etcd/raft选举源码解读 - Wildhunt

 1 year ago
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该篇博客基于etcd v3.5.7版本,首先会简单介绍etcd/raft对Raft选举部分的算法优化,然后通过源码分析etcd/raft的选举实现。

1. etcd对于raft选举算法优化措施


etcd/raft实现的与选举有关的优化有Pre-VoteCheck Quorum、和Leader Lease。在这三种优化中,只有Pre-VoteLeader Lease最初是对选举过程的优化,Check Quorum是为了更高效地实现线性一致性读(Linearizable Read)而做出的优化,但是由于Leader Lease需要依赖Check Quorum,因此也放在这讲。

1.1 Pre-Vote

如下图所示,当Raft集群的网络发生分区时,会出现节点数达不到quorum(达成共识至少需要的节点数)的分区,如图中的Partition 1


在节点数能够达到quorum的分区中,选举流程会正常进行,该分区中的所有节点的term最终会稳定为新选举出的leader节点的term。不幸的是,在节点数无法达到quorum的分区中,如果该分区中没有leader节点,因为节点总是无法收到数量达到quorum的投票而不会选举出新的leader,所以该分区中的节点在election timeout超时后,会增大term并发起下一轮选举,这导致该分区中的节点的term会不断增大。

如果网络一直没有恢复,这是没有问题的。但是,如果网络分区恢复,此时,达不到quorum的分区中的节点的term值会远大于能够达到quorum的分区中的节点的term,这会导致能够达到quorum的分区的leader退位(step down)并增大自己的term到更大的term,使集群产生一轮不必要的选举。

Pre-Vote机制就是为了解决这一问题而设计的,其解决的思路在于不允许达不到quorum的分区正常进入投票流程,也就避免了其term号的增大。为此,Pre-Vote引入了“预投票”,也就是说,当节点election timeout超时时,它们不会立即增大自身的term并请求投票,而是先发起一轮预投票。收到预投票请求的节点不会退位。只有当节点收到了达到quorum的预投票响应时,节点才能增大自身term号并发起投票请求。这样,达不到quorum的分区中的节点永远无法增大term,也就不会在分区恢复后引起不必要的一轮投票。

1.2 Check Quorum

在Raft算法中,保证线性一致性读取的最简单的方式,就是讲读请求同样当做一条Raft提议,通过与其它日志相同的方式执行,因此这种方式也叫作Log Read。显然,Log Read的性能很差。而在很多系统中,读多写少的负载是很常见的场景。因此,为了提高读取的性能,就要试图绕过日志机制。

但是,直接绕过日志机制从leader读取,可能会读到陈旧的数据,也就是说存在stale read的问题。在下图的场景中,假设网络分区前,Node 5是整个集群的leader。在网络发生分区后,Partition 0分区中选举出了新leader,也就是图中的Node 1

stale read示意图

但是,由于网络分区,Node 5无法收到Partition 0中节点的消息,Node 5不会意识到集群中出现了新的leader。此时,虽然它不能成功地完成日志提交,但是如果读取时绕过了日志,它还是能够提供读取服务的。这会导致连接到Node 5的client读取到陈旧的数据。

Check Quorum可以减轻这一问题带来的影响,其机制也非常简单:让leader每隔一段时间主动地检查follower是否活跃。如果活跃的follower数量达不到quorum,那么说明该leader可能是分区前的旧leader,所以此时该leader会主动退位转为follower。

需要注意的是,Check Quorum并不能完全避免stale read的发生,只能减小其发生时间,降低影响。如果需要严格的线性一致性,需要通过其它机制实现。

1.3 Leader Lease



这种现象不止会出现在网络故障中,还会出现在成员变更中。在通过ConfChange移除节点时,不同节点应用该ConfChange的时间可能不同,这也可能导致这一现象发生——TODO (举个例子)。

在上图的场景下,Node 1Node 2之间无法通信。如果它们之间的通信中断前,Node 1是集群的leader,在通信中断后,Node 2无法再收到来自Node 1的心跳。因此,Node 2会开始选举。如果在Node 2发起选举前,Node 1Node 3中都没有新的日志,那么Node 2仍可以收到能达到quorum的投票(来自Node 2本身的投票和来自Node 3的投票),并成为leader。

Leader Lease机制对投票引入了一条新的约束以解决这一问题:当节点在election timeout超时前,如果收到了leader的消息,那么它不会为其它发起投票或预投票请求的节点投票。也就是说,Leader Lease机制会阻止了正常工作的集群中的节点给其它节点投票。

Leader Lease需要依赖Check Quorum机制才能正常工作。接下来笔者通过一个例子说明其原因。

假如在一个5个节点组成的Raft集群中,出现了下图中的分区情况:Node 1Node 2互通,Node 3Node 4Node 5之间两两互通、Node 5与任一节点不通。在网络分区前,Node 1是集群的leader。


在既没有Leader Lease也没有Check Quorum的情况下,Node 3Node 4会因收不到leader的心跳而发起投票,因为Node 2Node 3Node 4互通,该分区节点数能达到quorum,因此它们可以选举出新的leader。

而在使用了Leader Lease而不使用Check Quorum的情况下,由于Node 2仍能够收到原leader Node 1的心跳,受Leader Lease机制的约束,它不会为其它节点投票。这会导致即使整个集群中存在可用节点数达到quorum的分区,但是集群仍无法正常工作。

而如果同时使用了Leader LeaseCheck Quorum,那么在上图的情况下,Node 1会在election timeout超时后因检测不到数量达到quorum的活跃节点而退位为follower。这样,Node 2Node 3Node 4之间的选举可以正常进行。

1.4 引入的新问题与解决方案

引入Pre-VoteCheck Quorum(etcd/raft的实现中,开启Check Quorum会自动开启Leader Lease)会为Raft算法引入一些新的问题。



场景1: 如上图所示,在开启了Check Quorum / Leader Lease后(假设没有开启Pre-VotePre-Vote的问题在下一场景中讨论),数量达不到quorum的分区中的leader会退位,且该分区中的节点永远都无法选举出leader,因此该分区的节点的term会不断增大。当该分区与整个集群的网络恢复后,由于开启了Check Quorum / Leader Lease,即使该分区中的节点有更大的term,由于原分区的节点工作正常,它们的选举请求会被丢弃。同时,由于该节点的term比原分区的leader节点的term大,因此它会丢弃原分区的leader的请求。这样,该节点永远都无法重新加入集群,也无法当选新leader。(详见issue #5451issue #5468)。


场景2: Pre-Vote机制也有类似的问题。如上图所示,假如发起预投票的节点,在预投票通过后正要发起正式投票的请求时出现网络分区。此时,该节点的term会高于原集群的term。而原集群因没有收到真正的投票请求,不会更新term,继续正常运行。在网络分区恢复后,原集群的term低于分区节点的term,但是日志比分区节点更新。此时,该节点发起的预投票请求因没有日志落后会被丢弃,而原集群leader发给该节点的请求会因term比该节点小而被丢弃。同样,该节点永远都无法重新加入集群,也无法当选新leader。(详见issue #8501issue #8525)。

场景3: 在更复杂的情况中,比如,在变更配置时,开启了原本没有开启的Pre-Vote机制。此时可能会出现与上一条类似的情况,即可能因term更高但是log更旧的节点的存在导致整个集群的死锁,所有节点都无法预投票成功。这种情况比上一种情况更危险,上一种情况只有之前分区的节点无法加入集群,在这种情况下,整个集群都会不可用。(详见issue #8501issue #8525)。


  1. 如果收到了term比当前节点term低的leader的消息,且集群开启了Check Quorum / Leader LeasePre-Vote,那么发送一条term为当前term的消息,令term低的节点成为follower。(针对场景1场景2
  2. 对于term比当前节点term低的预投票请求,无论是否开启了Check Quorum / Leader LeasePre-Vote,都要通过一条term为当前term的消息,迫使其转为follower并更新term。(针对场景3

2. etcd中Raft选举的实现

2.1 发起vote或pre-vote流程

2.1.1 Election timeout

在集群刚启动时,所有节点的状态都为 follower,等待超时触发 leader election。超时时间由 Config 设置。etcd/raft 没有用真实时间而是使用逻辑时钟,当调用 tick 的次数超过指定次数时触发超时事件。 对于 followercandidate 而言,tick 中会判断是否超时,若超时则会本地生成一个 MsgHup 类型的消息触发 leader election:

// tickElection is run by followers and candidates after r.electionTimeout.
func (r *raft) tickElection() {

	if r.promotable() && r.pastElectionTimeout() {
		r.electionElapsed = 0
		r.Step(pb.Message{From: r.id, Type: pb.MsgHup})

2.1.2 MsgHup消息处理与hup方法

etcd/raft通过raft结构体的Step方法实现Raft状态机的状态转移。Step 方法是消息处理的入口,不同 state 处理的消息不同且处理方式不同,所以有多个 step 方法:

  • raft.Step(): 消息处理的入口,做一些共性的检查,如 term,或处理所有状态都需要处理的消息。若需要更进一步处理,会根据状态 调用下面的方法:
    • raft.stepLeader(): leader 状态的消息处理方法;
    • raft.stepFollower(): follower 状态的消息处理方法;
    • raft.stepCandidate(): candidate 状态的消息处理方法。
func (r *raft) Step(m pb.Message) error {
	// ... ...
	switch m.Type {
	case pb.MsgHup:
		if r.preVote {
		} else {
	// ... ...
	// ... ...


campaignPreElection 表示Pre-Vote的预选举阶段。
campaignElection 表示正常的选举阶段(仅超时选举,不包括Leader Transfer)。
campaignTransfer 表示Leader Transfer阶段。


func (r *raft) hup(t CampaignType) {
	if r.state == StateLeader {
		r.logger.Debugf("%x ignoring MsgHup because already leader", r.id)

	if !r.promotable() {
		r.logger.Warningf("%x is unpromotable and can not campaign", r.id)
	ents, err := r.raftLog.slice(r.raftLog.applied+1, r.raftLog.committed+1, noLimit)
	if err != nil {
		r.logger.Panicf("unexpected error getting unapplied entries (%v)", err)
	if n := numOfPendingConf(ents); n != 0 && r.raftLog.committed > r.raftLog.applied {
		r.logger.Warningf("%x cannot campaign at term %d since there are still %d pending configuration changes to apply", r.id, r.Term, n)

	r.logger.Infof("%x is starting a new election at term %d", r.id, r.Term)
// promotable indicates whether state machine can be promoted to leader,
// which is true when its own id is in progress list.
func (r *raft) promotable() bool {
	pr := r.prs.Progress[r.id]
	return pr != nil && !pr.IsLearner && !r.raftLog.hasPendingSnapshot()


  1. 节点被移出集群
  2. 节点是learner
  3. 节点还有未保存到稳定存储的snapshot
  4. 节点有还未被应用的集群配置变更ConfChange消息

2.1.3 campaign


// campaign transitions the raft instance to candidate state. This must only be
// called after verifying that this is a legitimate transition.
func (r *raft) campaign(t CampaignType) {
    // 因为调用campaign的方法不止有hup,campaign方法首先还是会检查promotable()是否为真。
	if !r.promotable() {
		// This path should not be hit (callers are supposed to check), but
		// better safe than sorry.
		r.logger.Warningf("%x is unpromotable; campaign() should have been called", r.id)
	var term uint64
	var voteMsg pb.MessageType
	if t == campaignPreElection {
		voteMsg = pb.MsgPreVote
		// PreVote RPCs are sent for the next term before we've incremented r.Term.
		term = r.Term + 1
	} else {
		voteMsg = pb.MsgVote
		term = r.Term
	if _, _, res := r.poll(r.id, voteRespMsgType(voteMsg), true); res == quorum.VoteWon {
		// We won the election after voting for ourselves (which must mean that
		// this is a single-node cluster). Advance to the next state.
		if t == campaignPreElection {
		} else {
	var ids []uint64
		//won't send requestVote to learners, beacause learners[] are not in incoming[] and outgoing[]
		idMap := r.prs.Voters.IDs()
		ids = make([]uint64, 0, len(idMap))
		for id := range idMap {
			ids = append(ids, id)
		sort.Slice(ids, func(i, j int) bool { return ids[i] < ids[j] })
	for _, id := range ids {
		if id == r.id {
		r.logger.Infof("%x [logterm: %d, index: %d] sent %s request to %x at term %d",
			r.id, r.raftLog.lastTerm(), r.raftLog.lastIndex(), voteMsg, id, r.Term)

		var ctx []byte
		if t == campaignTransfer {
			ctx = []byte(t)
		r.send(pb.Message{Term: term, To: id, Type: voteMsg, Index: r.raftLog.lastIndex(), LogTerm: r.raftLog.lastTerm(), Context: ctx})


2.2 节点收到vote或pre-vote消息处理流程

处理vote或pre-vote消息都在Step方法内,不会进入各自的step方法,有效的MsgPreVote必须满足其中一个条件(m.Term > r.Term)


func (r *raft) Step(m pb.Message) error {
	// Handle the message term, which may result in our stepping down to a follower.
	switch {
	case m.Term == 0:
		// local message
	case m.Term > r.Term:
		if m.Type == pb.MsgVote || m.Type == pb.MsgPreVote {
			force := bytes.Equal(m.Context, []byte(campaignTransfer))
			inLease := r.checkQuorum && r.lead != None && r.electionElapsed < r.electionTimeout
			if !force && inLease {
				// If a server receives a RequestVote request within the minimum election timeout
				// of hearing from a current leader, it does not update its term or grant its vote
				return nil
		switch {
		case m.Type == pb.MsgPreVote:
			// Never change our term in response to a PreVote
		case m.Type == pb.MsgPreVoteResp && !m.Reject:
			// We send pre-vote requests with a term in our future. If the
			// pre-vote is granted, we will increment our term when we get a
			// quorum. If it is not, the term comes from the node that
			// rejected our vote so we should become a follower at the new
			// term.
			if m.Type == pb.MsgApp || m.Type == pb.MsgHeartbeat || m.Type == pb.MsgSnap {
				r.becomeFollower(m.Term, m.From)
			} else {
				r.becomeFollower(m.Term, None)

	case m.Term < r.Term:
        // ........

	switch m.Type {
	case pb.MsgHup:
        // ........
	case pb.MsgVote, pb.MsgPreVote:
		// We can vote if this is a repeat of a vote we've already cast...
		canVote := r.Vote == m.From ||
			// ...we haven't voted and we don't think there's a leader yet in this term...
			(r.Vote == None && r.lead == None) ||
			// ...or this is a PreVote for a future term...
			(m.Type == pb.MsgPreVote && m.Term > r.Term)
		// ...and we believe the candidate is up to date.
		if canVote && r.raftLog.isUpToDate(m.Index, m.LogTerm) {
			// Note: it turns out that that learners must be allowed to cast votes.
			// This seems counter- intuitive but is necessary in the situation in which
			// a learner has been promoted (i.e. is now a voter) but has not learned
			// about this yet.
			// For example, consider a group in which id=1 is a learner and id=2 and
			// id=3 are voters. A configuration change promoting 1 can be committed on
			// the quorum `{2,3}` without the config change being appended to the
			// learner's log. If the leader (say 2) fails, there are de facto two
			// voters remaining. Only 3 can win an election (due to its log containing
			// all committed entries), but to do so it will need 1 to vote. But 1
			// considers itself a learner and will continue to do so until 3 has
			// stepped up as leader, replicates the conf change to 1, and 1 applies it.
			// Ultimately, by receiving a request to vote, the learner realizes that
			// the candidate believes it to be a voter, and that it should act
			// accordingly. The candidate's config may be stale, too; but in that case
			// it won't win the election, at least in the absence of the bug discussed
			// in:
			// https://github.com/etcd-io/etcd/issues/7625#issuecomment-488798263.

			// When responding to Msg{Pre,}Vote messages we include the term
			// from the message, not the local term. To see why, consider the
			// case where a single node was previously partitioned away and
			// it's local term is now out of date. If we include the local term
			// (recall that for pre-votes we don't update the local term), the
			// (pre-)campaigning node on the other end will proceed to ignore
			// the message (it ignores all out of date messages).
			// The term in the original message and current local term are the
			// same in the case of regular votes, but different for pre-votes.
			r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Term: m.Term, Type: voteRespMsgType(m.Type)})
			if m.Type == pb.MsgVote {
				// Only record real votes.
				r.electionElapsed = 0
				r.Vote = m.From
		} else {
			r.send(pb.Message{To: m.From, Term: r.Term, Type: voteRespMsgType(m.Type), Reject: true})

        // ...........
	return nil



2.3 节点收到处理MsgPreVoteResp或MsgVoteResp消息流程

2.3.1 Step内处理


		switch {
		case m.Type == pb.MsgPreVote:
			// Never change our term in response to a PreVote
		case m.Type == pb.MsgPreVoteResp && !m.Reject:
			// We send pre-vote requests with a term in our future. If the
			// pre-vote is granted, we will increment our term when we get a
			// quorum. If it is not, the term comes from the node that
			// rejected our vote so we should become a follower at the new
			// term.
			if m.Type == pb.MsgApp || m.Type == pb.MsgHeartbeat || m.Type == pb.MsgSnap {
				r.becomeFollower(m.Term, m.From)
			} else {
				r.becomeFollower(m.Term, None)

2.3.2 stepCandidate内处理

	case myVoteRespType:
		gr, rj, res := r.poll(m.From, m.Type, !m.Reject)
		r.logger.Infof("%x has received %d %s votes and %d vote rejections", r.id, gr, m.Type, rj)
		switch res {
		case quorum.VoteWon:
			if r.state == StatePreCandidate {
			} else {
		case quorum.VoteLost:
			// pb.MsgPreVoteResp contains future term of pre-candidate
			// m.Term > r.Term; reuse r.Term
			r.becomeFollower(r.Term, None)


2.4 转变领导者身份

2.4.1 becomeLeader()

func (r *raft) becomeLeader() {
	// TODO(xiangli) remove the panic when the raft implementation is stable
	if r.state == StateFollower {
		panic("invalid transition [follower -> leader]")
	r.step = stepLeader
	r.tick = r.tickHeartbeat
	r.lead = r.id
	r.state = StateLeader
	// Followers enter replicate mode when they've been successfully probed
	// (perhaps after having received a snapshot as a result). The leader is
	// trivially in this state. Note that r.reset() has initialized this
	// progress with the last index already.

	// Conservatively set the pendingConfIndex to the last index in the
	// log. There may or may not be a pending config change, but it's
	// safe to delay any future proposals until we commit all our
	// pending log entries, and scanning the entire tail of the log
	// could be expensive.
	r.pendingConfIndex = r.raftLog.lastIndex()

	emptyEnt := pb.Entry{Data: nil}
	if !r.appendEntry(emptyEnt) {
		// This won't happen because we just called reset() above.
		r.logger.Panic("empty entry was dropped")
	// As a special case, don't count the initial empty entry towards the
	// uncommitted log quota. This is because we want to preserve the
	// behavior of allowing one entry larger than quota if the current
	// usage is zero.
	r.logger.Infof("%x became leader at term %d", r.id, r.Term)


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