Pixel 7a Is Not Truly An Affordable Device – Confirmed By Multiple Early eBay Li...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.gizchina.com/2023/05/04/pixel-7a-is-not-truly-an-affordable-device-confirmed-by-multiple-early-ebay-listings/
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Pixel 7a Is Not Truly An Affordable Device – Confirmed By Multiple Early eBay Listings!

Google Pixel 7a eBay

The Google I/O event is just a few days away. Planned for May 10, the event is expected to unroll the curtains on multiple Google Pixel devices. That includes the Pixel 7a. But ahead of the official release, multiple of its units have been spotted on eBay.

On top of that, a reliable Pixel leaker has just confirmed the UK pricing information of Google Pixel 7a. And from all these, it seems A in Google no longer stands for affordable. Instead, as speculated before, the latest ‘a’ phone from Google aims to offer a Pixel experience at a slightly lower price tag.

Pixel 7a Marks the End of an Era

Before getting into the leaked pricing info, let’s take a look back at the Google Pixel 6a. At launch, Google slapped a $449 price tag on the 6a. In comparison, the Google Pixel 6 started at $599. That’s like a $150 difference, which made a lot of sense as the phone aimed to deliver a Pixel experience at an affordable price. But the case is not the same for the Pixel 7a.

Pixel 7a eBay listing

Pixel 7a eBay listing

As leaked earlier, the expected price tag of the Google Pixel 7a is $499. That is a $50 price increase from its predecessor. That brings the “affordable” device much closer to the regular Pixel 7, with just a $100 difference. And it’s not just the US market that will see the price hike; UK pricing is about to get the same treatment.

Gizchina News of the week

Google Pixel 7a

Leaked Picture of Google Pixel 7a

According to Roland Quandt, the reliable Pixel-leaker, the Pixel 7a will go for £449 in the UK markets. And that market is about to see the biggest price increase as the Pixel 6a launched at £399. But yes, the upcoming phone is expected to have similar specs as the regular Pixel 7. Maybe that’s how Google is attempting to make up for the increased price tag.


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