Visa shares plans for ‘ambitious’ crypto product

 1 year ago
source link: https://fintechranking.com/2023/04/25/visa-shares-plans-for-ambitious-crypto-product/
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Visa shares plans for ‘ambitious’ crypto product

Global payment giant Visa continues to explore the benefits of the cryptocurrency industry with a new initiative focused on stablecoin payments.

Cuy Sheffield, head of crypto at Visa, took to Twitter on April 24 to announce a new cryptocurrency-related project developed by the firm.

We have an ambitious crypto product roadmap @Visa and just opened a few reqs for senior software engineers to help us drive mainstream adoption of public blockchain networks and stablecoin payments. https://t.co/UQRJNcOJtB

— Cuy Sheffield (@cuysheffield) April 24, 2023

Read more: Cointelepraph

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