A conversation with Stephen Rose | Sarah Haase

 1 year ago
source link: https://blog.splibrarian.com/2023/02/06/a-conversation-with-stephen-rose/
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A conversation with Stephen Rose

We’re thrilled to welcome Stephen Rose to Episode 90 of the Microsoft 365 Voice. Stephen is a Senior Marketing Manager for Teams and is the host of Inside Microsoft Teams (aka.ms/InsideMSTeams).

Topics covered in this episode:

An introduction to Teams Premium. Microsoft is bundling 400+ advanced features and artificial intelligence capabilities into Teams Premium. Organizations can purchase Teams Premium for specific users that need features like live meeting translations, intelligent recap, personalized timeline markers, etc.

The power of AI. Many of the Microsoft products we use every day have artificial intelligence. My personal favorite is subtitles in Microsoft PowerPoint. Turn on subtitles before you go into presentation mode, and you’ll see a live transcription of your meeting/presentation. You can transcribe from and to a myriad of languages – and it’s all powered by AI.

The importance of adoption. As Stephen shares, many of our organizations have gone through a profound transformation in the last 3.5 years. Our work here isn’t done. We need to ensure our information workers know and understand the Microsoft Teams capabilities they have – and how these features can help drive strong business outcomes. We also have to build awareness of when a Teams message is better suited than an email (particularly for different types of workers who respond differently to emails than IMs and texts).

Making Teams easier to use. Microsoft is continuing to invest in simplifying the Teams meeting experience, from streamlined content sharing to advanced features like PowerPoint Live.

A big thank you to Stephen for joining us. We hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did!

Have a Microsoft 365 question? Submit it online! Your question may be featured in a future podcast episode.

Posted in Podcast on February 6, 2023. Leave a comment

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