Google raises the price of YouTube TV from $64.99 to $72.99 a month

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/google-raises-the-price-of-youtube-tv-from-6499-to-7299-a-month/
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Google raises the price of YouTube TV from $64.99 to $72.99 a month


After over two and a half years, Google is raising the price of its YouTube TV internet television service, and in a big way. In a post on the YouTube TV Twitter feed, the company announced that the basic price will be going up from $64.99 a month to $72.99 a month.

The price hike will go into effect immediately for new subscribers, and current users will see the price go up starting on April 18. If you subscribe to the service via Google Play, the price hike will start on or after June 15, 2023.

Google stated the reason for the price increase on a support page:

As content costs have risen and we continue to invest in the quality of our service, we’re updating our price to keep bringing you the best possible TV experience.

There's no change in the number of channels or services that YouTube TV will offer at its base price. The good news is that its 4K Plus add-on service, which increases the resolution to 4K on some of its channels and on-demand content, is actually going down, from $19.99 a month to just $9.99 a month. If you already subscribed to both, that means your bill will actually be going down a bit.

Google announced earlier this week it has started an early access test of its Multiview feature, which will allow YouTube TV users to stream up to four channels on one display at the same time.

Source: Google

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