Bricked my OnePlus 8 beyond anything ive done before

 1 year ago
source link: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/bricked-my-oneplus-8-beyond-anything-ive-done-before.4581939/#post-88490919
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Bricked my OnePlus 8 beyond anything ive done before


New member

So, i've been flashing custom ROMS on my android phones for many many years. Never really screwed up... Except now. Let me explain;

I was going to flash LineageOS on my OnePlus 8 phone. Nothing I haven't done before. I follow the guide as the maintainer described (for your reference, https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/instantnoodlep/install).

Towards the end of the process when I got to Installing LineageOS from recovery I'm asked to format data. Here something went horribly wrong. As the process of formatting finished. All that's left to do is reboot. And so I reboot. This was the last time I ever got any sign of life from my phone. Because after shutting down, it never started back up. No sign of life at all. No fastboot, no adb, not even a splash screen. I've tried to boot it with any combination of keys. But no matter which one (reset, boot to recovery, even boot to EDL). nothing. Not even a buzz or a battery indicator when I plug it into the charger either. Bricked beyond anything I've ever seen.

In the 3 days since it happened I've:

- Charged my phone for 20+ hours
- attempted rescue using fastboot/ adb
- followed the steps from about every comment in this thread: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/cannot-unbrick-cannot-enter-edl-mode.4148589/ (on USB3 and USB2, with the oneplus official cable and 3rd party cables)
- followed the steps this friendly youtuber explained: - pressed any button and any combination of buttons on my phone for at least multiple minutes
- screamed at the phone really loud

Obviously none of these steps did the trick. My computer (I tried 3 computers actually, and both in Windows and Linux) just does not recognize the phone anymore. Nothing in device manager. Not even when i'm attempting to EDL.

Quite honestly I'm just stumped. It's not even recognized by device manager. If I didn't know any better I'd suspect the hardware itself failed at the exact same time as the software. I hope any of you can help me out.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK