Spotlight - Honey for sports & concert tickets | Product Hunt

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/spotlight-12
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Support is great. Feedback is even better.

"Hey there! We like comparing prices at checkout, but we realize that lots of people buy tickets from Facebook Marketplace too. What do you guys think about Spotlight being a ticket marketplace that charges a 1% transparent fee to make Facebook Marketplace a safer avenue for trading?"

The makers of Spotlight
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👋 Hey Product Hunt, glad to be in your crosshairs today.

I'm Scott, one of the cofounders of Spotlight.

As students at USC, we realized how angry people get when comparing ticket prices across multiple websites before getting hit by hidden service fees. That's why we built Spotlight, the 'Honey for events tickets'.

Spotlight is as much about our users as we are about our partners -- ticket platforms like SeatGeek. That's why we're actively forming meaningful partnerships to ensure win-win solutions for both fans and sellers.

In a world of asymmetric information, there's no strong-enough reason to not be given the chance to compare across the exact same product sold by someone else at checkout. For now it's events, but we imagine a future where every niche market will have a 'Spotlight for X'. Let's build that future together starting with Spotlight 🚀🚀

This makes so much sense... 🚀🚀🚀! Super promising partnerships and a cracked dev squad

Good luck on the launch!

I'm looking forward to seeing what Spotlight has to offer and how it can help make the event ticket purchasing process simpler and more transparent. Good luck!
Looks like exactly what I've been needing, congrats on launch!

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