Apple Headset ‘A Macintosh Moment’ – Acquired Mixed Reality Startup Founder

 1 year ago
source link: https://uploadvr.com/apple-headset-macintosh-moment-vrvana-founder/
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Apple Headset 'A Macintosh Moment' Vrvana Founder Says

Apple’s entry to VR will be “a Macintosh moment”, says the founder of Vrvana.

Vrvana was acquired by Apple in 2017. It was a startup working on Totem, one of the first headsets to use high-resolution color cameras for stereo passthrough mixed reality – a feature only now starting to arrive in consumer headsets.


Vrvrana founder Bertrand Nepveu told Radio Canada “I always say that when Apple goes into virtual reality, it will be a Macintosh moment”. Nepveu claims that when he left Apple in 2021, around 1000 people were working on the long-delayed headset. In November, The Information reported around 3000 people were now working on it as Apple gets closer to launch.

A Macintosh Moment

So what exactly does Nepvue mean by “a Macintosh moment”?

The launch of the Apple Macintosh in 1984 was a pivotal moment in the history of personal computing.


While the Apple Lisa was technically the first PC with a graphical user interface (GUI) aimed at individuals, its high price (around $30K adjusted for inflation) rendered it essentially irrelevant and forgotten, selling just a few thousand units in its first year. The Macintosh had a very different fate. Macintosh delivered a GUI operating system at around a quarter of the price just 12 months later and was aggressively marketed to non-technical prospective buyers, including in a famous Super Bowl ad.

While not the overwhelming sales success Steve Jobs had hoped for, Macintosh was hailed as a revolutionary user experience and popularized the idea of personal computers as a product the average person could use. While PCs wouldn’t reach mainstream adoption until Windows 95 and the iMac over a decade later, the Macintosh proved out the idea that they actualized.

Meta’s Quest headsets start at just $400 but are primarily driven by controllers that are essentially a gamepad split in half and are hampered by a clunky and fragmented software experience. If Nepveu’s analogy holds true, Apple’s headset could introduce a refined interaction paradigm that, while too expensive and limited for most consumers in its first iteration, sets the stage for the software experience of mass-market headsets in the coming years and decades.

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