Goldman Sachs Head of Digital Assets on Investing and Future of Crypto

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.businessinsider.com/goldman-sachs-head-of-digital-assets-investing-future-of-crypto-2023-3
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Goldman Sachs Head of Digital Assets on Investing and Future of Crypto

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Goldman Sachs' head of digital assets says there's still 'a little bit more pain' to come for crypto startups. Here's how he's looking for the silver lining in the industry.

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Mathew McDermott, Goldman Sachs managing director and global head of digital assets

Mathew McDermott, Goldman Sachs managing director and global head of digital assets Goldman Sachs

  • Mathew McDermott oversees Goldman Sachs' crypto and blockchain efforts. 
  • He says the worst isn't over for crypto startups.
  • McDermott outlined how the bank thinks about crypto and blockchain investments.

The worst isn't over yet for the crypto industry, according to Goldman Sachs' global head of digital assets. 

If 2021 was the year of crypto, then 2022 was the year the music stopped for the industry. Crypto went from a $3 trillion dollar industry that amassed billions in funding from VCs and Wall Street giants to one plagued with layoffs, high-profile blow ups, plunging valuations, and legal turmoil in 2022. 

And it could still get worse.

"We're going to see a little bit more pain this year as we see more people struggle" in the crypto industry, Mathew McDermott, global head of digital assets at Goldman Sachs, told Insider. 

"The companies that just don't have the right business model, the right management team, they are going to struggle to get refinanced," he added.

With investors turning away from crypto, and with those who remain interested getting more scrupulous with due diligence, a lot of companies are going out of business, one prominent crypto VC told Insider. 

But there may be a silver lining to the crypto carnage: startups running out of runway may be looking for an exit. 

"As we think about potential investments, valuations just look a lot more sensible," McDermott said.

Wall Street titans are no stranger to cryptocurrency and blockchain. Many offer their own crypto services from trading desks to wealth management and invest billions of dollars into promising startups. Because crypto and other digital-asset startups operate on a different infrastructure than traditional finance players, their products require a different sort of back-end tooling than traditional assets. That's led many firms to partner or invest in such tech versus building it from scratch in-house.

McDermott, whose team has made 11 such investments in the crypto and blockchain space, is sharpening his pencil as he keeps his eye out for potential investment opportunities. 

"We do, where it makes strategic sense for the firm, have the ability to deploy capital," McDermott said. "Where we think there's a really good strategic fit to what objectively we're looking to do, and the price is appropriate, then that's something we then do the due diligence and explore an investment where appropriate."

Inside Goldman's digital-asset business

Goldman has made several investments in blockchain startups, from crypto-data player Coin Metrics to One River Digital Asset Management, which will become Coinbase Asset Management following the crypto exchange's acquisition of the startup

It's also equally focused on developing its own IP in-house and has a research and development team to identify any existential threats in the market or investigate technologies that could have a profound impact on the bank's businesses, McDermott said. 

And despite the pullback in crypto among some traditional finance firms — Visa and Mastercard are reportedly hitting pause on their crypto partnerships — Goldman remains steadfast in its crypto push, McDermott said. 

"We've always been more focused as a business on the application of the underlying technology, because that's where we've seen the greatest opportunity," McDermott said, adding that there hasn't been any change in commitment from the top of Goldman Sachs amid the crypto downturn. Goldman, despite having culled 3,200 employees in January, is open to hiring in its digital-asset team, which currently has about 70 people, according to a Bloomberg report

Goldman's digital-asset initiatives have focused on the tokenization of different asset classes, or representing real-world assets as digital tokens on blockchain networks. The process is supposed to provide more transparency and efficiency in the issuance and trading of securities. The bank also has a crypto trading desk to offer its clients cash-settled derivatives, options, and futures. McDermott's team works across the bank's business lines, but most of the action is happening in asset and wealth management or global markets, he said.

"The way I constructed the business is making sure there are different parts of the business where we can start to generate revenue today," McDermott said, who added he expects his team to be profitable this year. 

"Actually, as a business over its first three years, we've been self-sufficient where the revenues have covered comp and all the relevant costs that have been allocated to the business and I think that for me has been really important. That gives us credibility," he added. 

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