SAP Document and Reporting Compliance: Pending Documents Feature in Receiver Ack...

 1 year ago
source link: https://blogs.sap.com/2023/03/23/sap-document-and-reporting-compliance-pending-documents-feature-in-receiver-acknowledgment-process/
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March 23, 2023 1 minute read

SAP Document and Reporting Compliance: Pending Documents Feature in Receiver Acknowledgment Process

Hi everyone,

The inbound invoicing option for Brazil team would like to share with you the Pending Documents feature, which is now available in the Receiver Acknowledgment process.


A cloud and files in a banner. The text includes SAP Document and Reporting Compliance: Pending Documents

For a step-by-step guide on how to activate the Receiver Acknowledgement process, refer to Activating Receiver Acknowledgment.

What does the Pending Documents feature do?

This feature enables you to display documents in the Pending Documents report when the documents haven’t been created in the back-end system, due to an issue. The Pending Documents report also displays the reason the document cannot be created.

How can you use the Pending Documents report?

If your documents were not created in the backend system by the Retrieve report, you’ll receive a message explaining the reason. You can access the Pending Documents report for a list of pending documents on the result screen. Then, you can decide which documents to create or remove.

You can perform the following actions to create these documents in the eDocument Cockpit:

  1. Select at least one document.
  2. Choose “Create eDocument” in your eDocument Cockpit monitor.

If you need to remove a pending document, choose the “Delete” option.

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Thank you and until next time,


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