI’s impact. In a poll, almost three-quarters said AI would this century cause social upset as significant as that of the industrial revolution. 

Where they differ is in whether or not that will be positive. In a survey last summer, 700 AI experts suggested that AGI would be achieved by 2059; that there was a 5pc chance of human extinction. At the other end of the spectrum, utopia was given a 10pc chance. But more than two-thirds said that mankind needed to think harder about AI safety.

What might that look like? Many suggest medical-style regulation to ensure the safety of AI algorithms before they are released. Explaining how AI systems come up with the decisions they do is also critical, as is cracking the conundrum of “alignment” – ensuring any superintelligent machine’s interests are the same as our own. In the last two decades, says Bostrom, a lot of research effort has been spent on the “alignment” problem. Unfortunately, progress has merely revealed “the various ways in which the problem is hard, rather than in us seeing how to solve it”.

Yet, slowly, AI safety is attracting more money and talent. “A large faction of the smartest people I know are now working on the AI alignment problem,” says Bostrom. But the big bucks are still spent on seeing what the technology can do next. “The money in AI safety is still a long way behind,” says David Grimm, an investor in AI companies. “But there is a groundswell of caution and concern. Because if we get it wrong there’s no mopping up afterwards.”

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