Apple cloud chief Abbott to step down in April, adding to wave of high-level dep...

 1 year ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2023/03/03/apple-cloud-chief-abbott-to-step-down-in-april-adding-to-wave-of-high-level-departures/
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Apple cloud chief Abbott to step down in April, adding to wave of high-level departures

Friday, March 3, 2023 3:58 pm2 Comments

Michael Abbott, Apple’s top executive in charge of cloud initiatives is leaving the company in April, adding to a wave of recent departures.


Mark Gurman for Bloomberg News:

Abbott will be the second top lieutenant to services chief Eddy Cue to leave this year, joining a growing list of company vice presidents who have departed the iPhone maker in late 2022 and early 2023.

As Apple’s vice president of cloud engineering, he’s in charge of the iCloud.com service, iCloud Mail and new features like iCloud data encryption. He also runs the company’s platform that powers iCloud, key communication services, the Find My feature and Emergency SOS on iPhones.

The executive is one of a handful of Cue’s direct reports, a list that includes the heads of Apple TV+ content, music, financial services, maps, advertising and productivity apps. He also runs CloudKit, a service that developers can use to power third-party apps, and software offerings for both education and enterprise users. And he’s in charge of privacy and security engineering for Apple’s services.

Abbott’s responsibilities will be taken over by Jeff Robbin, who is regarded as one of Apple’s most senior engineering leaders and credited with creating iTunes. Robbin has long managed engineering for several services offerings under Cue.

MacDailyNews Take: Good luck in your future endeavors, Mr. Abbott. Onward and upward, Apple!

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