Europe names 19 platforms that must report algorithmic risks under DSA

 1 year ago
source link: https://fintechranking.com/2023/04/25/europe-names-19-platforms-that-must-report-algorithmic-risks-under-dsa/
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Europe names 19 platforms that must report algorithmic risks under DSA

The European Union has confirmed the names of over a dozen platforms that will face the strictest level of regulation under its recently rebooted and expanded ecommerce rules, aka the Digital Services Act (DSA).

The list is a mix of familiar digital services, from social media apps to search engines and app stores — with no real surprises. The lion’s share of regulated platforms are developed by U.S. based for-profit firms, with a few international (mostly European) players in the mix, and one non-profit (the online encyclopedia Wikipedia).

Read more: TechCrunch

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