Netflix's cheapest plan is now available on Apple TV

 1 year ago
source link: https://appleinsider.com/articles/23/03/30/netflixs-cheapest-plan-is-now-available-on-apple-tv?
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Find Netflix Basic on Apple TV


Months after its launch, Netflix's ad-supported plan has finally made it to the Apple TV with limited quality and streaming.

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said about 1 hour ago
jcs2305 said:
Appleish said:
Twenty bucks for 4K while other streaming services include it in their basic plan. What a ripoff.
$20.00 for 4k and 4 streams that they don't want to share... it's a joke.

Did you not understand the consequences of sharing passwords with others that aren't authorized or sending copies of software not licensed to others? 

Companies are fed up with losing revenues as a result of that kind of illegal activities. That's why nowadays we are requiring that if they want to use software or services, they must be online and activate it (when in the old days, we could easily make copies) and now we're doing the same with illegal password sharing activities requiring that every device be registered and authorized. 


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