Search, sort, filters, flexibility to tables, list and more! - List.js

 1 year ago
source link: https://listjs.com/
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Basic examples

Here is an example of a list with List.js applied. List.js can be used in three different ways. It can be on existing HTML, it can create it's own HTML or a combination of both methods.

Jonny Strömberg

Jonas Arnklint

Martina Elm

Gustaf Lindqvist

Apply List.js on existing HTML

<div id="users">

<!-- class="search" automagically makes an input a search field. -->
  <input class="search" placeholder="Search" />
<!-- class="sort" automagically makes an element a sort buttons. The date-sort value decides what to sort by. -->
  <button class="sort" data-sort="name">

<!-- Child elements of container with class="list" becomes list items -->
  <ul class="list">
<!-- The innerHTML of children with class="name" becomes this items "name" value -->
      <h3 class="name">Jonny Stromberg</h3>
      <p class="born">1986</p>
      <h3 class="name">Jonas Arnklint</h3>
      <p class="born">1985</p>
      <h3 class="name">Martina Elm</h3>
      <p class="born">1986</p>
      <h3 class="name">Gustaf Lindqvist</h3>
      <p class="born">1983</p>

var options = {
  valueNames: [ 'name', 'born' ]

var userList = new List('users', options);

Apply List.js on existing HTML and then add items

<div id="users">

  <input class="search" placeholder="Search" />
  <button class="sort" data-sort="name">

  <ul class="list">
<!-- This, the first element in the list, will be used as template for new items. -->
      <h3 class="name">Jonny Stromberg</h3>
      <p class="born">1986</p>

var options = {
  valueNames: [ 'name', 'born' ]

// These items will be added to the list on initialization.
var values = [
    name: 'Jonas Arnklint',
    born: 1985
    name: 'Martina Elm',
    born: 1986

var userList = new List('users', options, values);

// It's possible to add items after list been initiated
  name: 'Gustaf Lindqvist',
  born: 1983

Make List.js create a list from scratch

<div id="users">

  <input class="search" placeholder="Search" />
  <button class="sort" data-sort="name">

  <ul class="list"></ul>

var options = {
  valueNames: [ 'name', 'born' ],
  // Since there are no elements in the list, this will be used as template.
  item: '<li><h3 class="name"></h3><p class="born"></p></li>'

var values = [
    name: 'Jonny Strömberg',
    born: 1986
    name: 'Jonas Arnklint',
    born: 1985
    name: 'Martina Elm',
    born: 1986

var userList = new List('users', options, values);

  name: 'Gustaf Lindqvist',
  born: 1983

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