Dan Ports: "This is your periodic reminder…" - Mastodon

 1 year ago
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Dan Ports: "This is your periodic reminder…"

@dan this is breaking my brain worse than when I tried to parse HTML with regular expressions.

@wviechtb @brendan @dan That post is peak Stack Overflow.

Question: How can I write a regex for this regular language (loosely related to, but not actually HTML)?

All the top answers: HTML isn't a regular grammar, it can't be done!

@dan this is truly one of the most perfect exhibitions of human nature that ever happened

@dan oh god, lol, lmao

Did you see the audiophile SSD that made the rounds a couple years ago? They said it sounded best with the OS loaded onto it and music on a different drive entirely.

@dan @ieure This kind of thing makes me wish I didn't have a conscience.

@drwho @dan You'd be using rich dipshits' money to create blue-collar manufacturing jobs. Seems like a win/win to me.

@ieure @drwho @dan everyone knows that memmove has a warmer vintage sound, though.

@steve @ieure @dan If you can't hear it by disconnecting your speakers and tuning an AM radio across the room, it's crap.

@steve @ieure @drwho @dan memcpy is already implemented. blue collar jobs copying it to vinyl install disks.

@steve @ieure @drwho @dan I prefer bespoke British memcpy for pop, but Italian artisanal memcpy for classical music.

@drwho @dan @ieure I'm sure enough people would pay for an audiophile grade browser (it was written by tibettan monks using programming knowledge lost for 1000 years and validated in a 100% oxygen free enironment. £10,000 a copy. Looking like a reskinned chrome is coincidence).

@f4grx @syklemil @dan @ieure wait, putting everything in this thread together, let's shed our consciences and manufacture TOSLINK cables with gold plated connectors _and_ ferrites. It, um, "conditions the optical flow for reduced decoherence"! Only $299 for a 1m cable with free prime shipping!

@dave_andersen @f4grx @syklemil @dan See, keeping a straight face while trotting out this nonsense is the thing I'd really struggle with.

@dan @ieure I knew about the audiophile LAN cables but this is truly something else. Wow. And this thing has won awards! Check out this utterly mad review of the thing

WOJCIECH PACUŁA We are after the listening session. Just to be clear - the only element that has been changed in the system was replacing router with your switch in the job of switching signal between the Fidata server and the Lumin T1 file player. MARCIN OSTAPOWICZ In technical terms, the change is that with the switch we have significantly less signal interference. There are higher quality wordclocks inside, so the signal has simply a better timing. And it doesn't even take an afford to hear the difference. Yes, it takes no more than two seconds. Im not sure if my interpretation is correct, but two things have changed for me: first of all, the sound has become more 'present!. Before it was not bad at all, would even say it was very good, but with the switch it got rid of some haze, it was a bit like changed from listening to music from Tidal to listening to it from local disc. Am right? Yes, I agree. It seems to me that with the switch everything sounded in a more orderly way, it was better controlled and more resolving. I think that there was just more sound. The sound was
With the 2Cello duo recordings, the switch probably did the most good work, because it finally sounded interesting. Yes, it was a badly recorded disc, and the switch made it

@dan switched from std::memcpy to Monster’s $60 gold-plated one and I can definitely hear a difference

@chtzvt @dan Just wait until you switch from a modern "transistor" CPU to a real computer that uses tubes for processing. Much warmer sound.

@ed1conf @chtzvt @dan mainframe sounding so warm you can heat your house with it

@chtzvt @dan You need to combine that with a pure gold optical cable to connect to your DAC for maximum digital edge purity and lag-jitter-minimization.

@dan from a reply later in that thread:

“I have found the best sound is an infinite goto loop with it throwing an exception after it reads beyond the end of the buffer, I set exceptions off so it doesn't crash the program. “

I can’t stop laughing 😀😀😀

@dan @hazel that makes monster cable seem less stupid. Still stupid though.

@dan @donmelton
Almost as good as the mental gymnastics when someone needs a Yamaha CL5 mixing console cause of the pre-amps but they are using wireless microphones…….

@dan TIL audiophilia = mysticism.
It’s reminiscent of homeopathic infinite dilution of some substance or another. But it’s even more baseless.

@RustedComputing @dan every hobby with a technical aspect has a "woo-woo" subgroup like this. Audiophiles mostly aren't like that, but boy are their woo subgroups noisy in comparison to a lot of other hobbies.

@dan More and more, I'm thinking the whole audiophile community is a trolling competition that got way out of hand.

@ricci @FritzAdalis @dan This reminds me of when I was taking music production in the early 90s and people claimed that vinyl was better than CDs because vinyl captured the frequencies over 100kHz which gives music its flavour and colour.

@gwozniak @FritzAdalis @dan The 'SSD for music' linked elsewhere in this thread actually claims that it makes your bits sound more like vinyl 🤦‍♂️

@gwozniak @ricci @FritzAdalis @dan

Tell that to anyone who had a CD-4 quad setup. 45 kHz audio subcarrier with 15 kHz deviation, typically half-speed mastered in order to get to that point, you needed a special Shibata stylus to get enough response at those frequencies to recover it, and it would wear right off the groove after 10 or so plays.

@ricci @FritzAdalis @dan Wow. I just had an idea. What about an NFT that contains a code (the name of the song, I guess) that you save to a file and place in the same directory as the music files, which will improve the sound quality of the music.

Imagine the profit. You'll sell an NFT per song. Then you'll have people buying the NFT from eachother because only one person at a time can own the quality-improving NFT.

Like @drwho I've come to the realisation that if I didn't have any morals, I'd be rich.

@loke @FritzAdalis @dan @drwho This is the most evilly plausible moneymaking scheme I have ever heard of. This could be huge. Like "exceeding the GDP of small countries" huge.
Perhaps this could be used for good, by having the payments for these things go directly to the artists?

@ricci @FritzAdalis @dan @drwho Yeah. Someone should do it that way, if for no other reason than to stop people from profiting from it.

@dan it's the undefined behavior that provides a subtle frisson. audio code in Rust just sounds more boring, this is all provable

@regehr @dan keep talking shit about rust and I'll provide some unsubtle frisson 😡

@regehr @dan I like my memcpy like I like my speaker cables: hand-assembled.

No two binaries alike; order your artisanal glibc packages today!

@uberduck @regehr @dan Hmm, did you work for my company under a different name? 'Cuz that sounds totally on brand for someone I knew.


@federicomena i dont know if i should've tagged you at the Rust jokes, but by this point…I gotta.

@regehr @dan to be fair, UB can, in theory, make your music sound better. It won't, but it can.

@sophieschmieg @regehr @dan Apologies for the lack of alt text, I don’t seem to have the option to edit it in (maybe because I used the edit function to add the picture?)

The picture depicts a bugfuck-bonkers scene with orange sky, flying unicorn and disembodied mouths and eyes. It’s meant to convey the kinds of things that could happen if you allow UB.

@dan Oh, there’s no end to them. Oxygen-free copper *USB* cables… Noughtier noughts, oneier ones! Analog numbers! I guess we should be glad their gullibiity doesn’t translate into anything more dangerous than listening to the sound of empty wallets.

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