Apple pulls Russia's Tinkoff banking app from App Store

 1 year ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2023/03/02/apple-pulls-russias-tinkoff-banking-app-from-app-store/
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Apple pulls Russia’s Tinkoff banking app from App Store

Thursday, March 2, 2023 8:28 amThursday, March 2, 20231 Comment

Following the imposition of European Union sanctions last week, newly sanctioned Russian digital lender Tinkoff Bank said on Thursday its mobile applications had been removed from Apple’s App Store.

App Store


Tinkoff, owned by TCS Group Holding, was included in the EU’s tenth package of sanctions against Russia outlined last week as the latest punishment for Moscow’s military campaign in Russia.

Tinkoff was forced to suspend trading in euros following the sanctions on Monday, and has now had its app removed from the App Store, it said.

In a statement, Tinkoff told its customers to “keep calm” and that those who had already installed the app would continue to have full functionality.

“Already installed apps will work as usual, you can still transfer money, top up your account and perform other operations,” it said.

Founded as a specialist credit card provider by entrepreneur Oleg Tinkov, now an outspoken critic of President Vladimir Putin, Tinkoff has grown rapidly over the last decade and is listed as one of the central bank’s 13 systemically important financial institutions in Russia.

MacDailyNews Take: Filed under collateral damage.

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