SAP BW/4 HANA PRD namespace

 1 year ago
source link: https://answers.sap.com/questions/13844844/sap-bw4-hana-prd-namespace.html
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3 days ago

SAP BW/4 HANA PRD namespace


for our setup, we want the BW productive system to be set as not modifiable (no changing of objects, no local objects). HOWEVER for certain objects we want to turn local objects on:

Query elements in a certain namespace (e.g. Y_)

Is there any way you can think of to reach this configuration? Maybe not in this exact way but as close as possible?


2 Answers
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David .

Yes, it is possible to configure the BW system such that certain objects are modifiable, while others are not.

For example, you can use the authorization object S_RS_AUTH to set up authorization checks for certain objects, such as DTPs and query elements in a certain namespace. This authorization object can be used to give certain users or roles the authorization to modify these objects.

It is also possible to use the authorization object S_RS_COMP to configure the authorization for local objects. You can set up the authorization to allow certain users or roles to create, change, or delete local objects.

Finally, you can configure the system to allow only certain users or roles to activate objects. This can be done using the authorization object S_RS_ACTIV.

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