How NOT to Write a Microbenchmark

 1 year ago
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How NOT to Write a Microbenchmark

  1. How NOT To Write A Microbenchmark

    Dr. Cliff Click Senior Staff Engineer Sun Microsystems Session #

  2. How NOT To Write A Microbenchmark or Lies, Damn Lies, and Microbenchmarks

    Session #

  3. Microbenchmarks are a sharp knife

    Microbenchmarks are like a microscope Magnification is high, but what the heck are you looking at? Like "truths, half-truths, and statistics", microbenchmarks can be very misleading



    Session # 1816

  4. Learning Objectives • As a result of this presentation, you will be able to: – Recognize when a benchmark lies – Recognize what a benchmark can tell you (as opposed to what it purports to tell you) – Understand how some popular benchmarks are flawed – Write a microbenchmark that doesn't lie (to you)



    Session # 1816

  5. Speaker’s Qualifications • Dr. Click is a Senior Staff Engineer at Sun Microsystems • Dr. Click wrote his first compiler at age 16 and has been writing: – runtime compilers for 15 years, and – optimizing compilers for 10 years

    • Dr. Click architected the HotSpot™ Server Compiler



    Session # 1816

  6. Your JVM is Lousy Because it Doesn't Do... "X"

    I routinely get handed a microbenchmark and told "HotSpot doesn't do X" 49% chance it doesn't matter, 49% chance they got fooled, 1% chance HotSpot didn't do "Y" but should 1% chance HotSpot didn't do "X" but should



    Session # 1816

  7. Agenda • • • • Beginning 7 Recent real-word benchmark disaster Popular microbenchmarks and their flaws When to disbelieve a benchmark How to write your own

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  8. What is a Microbenchmark? • Small program

    – Datasets may be large

    • All time spent in a few lines of code • Performance depends on how those few lines are compiled • Goal: Discover some particular fact • Remove all other variables



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  9. Why Run Microbenchmarks? • Discover some targeted fact

    – Such as the cost of 'turned off' Asserts, or – Will this inline? – Will another layer of abstraction hurt performance?

    • Fun

    – My JIT is faster than your JIT – My Java is faster than your C

    • But dangerous!



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  10. How HotSpot Works • HotSpot is a mixed-mode system • Code first runs interpreted – Profiles gathered

    • Hot code gets compiled • Same code "just runs faster" after awhile • Bail out to interpreter for rare events – Never taken before code – Class loading, initializing



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  11. Example from Magazine Editor • • • • • • •



    What do (turned off) Asserts cost? Tiny 5-line function r/w's global variable Run in a loop 100,000,000 times With explicit check – 5 sec With Assert (off) – 0.2 sec With no test at all – 5 sec What did he really measure?

    Session # 1816

  12. Assert Example static int sval; // Global variable static int test_assert(int val) { assert (val >= 0) : "should be positive"; sval = val * 6; sval += 3; // Read/write global sval /= 2; return val+2; // } static void main(String args[]) { int REPEAT = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int v=0; for( int i=0; i<REPEAT; i++ ) v = test_assert(v); }



    Session # 1816

  13. Assert Example static int sval; // Global variable static int test_assert(int val) { assert (val >= 0) : "should be positive"; sval = val * 6; sval += 3; // Read/write global sval /= 2; return val+2; } static void main(String args[]) { int REPEAT = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int v=0; for( int i=0; i<REPEAT; i++ ) v = test_assert(v); }



    Session # 1816

  14. Assert Example static int sval; // Global variable static int test_assert(int val) { assert (val >= 0) : "should be positive"; sval = val * 6; sval += 3; // Read/write global sval /= 2; return val+2; // } static void main(String args[]) { int REPEAT = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int v=0; for( int i=0; i<REPEAT; i++ ) v = test_assert(v); }



    Session # 1816

  15. Assert Example static int sval; // Global variable static int test_explicit(int val) { if( val < 0 ) throw ...; sval = val * 6; sval += 3; // Read/write global sval /= 2; return val+2; // } static void main(String args[]) { int REPEAT = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int v=0; for( int i=0; i<REPEAT; i++ ) v = test_explicit(v); }



    Session # 1816

  16. Assert Example (cont.) • No synchronization ⇒ hoist static global into register, only do final write • Small hot static function ⇒ inline into loop • Asserts turned off ⇒ no test in code static int sval; // Global variable static void main(String args[]) { int REPEAT = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int v=0;

    } Middle


    for( int i=0; i<REPEAT; i++ ) { sval = (v*6+3)/2; v = v+2; } Session # 1816

  17. Assert Example (cont.) • Small loop ⇒ unroll it a lot

    – Need pre-loop to 'align' loop

    • Again remove redundant writes to global static static int sval; // Global variable static void main(String args[]) { int REPEAT = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int v=0; // pre-loop goes here... for( int i=0; i<REPEAT; i+=16 ) { sval = ((v+2*14)*6+3)/2; v = v+2*16; } } Middle


    Session # 1816

  18. Benchmark is 'spammed' • Loop body is basically 'dead' • Unrolling speeds up by arbitrary factor • Note: 0.2 sec / 100Million iters * 450 Mhz clock ⇒ Loop runs too fast: < 1 clock/iter • But yet... • ... different loops run 20x faster • What's really happening?



    Session # 1816

  19. A Tale of Four Loops static void main(String args[]) { int REPEAT = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int v=0; for( int i=0; i<REPEAT; i++ ) v = test_no_check(v); // hidden warmup loop: 0.2 sec long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis() for( int i=0; i<REPEAT; i++ ) v = test_explicit(v); // Loop 1: 5 sec long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis() System.out.println("explicit check time="+...); for( int i=0; i<REPEAT; i++ ) v = test_assert(v); // Loop 2: 0.2 sec long time3 = System.currentTimeMillis() System.out.println("assert time=",...); for( int i=0; i<REPEAT; i++ ) v = test_no_check(v); // Loop 3: 5 sec long time4 = System.currentTimeMillis() System.out.println("no check time=",...); } Middle


    Session # 1816

  20. On-Stack Replacement • • • • HotSpot is mixed mode: interp + compiled Hidden warmup loop starts interpreted Get's OSR'd: generate code for middle of loop 'explicit check' loop never yet executed, so... – Don't inline test_explicit(), no unroll – 'println' causes class loading ⇒ drop down to interpreter

    • Hidden loop runs fast • 'explicit check' loop runs slow Middle


    Session # 1816

  21. On-Stack Replacement (con't) • Continue 'assert' loop in interpreter • Get's OSR'd: generate code for middle of loop • 'no check' loop never yet executed, so... – Don't inline test_no_check(), no unroll

    • Assert loop runs fast • 'no check' loop runs slow



    Session # 1816

  22. Dangers of Microbenchmarks • Looking for cost of Asserts... • But found OSR Policy Bug (fixed in 1.4.1) • Why not found before? – Only impacts microbenchmarks – Not found in any major benchmark – Not found in any major customer app

    • Note: test_explicit and test_no_check: 5 sec – Check is compare & predicted branch – Too cheap, hidden in other math



    Session # 1816

  23. Self-Calibrated Benchmarks • Want a robust microbenchmark that runs on a wide variety of machines • How long should loop run? – Depends on machine!

    • Time a few iterations to get a sense of speed – Then time enough runs to reach steady state

    • Report iterations/sec • Basic idea is sound, but devil is in the details



    Session # 1816

  24. Self-Calibrated Benchmarks • First timing loop runs interpreted – Also pays compile-time cost

    • Count needed to run reasonable time is low • Main timed run used fast compiled code • Runs too fast to get result above clock jitter • Divide small count by clock jitter ⇒ random result • Report random score



    Session # 1816

  25. jBYTEmark Methodology • Count iterations to run for 10 msec

    – First run takes 104 msec – Way too short, always = 1 iteration

    • Then use 1st run time to compute iterations needed to run 100msec – Way too short, always = 1 iteration

    • Then average 5 runs

    – Next 5 runs take 80, 60, 20, 20, 20 msec – Clock jitter = 1 msec



    Session # 1816

  26. Non-constant work per iter • • • •

    Non-sync'd String speed test Run with & without some synchronization Use concat, continuously add Strings Benchmark requires copy before add, so... – Each iteration takes more work than before

    • Self-timed loop has some jitter...

    – 10000 main-loop iters with sync – 10030 main-loop iters withOUT sync



    Session # 1816

  27. Non-constant work per iter (con't) • Work for Loop1:

    – 100002 copies, 10000 concats, 10000 syncs

    • Work for Loop2:

    – 100302 copies, 10000 concats, no syncs

    • • • •



    Loop2 avoids 10000 syncs But pays 600,900 more copies Benchmark compares times, BUT Extra work swamps sync cost!

    Session # 1816

  28. Beware 'hidden' Cache Blowout • • • • •

    Work appears to be linear with time More iterations should report same work/sec Grow dataset to run longer Blow out caches! Self-calibrated loop jitter can make your data set fit in L1 cache or not! • Jitter strongly affects apparent work/sec rate



    Session # 1816

  29. Beware 'hidden' Cache Blowout • • • • • • •



    jBYTEmark StringSort with time raised to 1 sec Each iteration adds a 4K array Needs 1 or 2 iterations to hit 100msec Scale by 10 to reach 1 sec Uses either 10 or 20 4K arrays Working set is either 40K or 80K 64K L1 cache

    Session # 1816

  30. Explicitly Handle GC • GC pauses occur at unpredictable times • GC throughput is predictable • Either don't allocate in your main loops – So no GC pauses

    • OR run long enough to reach GC steady state – Each run spends roughly same time doing GC



    Session # 1816

  31. CaffeineMark3 Logic Benchmark • Purports to test logical operation speed • With unrolling OR constant propagation, whole function is dead (oops!) • First timing loop: 900K iterations to run 1 sec • Second loop runs 2.7M iterations in 0.685 sec • Score reports as negative (overflow) or huge • Overall score dominated by Logic score



    Session # 1816

  32. Know what you test • SpecJVM98 209_db

    – 85% of time spent in shell_sort

    • Scimark2 MonteCarlo simulation

    – 80% of time spent in sync'd Random.next

    • jBYTEmark StringSort

    – 75% of time spent in byte copy

    • CaffeineMark Logic test – "He's dead, Jim"



    Session # 1816

  33. How To Write a Microbenchmark (general – not just Java) • Pick suitable goals!

    – Can't judge web server performance by jBYTEmarks – Only answer very narrow questions – Make sure you actually care about the answer!

    • Be aware of system load, clock granularity • Self-calibrated loops always have jitter – Sanity check the time on the main run!

    • Run to steady state, at least 10 sec



    Session # 1816

  34. How To Write a Microbenchmark (general – not just Java) • Fixed size datasets (cache effects)

    – Large datasets have page coloring issues

    • Constant amount of work per iteration – Or results not comparable

    • Avoid the 'eqntott Syndrome'

    – Capture 1st run result (interpreted) – Compare to last result



    Session # 1816

  35. How To Write a Microbenchmark (general – not just Java) • Avoid 'dead' loops

    – These can have infinite speedups! – Print final answer – Make computation non-trivial

    • Or handle dead loops

    – Report when speedup is unreasonable – CaffeineMark3 & JavaGrande Section 1 mix Infinities and reasonable scores



    Session # 1816

  36. How To Write a Microbenchmark (Java-specific) • • • •



    Be explicit about GC Thread scheduling is not deterministic JIT performance may change over time Warmup loop+test code before ANY timing – (HotSpot specific)

    Session # 1816

  37. OSR Bug Avoidance • Fixed in 1.4.1 • Write 1 loop per method for Microbenchmarks • Doesn't matter for 'real' apps

    – Don't write 1-loop-per-method code to avoid bug



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  38. Summary • • • • • • • • End 38 Microbenchmarks can be easy, fun, informative They can be very misleading! Beware! Pick suitable goals Warmup code before timing Run reasonable length of time Fixed work / fixed datasets per iteration Sanity-check final times and results Handle 'dead' loops, GC issues

    Session # 1816

  39. If You Only Remember One Thing…

    Put Microtrust in a Microbenchmark



    Session # 1816

  40. Session #

  41. Session #

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