Waze makes it easy to find EV charging stations

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.cultofmac.com/809291/waze-finds-ev-charging-stations/
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Waze makes it easy to find EV charging stations

Waze makes it easy to find EV charging stations

Stop hunting for EV charging stations and start finding them.
Photo: Google/Cult of Mac

A new feature in Waze hopes to remove one of the hassles of driving an electric vehicle: finding charging stations. Tell the navigation app some spaces about your car and it’ll show you compatible spots to juice up along your route.

The feature is rolling out now to all versions of the app, including iPhone.

Use Waze and stop hunting for electric vehicle charging stations

In the early stages of introducing any new product category, competitors don’t want to cooperate on common standards. EVs are no different, which is why drivers are forced to hunt for charging stations that fit their vehicle.

“Charging station information is often inconsistent, outdated or unreliable, creating a major pain point for EV drivers who may navigate to a charging station only to discover they can’t find it or use it,” notes Google on the official Waze blog.

But Waze will help. “You’ll be able to enter your electric vehicle (EV) car and plug type into the Waze app to find relevant EV charging stations along your route,” says the app’s developer. It promises the data will be kept updated by its community of users.

Google says, “This feature will roll out globally over the coming weeks.”

Waze is available in the App Store. It’s free to download and use. Just be aware, as a Google app it collects as much user information as possible, including financial information and search history.

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