You kinda want an orange favicon.

 1 year ago
source link: https://chriscoyier.net/2023/02/10/you-kinda-want-an-orange-favicon/?ref=sidebar
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February 10, 2023

You kinda want an orange favicon.

You can’t have a white favicon, because, in a lot of situations, you won’t be able to see the dang thing at all. Here’s a default Chrome tab while macOS is in Light mode.

I made the favicon #eee here so you could see the favicon at all.

You can’t have a black favicon, because, in a lot of situations, you won’t be able to see the dang thing at all. Here’s a default Chrome tab while macOS is in Dark mode:

The tab isn’t pure black, so you can see the pure black favicon.

No problem, you say, I’ll have the (SVG) favicon respond to dark mode preference:

<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24.3 24.29"> <style> @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { path { fill: white; } } </style> ...

Code language: HTML, XML (xml)

Neat idea, and that actually works to change a properly set up SVG favicon fill, but it actually doesn’t help that much in real life. Chrome tabs aren’t only dark because of a system preference, they can also turn dark because the tab is open in an Incognito window. There is no @media query for that! Firefox does something similar right now: when macOS is in Light mode, you get light tabs in normal windows and dark tabs in Private windows.

Bottom line: you have no idea what the tab color behind a favicon will be like. I’ve been using Arc, which encourages you to fart around with themes, which affects the background color behind favicons. I think all browsers support theming of sorts, further proving you just can’t count on what colors are involved.

So: your favicon should be able to withstand any color behind it. That is often done by providing a solid color background right in the favicon itself. Favicons like these should be visible as intended no matter what:

MDN and CodePen favicons.

If you want a colored, shaped favicon, you need a color that works on dark and light equally well. Like orange!


Well, until Safari decides to get weird.


Time for a nap.

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