Gurman: iOS 17 was intended as a bug fix release, but plans changed to include s...

 1 year ago
source link: https://9to5mac.com/2023/03/26/gurman-ios-17-nice-to-have-features/
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Gurman: iOS 17 was intended as a bug fix release, but plans changed to include some ‘nice to have’ features


In the latest edition of his Power On newsletter, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman reports that iOS 17 was originally destined to be a release focused on bug fixes and performance, and not so much new features. (Gurman previously said that work on the Apple Reality headset operating system had taken priority over iOS 17 feature development.)

However, Gurman says that the strategy deviated from the original plan and iOS 17 will now have some notable new features.

Gurman says that iOS 17 will include several “nice to have” features that are intended to address some of the most-requested features from users. However, specifics on what features that includes were not reported. iOS 17 is internally codenamed ‘Dawn’.

Apple will officially announce iOS 17 at WWDC in June, as well as other major OS versions like watchOS 10, tvOS 17 and macOS 14. We also expect that WWDC will be the venue where Apple unveils the long-gestating headset project — which will run ‘xrOS’ — for the first time.

In today’s newsletter, Gurman said that the headset was internally demoed to Apple executives at Steve Jobs Theater last week, another indication that the project is nearing its public outing.

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