Microsoft's LinkedIn is using AI to get hiring managers to notice job seekers

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/microsofts-linkedin-is-using-ai-to-get-hiring-mangers-to-notice-job-seekers/
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Microsoft's LinkedIn is using AI to get hiring managers to notice job seekers

Linkedin manager ai

Microsoft's LinkedIn business social network has already announced it is using generative AI to help its users improve what's on their profiles, along with businesses who want to make better job postings. Today, LinkedIn announced a new feature that is supposed to help job seekers create a message to hiring managers on the service.

Engadget reports that if a user sees any open jobs on a business's page, they will see a "Let AI draft a message to the hiring team" option. When clicked, the site will write out a message, based on the job seeker's LinkedIn profile, the hiring manager's profile, the business's description, and the details on the open job position.

Of course, after the AI creates the message, the user can edit it to make it look more personal, along with making sure that the letter doesn't contain any errors. The new feature is only for people who sign up for the paid LinkedIn Premium subscription and should start rolling out this week.

This new feature definitely sounds a lot like the generative AI features that are being put into Microsoft 365 Copilot, which will write emails, documents, spreadsheets, and more from scratch based on some text prompts. Microsoft is currently testing Copilot with a few businesses but will expand its reach to more companies in the coming months.

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