XGBoost Parameter Tuning | Complete Guide With Python Codes

 1 year ago
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If things don’t go your way in predictive modeling, use XGboost. XGBoost algorithm has become the ultimate weapon of many data scientists. It’s a highly sophisticated algorithm, powerful enough to deal with all sorts of irregularities of data. It uses parallel computation in which multiple decision trees are trained in parallel to find the final prediction.

XGBoost, machine learning, python

This article is best suited to people who are new to XGBoost. In this article, we’ll learn the art of XGBoost parameter tuning and XGBoost hyperparameter tuning along with some useful information about XGBoost. Also, we’ll practice this algorithm using a training data set in Python.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn what XGBoost is and what its advantages are.
  • Understand and implement different XGBoost through python code.

Are you a beginner in Machine Learning? Do you want to master the machine learning algorithms like Random Forest and XGBoost? Here is a comprehensive course covering machine learning and deep learning algorithms in detail –

Table of Contents

What Is XGBoost?

Building a machine learning model using XGBoost is easy. But, improving the model using XGBoost is difficult (at least I struggled a lot). This algorithm uses multiple parameters. To improve the model, parameter tuning is a must to get the best parameter values. It is very difficult to get answers to practical questions like – Which set of parameters should you fine-tune? What is the ideal value of these parameters to obtain optimal output?

XGBoost (eXtreme Gradient Boosting) is an advanced implementation of a gradient boosting algorithm. Since I covered Gradient Boosting Machine in detail in my previous article – Complete Guide to Parameter Tuning in Gradient Boosting (GBM) in Python, I highly recommend going through that before reading further. It will help you bolster your understanding of boosting in general and parameter tuning for GBM.

Sample Project to Apply XGBoost

Problem Statement

HR analytics is revolutionizing the way human resources departments operate, leading to higher efficiency and better results overall. Human resources have been using analytics for years.

However, the collection, processing, and analysis of data have been largely manual, and given the nature of human resources dynamics and HR KPIs, the approach has been constraining HR. Therefore, it is surprising that HR departments woke up to the utility of machine learning so late in the game. Here is an opportunity to try predictive analytics in identifying the employees most likely to get promoted.

Practice Now

Advantages of XGBoost

I’ve always admired the boosting capabilities that this algorithm infuses into a predictive model. When I explored more about its performance and the science behind its high accuracy, I discovered many advantages:

  • Regularization
    • Standard GBM implementation has no regularization like XGBoost; therefore, it also helps to reduce overfitting.
    • In fact, XGBoost is also known as a ‘regularized boosting‘ technique.
  • Parallel Processing
    • XGBoost implements parallel processing and is blazingly faster as compared to GBM.
    • But hang on, we know that boosting is a sequential process so how can it be parallelized? We know that each tree can be built only after the previous one, so what stops us from making a tree using all cores? I hope you get where I’m coming from. Check this link out to explore further.
    • XGBoost also supports implementation on Hadoop.
  • High Flexibility
    • XGBoost allows users to define custom optimization objectives and evaluation criteria.
    • This adds a whole new dimension to the model and there is no limit to what we can do.
  • Handling Missing Values
    • XGBoost has an in-built routine to handle missing values.
    • The user is required to supply a different value than other observations and pass that as a parameter. XGBoost tries different things as it encounters a missing value on each node and learns which path to take for missing values in the future.
  • Tree Pruning
    • A GBM would stop splitting a node when it encounters a negative loss in the split. Thus it is more of a greedy algorithm.
    • XGBoost, on the other hand, makes splits up to the max_depth specified and then starts pruning the tree backward and removing splits beyond which there is no positive gain.
    • Another advantage is that sometimes a split of negative loss, say -2, may be followed by a split of positive loss +10. GBM would stop as it encounters -2. But XGBoost will go deeper, and it will see a combined effect of +8 of the split and keep both.
  • Built-in Cross-Validation
    • XGBoost allows the user to run a cross-validation at each iteration of the boosting process and thus, it is easy to get the exact optimum number of boosting iterations in a single run.
    • This is unlike GBM, where we have to run a grid search, and only limited values can be tested.
  • Continue on the Existing Model
    • Users can start training an XGBoost model from its last iteration of the previous run. This can be of significant advantage in certain specific applications.
    • GBM implementation of sklearn also has this feature, so they are even on this point.

I hope now you understand the sheer power XGBoost algorithm. Note that these are the points that I could muster. Do you know a few more? Feel free to drop a comment below, and I will update the list.

Did I whet your appetite? Good. You can refer to the following web pages for a deeper understanding:

XGBoost Parameters

The overall parameters have been divided into 3 categories by XGBoost authors:

  1. General Parameters: Guide the overall functioning
  2. Booster Parameters: Guide the individual booster (tree/regression) at each step
  3. Learning Task Parameters: Guide the optimization performed

I will give analogies to GBM here and highly recommend reading this article to learn from the very basics.

General Parameters

These define the overall functionality of XGBoost.

  1. booster [default=gbtree]
    • Select the type of model to run at each iteration. It has 2 options:
      • gbtree: tree-based models
      • gblinear: linear models
  2. silent [default=0]
    • Silent mode is activated is set to 1, i.e., no running messages will be printed.
    • It’s generally good to keep it 0 as the messages might help in understanding the model.
  3. nthread [default to the maximum number of threads available if not set]
    • This is used for parallel processing, and the number of cores in the system should be entered
    • If you wish to run on all cores, the value should not be entered, and the algorithm will detect it automatically

There are 2 more parameters that are set automatically by XGBoost, and you need not worry about them. Let’s move on to Booster parameters.

Booster Parameters

Though there are 2 types of boosters, I’ll consider only tree booster here because it always outperforms the linear booster, and thus the latter is rarely used.

  1. eta [default=0.3]
    • Analogous to the learning rate in GBM
    • Makes the model more robust by shrinking the weights on each step
    • Typical final values to be used: 0.01-0.2
  2. min_child_weight [default=1]
    • Defines the minimum sum of weights of all observations required in a child.
    • This is similar to min_child_leaf in GBM but not exactly. This refers to the min “sum of weights” of observations, while GBM has the min “number of observations”.
    • Used to control over-fitting. Higher values prevent a model from learning relations that might be highly specific to the particular sample selected for a tree.
    • Too high values can lead to under-fitting; hence, it should be tuned using CV.
  3. max_depth [default=6]
    • The maximum depth of a tree is the same as GBM.
    • Used to control over-fitting as higher depth will allow the model to learn relations very specific to a particular sample.
    • It should be tuned using CV.
    • Typical values: 3-10
  4. max_leaf_nodes
    • The maximum number of terminal nodes or leaves in a tree.
    • It can be defined in place of max_depth. Since binary trees are created, a depth of ‘n’ would produce a maximum of 2^n leaves.
    • If this is defined, GBM will ignore max_depth.
  5. gamma [default=0]
    • A node is split only when the resulting split gives a positive reduction in the loss function. Gamma specifies the minimum loss reduction required to make a split.
    • Makes the algorithm conservative. The values can vary depending on the loss function and should be tuned.
  6. max_delta_step [default=0]
    • In the maximum delta step, we allow each tree’s weight estimation to be. If the value is set to 0, there is no constraint. If it is set to a positive value, it can help make the update step more conservative.
    • Usually, this parameter is not needed, but it might help in logistic regression when the class is extremely imbalanced.
    • This is generally not used, but you can explore further if you wish.
  7. subsample [default=1]
    • Same as the subsample of GBM. Denotes the fraction of observations to be random samples for each tree.
    • Lower values make the algorithm more conservative and prevent overfitting, but too small values might lead to under-fitting.
    • Typical values: 0.5-1
  8. colsample_bytree [default=1]
    • Similar to max_features in GBM. Denotes the fraction of columns to be random samples for each tree.
    • Typical values: 0.5-1
  9. colsample_bylevel [default=1]
    • Denotes the subsample ratio of columns for each split in each level.
    • I don’t use this often because subsample and colsample_bytree will do your job. but you can explore further if you feel so.
  10. lambda [default=1]
    • L2 regularization term on weights (analogous to Ridge regression)
    • This is used to handle the regularization part of XGBoost. Though many data scientists don’t use it often, it should be explored to reduce overfitting.
  11. alpha [default=0]
    • L1 regularization term on weight (analogous to Lasso regression)
    • It can be used in case of very high dimensionality so that the algorithm runs faster when implemented
  12. scale_pos_weight [default=1]
    • A value greater than 0 should be used in case of high-class imbalance as it helps in faster convergence.

Learning Task Parameters

These parameters are used to define the optimization objective and the metric to be calculated at each step.

  1. objective [default=reg:linear]
    • This defines the loss function to be minimized. Mostly used values are:
      • binary: logistic –logistic regression for binary classification returns predicted probability (not class)
      • multi: softmax –multiclass classification using the softmax objective, returns predicted class (not probabilities)
        • you also need to set an additional num_class (number of classes) parameter defining the number of unique classes
      • multi: softprob –same as softmax, but returns predicted probability of each data point belonging to each class.
  2. eval_metric [ default according to objective ]
    • The evaluation metrics are to be used for validation data.
    • The default values are rmse for regression and error for classification.
    • Typical values are:
      • rmse – root mean square error
      • mae – mean absolute error
      • logloss – negative log-likelihood
      • error – Binary classification error rate (0.5 thresholds)
      • merror – Multiclass classification error rate
      • mlogloss – Multiclass logloss
      • auc: Area under the curve
  3. seed [default=0]
    • The random number seed.
    • It can be used for generating reproducible results and also for parameter tuning.

If you’ve been using Scikit-Learn till now, these parameter names might not look familiar. The good news is that the xgboost module in python has an sklearn wrapper called XGBClassifier parameters. It uses the sklearn style naming convention. The parameters names that will change are:

  1. eta –> learning_rate
  2. lambda –> reg_lambda
  3. alpha –> reg_alpha

You must be wondering why we have defined everything except something similar to the “n_estimators” parameter in GBM. Well, this exists as a parameter in XGBClassifier. However, it has to be passed as “num_boosting_rounds” while calling the fit function in the standard xgboost implementation.

I recommend you go through the following parts of the xgboost guide to better understand the parameters and codes:

XGBoost Parameter Tuning With Example

We will take the data set from Data Hackathon 3.x AV hackathon, as taken in the GBM article. The details of the problem can be found on the competition page. You can download the data set from here. I have performed the following steps:

  1. The city variable dropped because of too many categories.
  2. DOB converted to Age | DOB dropped.
  3. EMI_Loan_Submitted_Missing created, which is 1 if EMI_Loan_Submitted was missing; else 0 | Original variable EMI_Loan_Submitted dropped.
  4. EmployerName dropped because of too many categories.
  5. Existing_EMI imputed with 0 (median) since only 111 values were missing.
  6. Interest_Rate_Missing created, which is 1 if Interest_Rate was missing; else 0 | Original variable Interest_Rate dropped.
  7. Lead_Creation_Date dropped because it made a little intuitive impact on the outcome.
  8. Loan_Amount_Applied, Loan_Tenure_Applied imputed with median values.
  9. Loan_Amount_Submitted_Missing created, which is 1 if Loan_Amount_Submitted was missing; else 0 | Original variable Loan_Amount_Submitted dropped.
  10. Loan_Tenure_Submitted_Missing created, which is 1 if Loan_Tenure_Submitted was missing; else 0 | Original variable Loan_Tenure_Submitted dropped.
  11. LoggedIn, Salary_Account dropped.
  12. Processing_Fee_Missing created, which is 1 if Processing_Fee was missing; else 0 | Original variable Processing_Fee dropped.
  13. Source – top 2 kept as is, and all others are combined into a different category.
  14. Numerical and One-Hot-Coding performed.

For those who have the original data from the competition, you can check out these steps from the data_preparation iPython notebook in the repository.

Let’s start by importing the required libraries and loading the data.

Python Code:


Note that I have imported 2 forms of XGBoost:

  1. xgb – this is the direct xgboost library. I will use a specific function, “cv” from this library
  2. XGBClassifier – this is an sklearn wrapper for XGBoost. This allows us to use sklearn’s Grid Search with parallel processing in the same way we did for GBM.

Before proceeding further, let’s define a function that will help us create XGBoost models and perform cross-validation. The best part is that you can take this function as it is and use it later for your own models.

def modelfit(alg, dtrain, predictors,useTrainCV=True, cv_folds=5, early_stopping_rounds=50):
    if useTrainCV:
        xgb_param = alg.get_xgb_params()
        xgtrain = xgb.DMatrix(dtrain[predictors].values, label=dtrain[target].values)
        cvresult = xgb.cv(xgb_param, xgtrain, num_boost_round=alg.get_params()['n_estimators'], nfold=cv_folds,
            metrics='auc', early_stopping_rounds=early_stopping_rounds, show_progress=False)
    #Fit the algorithm on the data
    alg.fit(dtrain[predictors], dtrain['Disbursed'],eval_metric='auc')
    #Predict training set:
    dtrain_predictions = alg.predict(dtrain[predictors])
    dtrain_predprob = alg.predict_proba(dtrain[predictors])[:,1]
    #Print model report:
    print "\nModel Report"
    print "Accuracy : %.4g" % metrics.accuracy_score(dtrain['Disbursed'].values, dtrain_predictions)
    print "AUC Score (Train): %f" % metrics.roc_auc_score(dtrain['Disbursed'], dtrain_predprob)
    feat_imp = pd.Series(alg.booster().get_fscore()).sort_values(ascending=False)
    feat_imp.plot(kind='bar', title='Feature Importances')
    plt.ylabel('Feature Importance Score')

This code is slightly different from what I used for GBM. The focus of this article is to cover the concepts and not coding. Please feel free to drop a note in the comments if you find any challenges in understanding any part of it. Note that xgboost’s sklearn wrapper doesn’t have a “feature_importances” metric but a get_fscore() function, which does the same job.

General Approach for Parameter Tuning

We will use an approach similar to that of GBM here. The various steps to be performed are:

  1. Choose a relatively high learning rate. Generally, a learning rate of 0.1 works, but somewhere between 0.05 to 0.3 should work for different problems. Determine the optimum number of trees for this learning rate. XGBoost has a very useful function called “cv” which performs cross-validation at each boosting iteration and thus returns the optimum number of trees required.
  2. Tune tree-specific parameters ( max_depth, min_child_weight, gamma, subsample, colsample_bytree) for the decided learning rate and the number of trees. Note that we can choose different parameters to define a tree, and I’ll take up an example here.
  3. Tune regularization parameters (lambda, alpha) for xgboost, which can help reduce model complexity and enhance performance.
  4. Lower the learning rate and decide the optimal parameters.

Let us look at a more detailed step-by-step approach.

Step 1: Fix the learning rate and number of estimators for tuning tree-based parameters.

In order to decide on boosting parameters, we need to set some initial values of other parameters. Let’s take the following values:

  1. max_depth = 5: This should be between 3-10. I’ve started with 5, but you can choose a different number as well. 4-6 can be good starting points.
  2. min_child_weight = 1: A smaller value is chosen because it is a highly imbalanced class problem, and leaf nodes can have smaller size groups.
  3. gamma = 0: A smaller value like 0.1-0.2 can also be chosen for starting. This will, anyways, be tuned later.
  4. subsample, colsample_bytree = 0.8: This is a commonly used start value. Typical values range between 0.5-0.9.
  5. scale_pos_weight = 1: Because of high-class imbalance.

Please note that all the above are just initial estimates and will be tuned later. Let’s take the default learning rate of 0.1 here and check the optimum number of trees using the cv function of xgboost. The function defined above will do it for us.

#Choose all predictors except target & IDcols
predictors = [x for x in train.columns if x not in [target, IDcol]]
xgb1 = XGBClassifier(
 learning_rate =0.1,
 objective= 'binary:logistic',
modelfit(xgb1, train, predictors)

XGBoost, parameters, boosting, sklearn

As you can see that here we got 140 as the optimal estimator for a 0.1 learning rate. Note that this value might be too high for you depending on your system’s power. In that case, you can increase the learning rate and re-run the command to get the reduced number of estimators.

Note: You will see the test AUC as “AUC Score (Test)” in the outputs here. But this would not appear if you try to run the command on your system as the data is not made public. It’s provided here just for reference. The part of the code which generates this output has been removed here.
Step 2: Tune max_depth and min_child_weight.

We tune these first as they will have the highest impact on the model outcome. To start with, let’s set wider ranges, and then we will perform another iteration for smaller ranges.

Important Note: I’ll be doing some heavy-duty grid searches in this section, which can take 15-30 mins or even more time to run, depending on your system. You can vary the number of values you are testing based on what your system can handle.

param_test1 = {
gsearch1 = GridSearchCV(estimator = XGBClassifier( learning_rate =0.1, n_estimators=140, max_depth=5,
 min_child_weight=1, gamma=0, subsample=0.8, colsample_bytree=0.8,
 objective= 'binary:logistic', nthread=4, scale_pos_weight=1, seed=27), 
 param_grid = param_test1, scoring='roc_auc',n_jobs=4,iid=False, cv=5)
gsearch1.grid_scores_, gsearch1.best_params_, gsearch1.best_score_

XGBoost, parameter tuning, python

Here, we have run 12 combinations with wider intervals between values. The ideal values are 5 for max_depth and 5 for min_child_weight. Let’s go one step deeper and look for optimum values. We’ll search for values 1 above and below the optimum values because we took an interval of two.

param_test2 = {
gsearch2 = GridSearchCV(estimator = XGBClassifier( learning_rate=0.1, n_estimators=140, max_depth=5,
 min_child_weight=2, gamma=0, subsample=0.8, colsample_bytree=0.8,
 objective= 'binary:logistic', nthread=4, scale_pos_weight=1,seed=27), 
 param_grid = param_test2, scoring='roc_auc',n_jobs=4,iid=False, cv=5)
gsearch2.grid_scores_, gsearch2.best_params_, gsearch2.best_score_

XGBoost, parameter tuning, python

Here, we get the optimum values as 4 for max_depth and 6 for min_child_weight. Also, we can see the CV score increasing slightly. Note that as the model performance increases, it becomes exponentially difficult to achieve even marginal gains in performance. You would have noticed that here we got 6 as the optimum value for min_child_weight, but we haven’t tried values more than 6. We can do that as follow:

param_test2b = {
gsearch2b = GridSearchCV(estimator = XGBClassifier( learning_rate=0.1, n_estimators=140, max_depth=4,
 min_child_weight=2, gamma=0, subsample=0.8, colsample_bytree=0.8,
 objective= 'binary:logistic', nthread=4, scale_pos_weight=1,seed=27), 
 param_grid = param_test2b, scoring='roc_auc',n_jobs=4,iid=False, cv=5)
modelfit(gsearch3.best_estimator_, train, predictors)
gsearch2b.grid_scores_, gsearch2b.best_params_, gsearch2b.best_score_

xgboost, parameter tuning

We see 6 as the optimal value.

Step 3: Tune gamma.

Now let’s tune the gamma value using the parameters already tuned above. Gamma can take various values, but I’ll check for 5 values here. You can go into more precise values.

param_test3 = {
 'gamma':[i/10.0 for i in range(0,5)]
gsearch3 = GridSearchCV(estimator = XGBClassifier( learning_rate =0.1, n_estimators=140, max_depth=4,
 min_child_weight=6, gamma=0, subsample=0.8, colsample_bytree=0.8,
 objective= 'binary:logistic', nthread=4, scale_pos_weight=1,seed=27), 
 param_grid = param_test3, scoring='roc_auc',n_jobs=4,iid=False, cv=5)
gsearch3.grid_scores_, gsearch3.best_params_, gsearch3.best_score_

parameter tuning, gamma

This shows that our original value of gamma, i.e., 0 is the optimum one. Before proceeding, a good idea would be to re-calibrate the number of boosting rounds for the updated parameters.

xgb2 = XGBClassifier(
 learning_rate =0.1,
 objective= 'binary:logistic',
modelfit(xgb2, train, predictors)

xgboost, parameter tuning

Here, we can see the improvement in score. So the final parameters are:

  • max_depth: 4
  • min_child_weight: 6
  • gamma: 0

Step 4: Tune subsample and colsample_bytree

The next step would be to try different subsample and colsample_bytree values. Let’s do this in 2 stages as well and take values 0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9 for both to start with.

param_test4 = {
 'subsample':[i/10.0 for i in range(6,10)],
 'colsample_bytree':[i/10.0 for i in range(6,10)]
gsearch4 = GridSearchCV(estimator = XGBClassifier( learning_rate =0.1, n_estimators=177, max_depth=4,
 min_child_weight=6, gamma=0, subsample=0.8, colsample_bytree=0.8,
 objective= 'binary:logistic', nthread=4, scale_pos_weight=1,seed=27), 
 param_grid = param_test4, scoring='roc_auc',n_jobs=4,iid=False, cv=5)
gsearch4.grid_scores_, gsearch4.best_params_, gsearch4.best_score_


Here, we found 0.8 as the optimum value for both subsample and colsample_bytree. Now we should try values in 0.05 intervals around these.

param_test5 = {
 'subsample':[i/100.0 for i in range(75,90,5)],
 'colsample_bytree':[i/100.0 for i in range(75,90,5)]
gsearch5 = GridSearchCV(estimator = XGBClassifier( learning_rate =0.1, n_estimators=177, max_depth=4,
 min_child_weight=6, gamma=0, subsample=0.8, colsample_bytree=0.8,
 objective= 'binary:logistic', nthread=4, scale_pos_weight=1,seed=27), 
 param_grid = param_test5, scoring='roc_auc',n_jobs=4,iid=False, cv=5)


Again we got the same values as before. Thus the optimum values are:

  • subsample: 0.8
  • colsample_bytree: 0.8

Step 5: Tuning regularization parameters

The next step is to apply regularization to reduce overfitting. However, many people don’t use this parameter much as gamma provides a substantial way of controlling complexity. But we should always try it. I’ll tune the ‘reg_alpha’ value here and leave it up to you to try different values of ‘reg_lambda’.

param_test6 = {
 'reg_alpha':[1e-5, 1e-2, 0.1, 1, 100]
gsearch6 = GridSearchCV(estimator = XGBClassifier( learning_rate =0.1, n_estimators=177, max_depth=4,
 min_child_weight=6, gamma=0.1, subsample=0.8, colsample_bytree=0.8,
 objective= 'binary:logistic', nthread=4, scale_pos_weight=1,seed=27), 
 param_grid = param_test6, scoring='roc_auc',n_jobs=4,iid=False, cv=5)
gsearch6.grid_scores_, gsearch6.best_params_, gsearch6.best_score_

tuning, regularization parameters

We can see that the CV score is less than in the previous case. But the values tried are very widespread. We should try values closer to the optimum here (0.01) to see if we get something better.

param_test7 = {
 'reg_alpha':[0, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05]
gsearch7 = GridSearchCV(estimator = XGBClassifier( learning_rate =0.1, n_estimators=177, max_depth=4,
 min_child_weight=6, gamma=0.1, subsample=0.8, colsample_bytree=0.8,
 objective= 'binary:logistic', nthread=4, scale_pos_weight=1,seed=27), 
 param_grid = param_test7, scoring='roc_auc',n_jobs=4,iid=False, cv=5)
gsearch7.grid_scores_, gsearch7.best_params_, gsearch7.best_score_

tuning, regularization parameters

You can see that we got a better CV. Now we can apply this regularization in the model and look at the impact:

xgb3 = XGBClassifier(
 learning_rate =0.1,
 objective= 'binary:logistic',
modelfit(xgb3, train, predictors)

xgboost, parameter tuning

Again we can see a slight improvement in the score.

Step 6: Reducing the learning rate

Lastly, we should lower the learning rate and add more trees. Let’s use the cv function of XGBoost to do the job again.

xgb4 = XGBClassifier(
 learning_rate =0.01,
 objective= 'binary:logistic',
modelfit(xgb4, train, predictors)

xgboost, learning rate

Here is a live coding window where you can try different parameters and test the results.


Now we can see a significant boost in performance, and the effect of parameter tuning is clearer.

As we come to an end, I would like to share 2 key thoughts:

  1. It is difficult to get a very big leap in performance by just using parameter tuning or slightly better models. The max score for GBM was 0.8487, while XGBoost gave 0.8494. This is a decent improvement but not something very substantial.
  2. A significant jump can be obtained by other methods like feature engineering, creating an ensemble of models, stacking, etc.

You can also download the iPython notebook with all these model codes from my GitHub account. For codes in R, you can refer to this article.


This tutorial was based on developing an XGBoost machine learning model end-to-end. We started by discussing why XGBoost has superior performance over GBM, which was followed by a detailed discussion of the various parameters involved. We also defined a generic function that you can reuse for making models. Finally, we discussed the general approach towards tackling a problem with XGBoost and also worked out the AV Data Hackathon 3.x problem through that approach.

I hope you found this useful and that now you feel more confident to apply XGBoost in solving a data science problem. You can try this out in our upcoming hackathons.

Key Takeaways

  • XGBoost is a powerful machine-learning algorithm, especially where speed and accuracy are concerned.
  • We need to consider different parameters and their values to be specified while implementing an XGBoost model.
  • The XGBoost model requires parameter tuning to improve and fully leverage its advantages over other algorithms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the XGBoost parameters?

A. XGBoost parameters can be broadly classified into three categories:

  1. General Parameters: These parameters control the overall behavior of the XGBoost.It includes parameters like seed for random number generation, objective function to be optimized, etc.
  2. Booster parameters: These parameters control the gradient boosting algorithm, such as the type of booster to use, the learning rate, and the number of trees to build for parallel computation.
  3. Learning task parameters: These parameters control how XGBoost handles specific learning tasks. Examples of learning task parameters include the evaluation metric, the scale of the target, and the evaluation set.

Q2. What are the most common mistakes in XGBoost Hyperparameter tuning?

A. Overfitting, underfitting, choosing the wrong objective function, ignoring the interaction between different hyperparameters of XGBoost, and not using early stop or cross-validation to avoid overfitting are some of the most common mistakes in XGBoost Hyperparameter tuning.

Q3. Where is xgboost used?

A. XGBoost is a supervised machine-learning model used for both regression and classification problems. It is widely used in Kaggle, NLP, Recommendation systems, etc.


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