RSVP: Know Who’s Attending Your Event | Renderforest | Renderforest

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.renderforest.com/blog/rsvp-feature
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Want to upscale your event websites with a brand new RSVP feature?

From now on, you can make your event organization even more convenient and sophisticated with the newly launched RSVP tool. It allows you to find out the following.

  • Who’s attending your event
  • Your guests’ personal details
  • The overall number of participants

RSVP is an added component of our website builder tool. So, you’ll be able to use it after creating your website in Renderforest.

One Event per Website

Before you can activate the RSVP component, you need to create an event. You can add only one event for one website.

The event tab is available in the sidebar – click on it to start creating your event page.

Create event renderforest

Add an RSVP Component

The first step of your event page is to add an RSVP component. Here you will be able to create a custom form and collect data from the attendees.

You can customize your questions and decide on the required fields, their order and visibility. You also have an overview of all participants’ responses for better event organization.

To access RSVP details, click the “Create Today” button to land on the components menu. Users can add only one RSVP component to one event. 

Click on the “+Add” button to edit your event invitation.

Add rsvp component renderforest

Set up the Event Details

The event details’ structure is fixed and organized in a tidy way to suit your needs. Regardless of the event type you are hosting, the pre-set structure will look professional and trustworthy for your guests.

Though you can’t play with the initial structure, feel free to customize its colors, text and style.

Customize rsvp color text style

The editable sections you can play with include the following.

  • subtitle
  • title*
  • description
  • timezone *
  • date *
  • time *
  • end date, time (optional)
  • Location (optional)
  • Address bar and map (so user can find address by map pin)
  • Place name (This will be visible in the component and will link to the Address bar URL)
  • button*
Customize add rsvp form details

Create a Form for Your Guests

There are two options to create RSVP forms.

  1. Use static forms provided by Renderforest.
  2. Create a custom form with up to 5 custom questions and 6 answer options.

Static Forms

The questions’ yes/no functionality and order are fixed in static forms. So, you can only edit the labels of questions, yes answer and no answer.

The static forms also allow you to request guests’ contact information and whether they want to bring additional guests with them or not.

When receiving the RSVP, your guest can click on the “+ Additional Guests” button, where they can add 1-5 people and their contact information.

Add custom rsvp form

Custom Forms

Custom forms allow you to collect more detailed information from your invitees. With custom forms, you can change the order of questions, add/edit custom questions and answers as required.

There are three question types one can add to custom forms.

Type 1: Text input (selected by default) – 0-5 questions

Type 2:  Checkbox (multiple choice) – 0-5 questions, 2-6 answer fields

Type 3: Radio button (single choice) – 0-5 questions, 2-6 answer fields

Registration Popups

You’ll want to show popup windows after your guests answer your RSVP request. Set it up with the “Popups” section from the sidebar. The key three popup fields are pre-filled in advance.

  • Title: Displayed as the main message in your popup form.
  • Paragraph: Displayed as the secondary message in your popup form, appearing under the title, with a smaller font size.
  • Button text: Appearing at the bottom of the popup window as a clickable button.

Depending on which answer your guests submit, different popup window structures appear.

Yes answer displays all three fields.

No answer displays the title and paragraph without the button text.

In case the registration is closed, the popup will again show the title and paragraph.

Customize registration popups renderforest

You can edit the texts of popup fields within the presented word limit. You can also set the registration as open or close from the Settings -> Registration Status command.

Closed Registration Upon Reaching Maximum Quantity of Guests

If the number of your guests reaches its maximum, the guests automatically see the closed registration popup regardless if you set the registration as open or close.

There are guest limits based on your Renderforest subscription plan.

  • Free: 30 guests ➝ 50
  • Lite: 100 guests ➝ 150
  • Pro: 200 guests ➝ 300
  • Premium websites (Single website plan): 200 guests ➝ 300
  • Business: unlimited

Whenever the guest limit is reached, you should upgrade to a higher plan or delete guests in the guest dashboard to continue collecting RSVPs.

Track Your Guest List

Once all the data is collected, it can be found in the “Guest list” tab, where all the details collected with RSVPs are displayed in appropriate columns. The table columns’ names are fixed and can’t be changed by the user. 

The guest list provides you with the following data.

  • Language (if in multilingual mode) indicates in which language the website was RSVP submitted by a visitor.
  • Date indicates the date when the RSVP was submitted.
  • Full name displays data collected from the Name and Surname fields.
  • RSVP shows RSVP submission results: Yes/No.
  • Additional guest reveals additional guest count added by visitor.
  • Contacts shows data collected from the Email field.
  • Edit button opens a slide where the user can customize all the fields included in the form (opens in the language where the form was submitted by a visitor).
  • Delete button permanently removes guest data.

By clicking on each guest line, you can see more detailed information submitted by them in the RSVP. The additional data may include additional guests or any other custom questions you have included initially.

Detailed event guest list

Lastly, you can export the guest list in .CSV format, which always comes with primary language titles. There is also an option to select the language and export it separately.

Donwload event guest list

Translation of RSVPs

This feature is active for multilingual mode only. Without changing the layout and structure of RSVPs and Guest Lists, the “Translation” section helps you to translate the text of your form into multiple languages.

You can select the “translate from” and “translate to” languages from the drop-down menu. The “translation from” values are not editable, while “translate to” values can be edited in the given text field.

Include translation form rsvp

The RSVP component is available to all our free and subscribed users. Would you like to try it now?

Try Now!

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