Rockstar Games to announce GTA 6 on May 17

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.gsmarena.com/rockstar_games_could_announce_gta_6_on_may_17-news-58336.php
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Rockstar Games to announce GTA 6 on May 17


According to several claims from the gaming industry, the Grand Theft Auto series might be getting its next installment soon. GTA 6 is under development, and reports are Take Two, the parent company of Rockstar Games, will officially announce the new game during its investors call on May 17.

Grand Theft Auto:  The Trilogy is a remastered version of old GTA games and the latest release by Rockstar Games

Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy is a remastered version of old GTA games and the latest release by Rockstar Games

Hip Hop Gamer recently tweeted an incoherent string of sentences, accompanied by a photo with the Take Two CEO Strauss Zelnick. He also said, “Grand Theft Auto 6 will be a forever moment to remember,” and we can only assume he will be a part of the game, or at least has spicy info to get gamers going.

Tez2, another insider that often leaks info on Rockstar Games, revealed that the yearly Summer Update for GTA Online might include teasers about the eventual GTA 6, also stylized as GTA VI. Speculations are going wild for several years, as the gaming community is still waiting for a new game, ten years after the arrival of GTA V and its immersive atmosphere and glorious sunsets over Los Santos.


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