HingeGPT - Generate mediocre Hinge opening lines | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/hingegpt
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"Thanks for checking out! We're actively working to make your HingeGPT experience better, so if you have feedback or other ideas, please let us know!"

The makers of HingeGPT
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Hey all!

Both Jhamat and I are complete failures on Hinge. With nothing to lose, we thought it would be hilarious to let GPT message for us.

Write a name and prompt you want to respond to, and let HingeGPT give you some terrible pick up lines.

Keep hitting generate - a lot of the generated messages are trash, but it occassionally strikes gold.


“I matched with a guy using a HingeGPT line. Now we're engaged. Do I tell him?” - A friend, 29

“Maybe I'm in love with GPT?” - Another friend, 23

“I'm downloading Hinge to try out these lines” - Karina, 24, currently dating Arpeet, 25 (out of earshot)

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Joyk means Joy of geeK