Motorola's latest gadget enables satellite messaging on any smartphone

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.neowin.net/news/motorolas-latest-gadget-enables-satellite-messaging-on-any-smartphone/
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Motorola's latest gadget enables satellite messaging on any smartphone

Motorola Defy Satellite Link

Motorola's latest Defy Satellite Link can add satellite communication powers to any iPhone or Android smartphone. The tech, developed in collaboration with Bullitt Group, was showcased at MWC 2023 in Barcelona.

Defy Satellite Link can connect with a smartphone over Bluetooth and provides two-way texting functionality using the Bullitt Satellite Messenger app. Bullitt said the messages sent using the device are routed via geostationary satellites that are 22,300 miles away from the earth. That means, it can easily provide much-needed communication in areas with limited or no cellular connectivity.

The universal Bluetooth accessory weighing just 70g also allows users to share their location and contact emergency services when in need. It offers a physical SOS button and a location 'Check IN' button, and these functions can work even when the paired smartphone is not nearby.

Under the hood, Motorola Defy Satellite Link is powered by a Mediatek chip for satellite communication and comes with a 600 mAh battery that can survive for multiple days. The list of connectivity features also includes eSIM, GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Bluetooth 5.1, and more.

It's a rugged waterproof and dustproof device that comes with an IP68 rating. It has also passed the Mil-Spec 810H testing which considers factors like how the device performs during steep temperature changes and resistance to vibration and humidity.

Specifications of Motorola Defy Satellite Link

Now, speaking of the price and availability, Motorola Defy Satellite Link will go on sale in April this year with a price tag of $99. There will also be a bundle option (starting at $149) providing access to an annual subscription where users will get up to 30 two-way messages per month and SOS Assist.

Bullitt said that the cost of both sending and receiving satellite messages is charged from the subscription plan and the recipient doesn't have to pay anything. In addition to the Defy texting dongle, Motorola and Bullitt have also added satellite communication to their Android smartphones.

They also showcased Motorola Defy 2 which comes with built-in satellite communication tech. The same device with some visual differences will be marketed as Bullitt Cat S75 in various markets.

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