Provider of Fintech Solution E-Gates

 1 year ago
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CryptoMode Digital Payments Nexus Project Payment Gateway

E-Gates Payment Gateway System Overview

Cryptocurrency payment systems are becoming increasingly popular globally, presenting businesses and users with the opportunity to accept digital currencies as payment for goods and services. E-Gates provides a ready-made solution to quickly and easily integrate cryptocurrency payment systems into businesses – their Payment Gateway.

This Payment Gateway offers businesses a secure and user-friendly interface with analytical tools to monitor and evaluate key performance indicators. The gateway also presents businesses the opportunity to attract customers who prefer digital currencies over fiat currencies. Some of the most attractive features of using Payment Gateway include:

– Transfers abroad: Cryptocurrencies are borderless and allow for easy and quick international transfers to 167 countries.
– Low commission costs: Transferring cryptocurrencies can be cheaper than transferring in fiat currencies.
– Transparency: Blockchain technology ensures the openness and transparency of transactions, which increases customer trust in businesses.

Statistics show that the number of cross-border B2B blockchain transactions is expected to significantly increase in the coming years. In the most popular regions such as America, Asia, and Europe, the number of transactions is expected to reach 1.5 billion by 2025.

By using Payment Gateway in their business model, businesses can benefit from the ability to easily manage assets anywhere in the world. The gateway also offers a wide range of services such as: processing more than 100 crypto and fiat currencies; a single point of integration for projects; a node system; an account and subaccount management system; extended list of fiat processing services; KYT verification; European certification and standards; the ability to create invoices in unlimited numbers; and easy connection to the API.

Paying with cryptocurrency is a simple process. Customers initiate a transaction from their cryptocurrency address to the recipient’s address, specifying the exact amount. The digital assets are then transferred to the blockchain network and then to the recipient’s address. Businesses can choose to keep the assets on their balance sheet or convert them into fiat currencies, depending on their asset management strategy.

It is important to note that cryptocurrency assets are highly volatile, which can lead to sudden changes in their value. Businesses should use hedging strategies to reduce the risk of losing the value of their crypto assets.

E-Gates provides businesses with the Payment Gateway solution, allowing them to quickly and easily integrate cryptocurrency payment systems into their business model. The gateway offers a secure and user-friendly interface with analytical tools to monitor and evaluate key performance indicators, as well as features such as low commission costs, transparency, and international transfers. By using Payment Gateway, businesses can benefit from a wide range of services, helping to reduce the risk of losses due to the volatility of cryptocurrency assets.

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