Wealthiest People in Israel (April 3, 2023)

 1 year ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2023/04/03/wealthiest-people-in-israel-april-3-2023/
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Wealthiest People in Israel (April 3, 2023)


As of  April 3, 2023, Eyal Ofer was the wealthiest person in Israel, with an estimated net worth of 18.8 billion U.S. dollars, followed by Idan Ofer (No. 2, $14.2 billion), Dmitri Bukhman (No. 3, $7.0 billion); and Yuri Milner (No. 4, $6.8 billion).

Stef Wertheimer is the fifth-richest person in Israel, with a whopping $6.3 billion. Teddy Sagi ranked 6th with a personal wealth of $5.6 billion, followed by Shari Arison with $4.2 billion. Shaul Shani is placed 8th with a net worth of $4.0 billion. Yitzhak Tshuva ($3.9 billion) occupied the 9th position among Israel’s top 10 wealthiest people.


  1. Eyal Ofer: $18.8 billion
  2. Idan Ofer: $14.2 billion
  3. Dmitri Bukhman: $7.0 billion
  4. Yuri Milner: $6.8 billion
  5. Stef Wertheimer & family: $6.3 billion
  6. Teddy Sagi: $5.6 billion
  7. Shari Arison: $4.2 billion
  8. Shaul Shani: $4.0 billion
  9. Yitzhak Tshuva: $3.9 billion
  10. Gil Shwed: $3.5 billion
  11. Arnon Milchan: $3.3 billion
  12. Michael Federmann & family: $2.8 billion
  13. Adam Neumann: $2.2 billion
  14. Oren Zeev: $2.2 billion
  15. Shmuel Harlap: $2.2 billion
  16. David Wertheim: $2.2 billion
  17. Shlomo Kramer: $2.0 billion
  18. Liora Ofer: $1.6 billion
  19. Amnon Shashua: $1.5 billion
  20. Zadik Bino & family: $1.5 billion
  21. Mori Arkin: $1.5 billion
  22. Marius Nacht: $1.4 billion
  23. Ziv Aviram: $1.3 billion
  24. Danna Azrieli: $1.2 billion
  25. Drorit Wertheim: $1.2 billion

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