Having Connectivity Issues With Your Galaxy S23 Ultra? You’re Not Alone!

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.gizchina.com/2023/02/27/having-connectivity-issues-with-your-galaxy-s23-ultra-youre-not-alone/
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Having Connectivity Issues With Your Galaxy S23 Ultra? You’re Not Alone!

Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra camera

New smartphones coming with bugs or issues are not new things. And the case of the Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra is no different. When it comes to issues, we have already had users reporting that the screen of the device gets scuffed up pretty easily. And now, we have reports about bugs.

Recently, Galaxy S23 Ultra users have been reporting that their units are not connecting to the internet. That is, their phones are showing that it is connected to the WiFi, but they are experiencing the “connected but no Internet” issue. In fact, one user even said that they have been facing the problem since day one.

Galaxy S23 Ultra WiFi Issue Brought to Light

If you head over to Reddit, you will find a large number of threads regarding the same issue. And the case is the same in the Samsung Community forums. So, it is not like the Galaxy S23 Ultra WiFi issue is just happening to a handful number of users.

Basically, what the users are reporting is that the phone successfully connects to WiFi networks. But when connected, in most cases, the Galaxy S23 Ultra fails to get internet access. Some of the users have also reported that the WiFi connection does not last long when everything seems to be okay.

Galaxy S23 Ultra Gaming

Gizchina News of the week

Interestingly, all of the users reporting the issue confirmed that their WiFi router was not the one to blame. Some even tried to connect to the internet with other networks but failed. So, it all rounds up to the Galaxy S23 Ultra.

However, one Reddit user, an IT professional, reported that the issue might revolve around WiFi 6. The user stated that the Galaxy S23 Ultra did not output the issue when connected to WiFi 5 router. And after that, those who tried to connect by disabling WPA3 encryption and WiFi 6 found success.

Galaxy S23 Ultra

Considering the fact that the S23 Ultra is posing to be among the top phones of 2023, issues such as these can surely sway users away. So, no matter what, Samsung should definitely look into the issue as soon as possible.

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