GitHub - Morglod/tseep: Fastest event emitter in the world

 1 year ago
source link: https://github.com/Morglod/tseep
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Because there are N fastest event emitters. And we are fastest (feb 2023) smirk.

Up to x12 faster than eventemitter3 in terms of "classic api event emitters" (currently fastest for not classic too).

  • Fully typed args of emit method based on events map
  • Fully implements NodeJS.EventEmitter type & standart, provides interface
  • Worlds fastest pure-js EventEmitter`
  • Fully tested with eventemitter3 tests

PS Uses eval for runtime codegenerations;
dont afraid it, all js engines use it lol.

how it works



tseep x            40,569,711 ops/sec  <---
EventEmitter1 x     4,498,223 ops/sec
EventEmitter2 x     4,536,296 ops/sec
EventEmitter3 x     5,852,395 ops/sec
fastemitter x       6,127,215 ops/sec
event-emitter x     3,449,595 ops/sec
contra/emitter x    2,186,002 ops/sec
tsee x              5,231,167 ops/sec
emitix x            6,549,983 ops/sec 
Fastest is [ 'tseep' ]


Make an issue to include yours event emitter, lets find the fastest!

Install & use

npm i tseep

Simple usage:

import { EventEmitter } from "tseep";

const events = new EventEmitter<{
    foo: (a: number, b: string) => void;

// foo's arguments is fully type checked
events.emit("foo", 123, "hello world");

EventEmitter<T> where T extends { [eventName]: Call signature }.

EventEmitter.emit's args is fully typed based on events map.

!! __proto__ event name is restricted (type guard exists) !!


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Joyk means Joy of geeK