San Francisco Giants Deploy Fully Wi-Fi 6E-Ready Network With Comcast, Extreme N...

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.informationweek.com/executive-insights-and-innovation/san-francisco-giants-deploy-fully-wi-fi-6e-ready-network-with-comcast-extreme-networks
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San Francisco Giants Deploy Fully Wi-Fi 6E-Ready Network With Comcast, Extreme Networks

Baseball team’s CIO Bill Schlough tells Network Computing that, with a network bandwidth of up to 100GB, the San Francisco Giants plan to improve the fan experience with augmented reality, easier streaming, and fast mobile ticket entry at Oracle Park.
Credit: Pixabay

In 2004, the San Francisco Giants’ ballpark became the first professional sports facility to offer free universal Wi-Fi. On April 11, nearly 20 years later, Comcast Business announced along with Extreme Networks that Oracle Park would now offer 100% Wi-Fi 6E-ready connectivity by the end of this month.

“For us, it's always been about providing expanded connectivity to the fans and giving them more megabits per second so they can upload and download more content,” says Bill Schlough, senior vice president and CIO for the San Francisco Giants in an interview with Network Computing.

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