Apple crackdown on ChatGPT apps unlikely, but new App Store rules likely forthco...

 1 year ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2023/03/03/apple-crackdown-on-chatgpt-apps-unlikely-but-new-app-store-rules-likely-forthcoming/
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Apple crackdown on ChatGPT apps unlikely, but new App Store rules likely forthcoming

Friday, March 3, 2023 5:12 pm1 Comment

ChatGPT AI-powered features are already being distributed through Apple’s App Store, in the likes of Snapchat and the Microsoft Bing app, currently. However, the App Store Guidelines, a document that outlines what Apple permits on the App Store, are likely to be amended with chatbot language.

App Store

Blix recently clashed with Apple over an AI-powered update to its BlueMail email app, but that does not mean an Apple App Store ban or crackdown is imminent.

Kif Leswing for CNBC:

Apple said that without content filtering, the Blue Mail chatbot could produce words that aren’t appropriate for children, and the email app would have to raise its recommended age to 17 and up… Regardless, the Blue Mail episode isn’t a sign of an impending Apple crackdown on AI apps.

There is no formal AI or chatbot policy in Apple’s App Store Guidelines, a document that outlines what Apple permits on the App Store. Apple has employees in a department called App Review load up and briefly use all apps and updates before it approves them.

Apple could add AI-specific guidelines in the future. For crypto apps, for example, Apple explicitly introduced a section about cryptocurrency in the guidelines allowing wallet apps and banning on-device mining in a 2018 update. Apple introduced new rules about NFTs last year. The company often releases updates to its guidelines in June and October.

MacDailyNews Take: We’ll let ChatGPT speak for itself:

As an AI language model, ChatGPT is designed to generate human-like responses to user queries. However, its responses are based on the data it was trained on, which includes text from various sources on the internet. This means that some of the responses generated by ChatGPT may include explicit or mature language or content that may not be suitable for younger audiences.

As a responsible company, Apple may choose to limit access to apps that contain potentially inappropriate content to users below a certain age. This is done to protect minors from exposure to content that may not be suitable for their age or may be harmful to their development. By implementing age restrictions, Apple is able to provide a safer and more secure environment for users of all ages. – ChatGPT

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