Framework's First Gaming Laptop Features Upgradeable GPUs, Swappable Keyboards -...

 1 year ago
source link: https://hardware.slashdot.org/story/23/03/23/2023231/frameworks-first-gaming-laptop-features-upgradeable-gpus-swappable-keyboards
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Framework's First Gaming Laptop Features Upgradeable GPUs, Swappable Keyboards

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An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: Framework has delivered on the promise of its original 13-inch laptop. Three product generations in, the company has made a respectable competitor for the Dell XPS 13 or MacBook Air that can be repaired, modified, and upgraded, and owners of the original laptop can easily give themselves a significant performance boost by upgrading to the new 13th-generation Intel or AMD Ryzen-based boards the company announced today. Framework is now looking to build on that track record with an all-new Framework Laptop 16. It's a larger-screened model that can fit more powerful processors, dedicated GPUs, and a range of different keyboard modules, all with the same commitment to repairability and upgradeability seen in the original Framework Laptop (now retroactively dubbed the Framework Laptop 13).

Framework isn't discussing many details yet; preorders won't open until "this spring," and shipments won't begin until "late 2023." Today, the company provided a preview of the laptop's features, along with developer documentation to encourage the creation of new Input Modules -- components that allow for keyboard customization much like the current Expansion Card system allows for port customization.
  • Where I live there's always the choice of French, German or Swiss-French keyboards, they switch if for you if there's no a pre-made one ready that you want.

    Since there are dozens of different keyboards in the world, it would be stupid not to make them swappable.

      • Re:

        older laptops it was fairly easy for a tech to swap keyboarrds, I dont think the intent was for joe blow just to swap them out for a lark though. I had a pentium and a couple older machines where it was "slide this case plastic out and it was 1 flat flex cable" and one of the last one's ive seen is my old i5 dell at work, which is still kicking around monitoring machines.

        It has 2 or 3 tabs (been a while since I took it out, got rained on in a nasty storm blowing a hole in the roof) if you look unde

        • Re:

          Most keyboards are swappable these days as well. In fact, most keyboards the only change is the keycaps. Especially with the use of chiclet keyboards where the top case has holes for all the keys, you don't want to have a different top case design that changes with the keyboard layout. So instead they just print different keycaps and stick them on the same circuit board for the keyboard. Then alter a few bits in a configuration ROM so it picks the keyboard layout in the BIOS and you're done.

          There are a few

      • Re:

        I owned a Toshiba laptop whose keyboard was literally attached with double-sided tape, and simply removing the keyboard once meant it had to be replaced entirely. As I learned when I had my laptop serviced and they re-used the same keyboard, which was no longer properly secured and made lots of crinkly noises. Other companies like Apple route the keyboard layout into the metal chassis.

    • Apple notebooks have the keyboard riveted to the top case, so replacing it or changing the layout requires the entire top case to be replaced. This wasn't always the case - iBook keyboards used to be replaceable with no disassembly required and with just a small blade screwdriver to release the catch.

      Dell Latitude keyboards are usually replaceable, but it requires you to remove the battery, SSD and a few other things before you can unplug the cables, before you release the catches from the top and remove t

    • Re:

      Not anymore.

      My wife's old laptop developed an issue with the Enter key (a Lenovo, yes that brand with the soldered RAM). After researching how to fix this, we decided to get a new laptop (that was old anyway), install Chrome on the older one, and use it for the kids. (they type much less).

      You have to take the entire thing apart before you can reach the keyboard, including all connections that come to the motherboard (screen, battery, wireless antenna, and many more), and hope to put it back together correct

  • 1. Touchpads are gamer unfriendly, whereas Thinkpad style nipples are actually usable in that context. Do they offer that?

    2. Are we talking about eleventeen backlight color combinations for these keyboards, or do they offer a cheap, Chromebook/MacBook style, keyboard for people who don't do anything other than browse the web and show people their laptops in coffee bars, and a real, Thinkpad style, keyboard for people who actually have to type more than "h t t p colon slash slash porn hub dot com"?

    • Re:

      Considering Framework tends to publish all the information (including CAD models) required for anybody to produce parts for their laptops, even if they don't make a keyboard with a mouse nipple, that's not stopping anybody else from doing so.

      People who are buying a 16" gaming laptop are probably not the same market as people who want a cheap keyboard for coffee shops. The 13" model is probably better suited for that.

    • Re:

      There wasn't a nipple mouse in the past, which is the only part of the hardware that somewhat annoys me. Otherwise, I'm a happy owner of a 1st gen Framework.
  • If I didn't need OS X for work I'd buy one.
    • Re:

      Are you working in a Hollywood studio movie or something?/s

  • I'll be pre-ordering the AMD model, but if they just had those four keys it would be my perfect laptop rather than merely a very good laptop.

    There's not really a lot of unused room on the 13" model but I want those keys anyway.

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