The Daily Bolster

 1 year ago
source link: https://podcast.bolster.com/public/142/The-Daily-Bolster-29d59cf2
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The Daily Bolster

EPISODE 32  | 07:55 min
Recognizing When Your CEO Isn't Scaling with Cristina Miller

Your startup is scaling, but your CEO isn’t. It’s awkward to talk about—but it may be vital for the business. Today on the podcast, we’re joined by Cristina Miller to discuss the warning signs of a CEO who isn’t keeping pace with the growth of the business. She also shares her own experience with leaders who weren’t scaling, advice for solving the problem, and whether you should consider going to the board. 

Cristina is a seasoned, results-driven C-level executive and board director with a strong track record in digital marketplaces, startups & scale-ups and new business innovation. She’s currently the Chief Operating Officer at Goldbelly.

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