CoverLetterGPT - Create and revise unique cover letters based on your skills | P...

 1 year ago
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Support is great. Feedback is even better.

"I built the app quickly and it's been fun journey. There are a lot of things I tackled for the first time here, so it is a bit rough around certain edges, but as it's open-source, I hope that there are some curious souls out there willing to test it out and give feedback! 🙏"

The makers of CoverLetterGPT
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Hey PH Peeps! 🧙‍♂️

After the GPT API launched, I had the idea to create a cover letter generator and job application management platform. CoverLetterGPT.xyz is the first version of that idea and I'm happy to say that after only launching a month ago it is just shy of 900 users and was recently featured in the IndieHackers newsletter!

You can use it to generate cover letters by uploading a PDF of your CV/résumé, pasting the job description, and changing a few "creativity controls". The app will then generate cover letters for you, which you can further edit with GPT by highlighting the text you want to change. You can also manage your jobs, create multiple cover letters per job, and other fun stuff.

The response so far has been very good, as the built in some features seem to be resonating with job-seekers. The project itself is also open-source, which seems to have helped a lot with adoption.

Thanks for your time, Product Hunters 🙏

@hot_town Awesome job, it is a simple idea but you took a thorough approach to it, I love it!
Cool stuff Vince, could you do a reverse? If somebody sends you an AI generated cover letter it summarises it in bullet points? 😂

@mihovil_ilakovac haha good idea. I'm actually thinking about adding a Interview Prep section specific to each job and its generated cover letter.

What do you think of this idea?

Congrats on the launch! This looks really smooth, and I think it demonstrates well how GPT can be helpful, at least providing a starting point when you're writing your cover letter.

Two questions: - is this using GPT-4 - what did you use to build it and how long did it take?

@matijash Thank you! At the moment it is still using 3.5-turbo as there isn't a huge difference in output for this usecase, and 3.5 is much snappier.

I used Wasp (https://wasp-lang.dev) as the full-stack framework (think Ruby-on-Rails for the PERN stack) and Chakra UI (https://chakra-ui.com) for their styled react components. Both helped me build this app in about 3 days.

Wow, congratulations on the success of CoverLetterGPT.xyz! It's great to see innovative ideas like yours being implemented and gaining traction. Your platform sounds like it could really help job-seekers streamline their application process. Best of luck with your continued development and growth!

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