Get this Complete ChatGPT OpenAI Training Bundle for just $19.99

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/deals/get-this-complete-chatgpt-openai-training-bundle-for-just-1999/
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Get this Complete ChatGPT OpenAI Training Bundle for just $19.99

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4 Courses, 4 Hours of Content on ChatGPT!

Today's highlighted deal comes via our Online Courses section of the Neowin Deals store, where you can save 97% off the Complete ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence OpenAI Training Bundle.

This bundle consists of the following courses:

  1. ChatGPT for Beginners
    Mike Wheeler 22 Lessons (1h) $200 Value
  2. ChatGPT: Artificial Intelligence (AI) that Writes for You
    Alex Genadinik 12 Lessons (1h) $200 Value
  3. Create a ChatGPT A.I. Bot with Tkinter & Python
    John Elder 23 Lessons (1h) $200 Value
  4. Create a ChatGPT A.I. Bot with Django & Python
    John Elder 29 Lessons (1h) $200 Value
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Use the Power of AI to Write Content, Code and Much More

Here's the deal:

The Complete ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence OpenAI Training Bundle normally costs $800, but you can pick it up for just $19.99 for a limited time - that a saving of $780.01 (97%)! For a full description, specs and instructor info, click the link below.

Complete ChatGPT AI OpenAI Training Bundlefor $19.99

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