X.org vulnerability and releases

 1 year ago
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X.org vulnerability and releases [LWN.net]

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X.org vulnerability and releases

[Posted March 30, 2023 by jake]
The X.Org project has announced a vulnerability in its X server and Xwayland (CVE-2023-1393).
This issue can lead to local privileges elevation on systems where the X server is running privileged and remote code execution for ssh X forwarding sessions.

[...] If a client explicitly destroys the compositor overlay window (aka COW), the Xserver would leave a dangling pointer to that window in the CompScreen structure, which will trigger a use-after-free later.

That has led to the release of xorg-server 21.1.8, xwayland 22.1.9, and xwayland 23.1.1.

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