Parsing TFTP in Rust

 1 year ago
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Parsing TFTP in Rust

Several years ago I did a take-home interview which asked me to write a TFTP server in Go. The job wasn't the right fit for me, but I enjoyed the assignment. Lately, in my spare time, I've been tinkering with a Rust implementation. Here's what I've done to parse the protocol.

Caveat Lector

It's natural to write a technical blog post like this in a somewhat authoritative tone. However, I am not an authority. There will be mistakes. Techniques, libraries, and even protocols change over time. Keep in mind that I am learning too and will happily accept corrections and critiques.

Why Rust?

Much has been written on the merits of Rust by more qualified people. I encourage you to seek their writing and make your own decisions. For my part, I try my best to write fast, safe, and correct code. Rust lets me be more confident about my solutions without the baggage (and danger) of the last 40 years of C/C++. Recent statements and events would seem to agree.

If you know me, you might be surprised that this is my first post on Rust since I've been hyping up the language for the last 7 years. Better late than never. 😂

What Is TFTP?

If you already know the ins and outs of TFTP feel free to skip to the type design or parsing sections.

For those who don't know, TFTP is the Trivial File Transfer Protocol, a simple means of reading and writing files over a network. Initially defined in the early 80s, the protocol was updated by RFC 1350 in 1992. In this post I'll only cover RFC 1350. Extensions like RFC 2347, which adds a 6th packet type, won't be covered.


TFTP is not a secure protocol. It offers no access controls, no authentication, no encryption, nothing. If you're running a TFTP server assume that any other host on the network can read the files hosted by it. You should not run a TFTP server on the open Internet.

Why Use TFTP?

If TFTP is old, insecure, and protocols like HTTP & SSH exist, you might wonder why you'd even bother. Fair enough. If you have other options, you probably don't need to use it.

That said, TFTP is still widely used, especially in server and lab environments where there are closed networks. Combined with DHCP and PXE it provides an efficient means of network booting due to its small memory footprint. This is especially important for embedded devices where memory is scarce. Additionally, if your server supports the experimental multicast option with RFC 2090, files can be read by multiple clients concurrently.

Protocol Overview

TFTP is implemented atop UDP, which means it can't benefit from the retransmission and reliability inherent in TCP. Clients and servers must maintain their own connections. For this reason operations are carried out in lock-step, requiring acknowledgement at each point, so that nothing is lost or misunderstood.

Because files might be larger than what can fit into a single packet or even in memory, TFTP operates on chunks of a file, which it calls "blocks". In RFC 1350 these blocks are always 512 bytes or less, but RFC 1783 allows clients to negotiate different sizes which might be better on a particular network.

By default, initial requests are received on port 69, the offical port assigned to TFTP by IANA. Thereafter, the rest of a transfer is continued on a random port chosen by the server. This keeps the primary port free to receive additional requests.


To read a file, a client sends a read request packet. If the request is valid, the server responds with the first block of data. The client sends an acknowledgement of this block and the server responds with the next block of data. The two continue this dance until there's nothing more to read.

A sequence diagram for a TFTP read request.


Writing a file to a server is the inverse of reading. The client sends a write request packet and the server responds with an acknowledgement. Then the client sends the first block of data and the server responds with another acknowledgement. Rinse and repeat until the full file is transferred.

A sequence diagram for a TFTP write request.


Errors are a valid response to any other packet. Most, if not all, errors are terminal. Errors are a courtesy and are neither acknowledged nor retransmitted.

Packet Types

To cover the interactions above, RFC 1350 defines five packet types, each starting with a different 2 byte opcode. I'll elaborate on each of them in turn.

1Read RequestRRQ
2Write RequestWRQ


Read and write requests share a representation, differing only by opcode. They contain a filename and a mode as null-terminated strings.

2 bytesstring1 bytestring1 byte

Here's an example of the raw bytes in an RRQ for a file called foobar.txt in octet mode.

let rrq = b"\x00\x01foobar.txt\x00octet\x00";

And here's a WRQ for the same file in the same mode.

let wrq = b"\x00\x02foobar.txt\x00octet\x00";


TFTP defines modes of transfer which describe how the bytes being transferred should be handled on the other end. There are three default modes.

netascii8-bit ASCII; specifies control characters & line endings
octetraw 8-bit bytes; byte-for-byte identical on both ends
mailemail the bytes to a user; obsolete even in 1992

The protocol allows for other modes to be defined by cooperating hosts, but I can't recommend that. Honestly, octet mode is probably sufficient for most modern needs.


Data packets contain the block number being sent and the corresponding data as raw bytes.

2 bytes2 bytesn bytes
opcodeblock #data

Here's an example of the raw bytes in a DATA packet for the first block of a transfer with the contents Hello, World!.

let data = b"\x00\x03\x00\x01Hello, World!";


Acknowledgements need only contain the block number they correspond to.

2 bytes2 bytes
opcodeblock #

Here's an example of the raw bytes in an ACK packet for the first block of a transfer.

let ack = b"\x00\x04\x00\x01";


Errors contain a numeric error code and a human-readable, null-terminated string error message.

2 bytes2 bytesstring1 byte
opcodeerror codeerror message0

Here's an example of the raw bytes in an ERROR packet for a "File not found" error.

let error = b"\x00\x05\x00\x01File not found\x00";

By default, TFTP defines eight error codes. Since the error code is a 16-bit integer there's enough space for you and your friends to define 65,528 of your own. In practice, maybe don't.

0Not defined, see error message (if any).
1File not found.
2Access violation.
3Disk full or allocation exceeded.
4Illegal TFTP operation.
5Unknown transfer ID.
6File already exists.
7No such user.
65,535Go wild, do whatever.

Type Design

Now we all know entirely too much about TFTP. Let's write some code already!

Before I start parsing anything I find it helpful to design the resulting types. Even in application code I put on my library developer hat so I'm not annoyed by my own abstractions later.

Let's motivate this design by looking at some code that would use it.

let mut buffer = [0; 512];
let socket = UdpSocket::bind("")?;
let length = socket.recv(&mut buffer)?;

let data = &buffer[..length];
todo!("Get our packet out of data!");

In both std::net::UdpSocket and tokio::net::UdpSocket the interface that we have to work with knows nothing about packets, only raw &[u8] (a slice of bytes).

So, our task is to turn a &[u8] into something else. But what? In other implementations I've seen it's common to think of all 5 packet types as variations on a theme. We could follow suit, doing the Rusty thing and define an enum.

enum Packet {

I might have liked my Go implemenation to look like this. If Go even had enums! 😒

This design choice has an unintended consequence though. As mentioned earlier, RRQ and WRQ only really matter on initial request. The remainder of the transfer isn't concerned with those variants. Even so, Rust's (appreciated) insistence on exhaustively matching patterns would make us write code like this.

match packet(&data)? {
    Packet::Data => handle_data(),
    Packet::Ack => handle_ack(),
    Packet::Error => handle_error(),
    _ => unreachable!("Didn't we already handle this?"),

Also, you might be tempted to use unreachable! for such code, but it actually is reachable. An ill-behaved client could send a request packet mid-connection and this design would allow it!

Instead, what if we were more strict with our types and split the initial Request from the rest of the Transfer?


Before we can talk about a Request we should talk about its parts. When we talked about packet types we saw that RRQ and WRQ only differed by opcode and the rest of the packet was the same, a filename and a mode.

A Mode is another natural enum, but for our purposes we'll only bother with the Octet variant for now.

pub enum Mode {
    // Netascii, for completeness.
    // Mail, if only to gracefully send an ERROR.

As an added convenience later on we'll add a Display impl for Mode so we can convert it to a string.

impl Display for Mode {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        match self {
            Self::Octet => write!(f, "octet"),

A Mode combined with a filename make up the "inner type", which I'll call a Payload for lack of a better term. I've taken some liberties by declaring filename a PathBuf, which we'll touch on briefly in the parsing section.

pub struct Payload {
    pub filename: PathBuf,
    pub mode: Mode,

Now we can define a Request as an enum where each variant has a Payload.

pub enum Request {


Request takes care of RRQ and WRQ packets, so a Transfer enum needs to take care of the remaining DATA, ACK, & ERROR packets. Transfers are the meat of the protocol and more complex than requests. Let's break down each variant.


The Data variant needs to contain the block number, which is 2 bytes and fits neatly into a u16. It also needs to contain the raw bytes of the data. There are many ways to represent this, including using a Vec<u8> or a bytes::Bytes. However, I think the most straightforward is as a &[u8] even though it introduces a lifetime.


The Ack packet is the simplest and only needs a block number. We'll use a solitary u16 for that.


The Error variant warrants more consideration because of the well-defined error codes. I abhor magic numbers in my code, so I'll prefer to define another enum called ErrorCode for those. For the message a String should suffice.


Defining an ErrorCode involves more boilerplate than I'd like, so I'll show three variants and leave the remainder as an exercise for the reader.

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum ErrorCode {
    // ...

The Undefined variant is, humorously, defined, but the Unknown variant I've added here is not part of RFC 1350. It merely acts as a catch-all for the remaining error space. Conveniently, Rust enums allow variants to contain other data.

Because of this Unknown variant I didn't opt for a C-style enum like

enum ErrorCode {
    Undefined = 0,
    FileNotFound = 1,
    // ...

so we can't cast an ErrorCode to a u16.

// This explodes! 💣💥
let code = ErrorCode::Unknown(42) as u16;

However, we can add From implementations. One to convert from an ErrorCode to a u16.

impl From<ErrorCode> for u16 {
    fn from(error_code: ErrorCode) -> Self {
        match error_code {
            ErrorCode::Undefined => 0,
            ErrorCode::FileNotFound => 1,
            // ...
            ErrorCode::Unknown(n) => n,

And another to convert from a u16 to an ErrorCode.

impl From<u16> for ErrorCode {
    fn from(code: u16) -> Self {
        match code {
            0 => Self::Undefined,
            1 => Self::FileNotFound,
            // ...
            n => Self::Unknown(n),

That way we still have a convenient method for conversions.

let code = 42;
let error: ErrorCode = code.into();
assert_eq!(error, ErrorCode::Unknown(42));

Putting It All Together

With each variant considered, we arrive at an enum that looks like this.

pub enum Transfer<'a> {
    Data { block: u16, data: &'a [u8] },
    Ack { block: u16 },
    Error { code: ErrorCode, message: String },

I could have defined structs to hold the inner data for each variant like I did with Payload earlier, but because none of the variants had the same shape I felt less inclined to do so.


Now that we have a high-level type design to match the low-level network representation we can bridge the two by parsing. There are as many ways to shave this Yacc as there were enums in our packet types, but I settled on the nom library.

What Is nom?

nom's own readme does a better job of describing itself than I ever could, so I'll just let it do the talking.

nom is a parser combinators library written in Rust. Its goal is to provide tools to build safe parsers without compromising the speed or memory consumption. To that end, it uses extensively Rust's strong typing and memory safety to produce fast and correct parsers, and provides functions, macros and traits to abstract most of the error prone plumbing.

That sounds good and all, but what the heck is a parser combinator? Once again, nom has a great description which I encourage you to read. The gist is that, unlike other approaches, parser combinators encourage you to give your parsing a functional flair. You construct small functions to parse the simplest patterns and gradually compose them to handle more complex inputs.

nom has an extra advantage in that it is byte-oriented. It uses &[u8] as its base type, which makes it convenient for parsing network protocols. This is exactly the type we receive off the wire.

Defining Combinators

It's finally time to define some combinators and do some parsing! Even if you're familiar with Rust, nom combinators might look more like Greek to you. I'll explain the first one in depth to show how they work and then explain only the more confusing parts as we go along. First, a small primer.

nom combinators return IResult, a type alias for a Result that's generic over three types instead of the usual two.

pub type IResult<I, O, E = Error<I>> = Result<(I, O), Err<E>>;

These types are the input typeI, the output type O, and the error type E (usually a nom error). I understand this type to mean that I will be parsed to produce O and any leftover I as long as no error E happens. For our purposes I is &[u8] and we'll have a couple different O types.

Null Strings

null references are famously a "billion dollar mistake" and I can't say I like null any better in this protocol.

Like all other strings, it is terminated with a zero byte.
— RFC 1350, smugly

Or, you know, just tell me how long the darn string is. You're the one who put it in the packet... Yes, I know why you did it, but I don't have to like it. 🤪

Mercifully, the nom toolkit has everything we need to slay this beast.

fn null_str(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &str> {
        tuple((take_till(|b| b == b'\x00'), tag(b"\x00"))),
        |(s, _)| std::str::from_utf8(s),

Let's work inside out to understand what null_str is doing.

  1. take_till accepts a function (here we use a closure with b for each byte) and collects up bytes from the input until one of the bytes matches the null byte, b'\x00'. This gets us a &[u8] up until, but not including, our zero byte.

  2. tag here just recognizes the zero byte for completeness, but we'll discard it later.

  3. tuple applies a tuple of parsers one by one and returns their results as a tuple.

  4. map_res applies a function returning a Result over the result of a parser. This gives us a nice way to call a fallible function on the results of earlier parsing, take_till and tag in this case.

  5. std::str::from_utf8, the fallible function inside our outermost closure, converts our &[u8] (now sans zero byte) into a Rust &str, which is not terminated with a zero byte.

  6. IResult<&[u8], &str> ties it all together at the end in null_str's return signature returning any unmatched &[u8] and a &str if successful.

It's important to note that I'm taking another huge liberty here by converting these bytes to a Rust string at all. Rust strings are guaranteed to be valid UTF-8. TFTP predates UTF-8, so the protocol did not specify that these strings should be Unicode. Later, I might look into an OsString, but for now non-Unicode strings will cause failures.

Please, only send me UTF-8 strings.
— Me, wearily

Request Combinators

Since Request only concerns itself with the first two packet types, RRQ and WRQ we can start parsing by matching only those opcodes. For convenience I used the num-derive crate to create a RequestOpCode enum so I could use FromPrimitive::from_u16.

The request_opcode combinator uses map_opt and be_u16 combinators to parse a u16 out of the input and pass it to from_u16 to construct a RequestOpCode.

use num_derive::FromPrimitive;
use num_traits::FromPrimitive;

enum RequestOpCode {
    Rrq = 1,
    Wrq = 2,

fn request_opcode(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], RequestOpCode> {
    map_opt(be_u16, RequestOpCode::from_u16)(input)

To parse a Mode we map the result of tag_no_case onto our Mode constructor. This function would need to be slightly more complex if we were supporting more than octet mode right now, but not by much.

fn mode(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Mode> {
    map(tag_no_case(b"octet\x00"), |_| Mode::Octet)(input)

For a Payload we can use tuple with our mode combinator and null_str to match our filename. We then use a provided Into impl to convert our filename &str to a PathBuf.

fn payload(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Payload> {
    let (input, (filename, mode)) = tuple((null_str, mode))(input)?;
        Payload {
            filename: filename.into(),

Finally, we reach the top level of parsing and put all the rest together. The request function is not, itself, a combinator, which is why you see the Finish::finish calls here. We use all_consuming to ensure no input remains after parsing with payload and map the result to our respective Read and Write variants. We also hide nom errors inside a custom error.

pub fn request(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Request, ParsePacketError> {
    let iresult = match request_opcode(input).finish()? {
        (input, RequestOpCode::Rrq) => map(all_consuming(payload), Request::Read)(input),
        (input, RequestOpCode::Wrq) => map(all_consuming(payload), Request::Write)(input),

        .map(|(_, request)| request)

With our combinators in order we can add a Request::deserialize method to our enum to hide the implementation details, making it much easier to switch parsing logic later if we want.

impl Request {
    pub fn deserialize(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParsePacketError> {

Parsing Failures

You might have wondered where that ParsePacketError came from. It's right here. I used the thiserror crate because it's invaluable when crafting custom errors. Thanks, @dtolnay!

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, thiserror::Error)]
#[error("Error parsing packet")]
pub struct ParsePacketError(nom::error::Error<Vec<u8>>);

// Custom From impl because thiserror's #[from] can't tranlate this for us.
impl From<nom::error::<&[u8]>> for ParsePacketError {
    fn from(err: nom::error::Error<&[u8]>) -> Self {
        ParsePacketError(nom::error::Error::new(err.input.to_vec(), err.code))

You might also wonder why I converted from the original nom::error::Error<&[u8]> to nom::error::Error<Vec<u8>>. Apparently std::error::Error::source() requires errors to be dyn Error + 'static, so non-static lifetimes aren't allowed if you want to provide a backtrace, which I might like to do at some point. Also, it just seems reasonable for an Error type to own its data.

While we were careful to split up our Request and Transfer types I didn't see a whole lot of benefit in having separate error types, so I reused ParsePacketError for Transfer as well.

Transfer Combinators

The Transfer combinators are very similar to what we did for Request. The opcode handling is basically the same, but with different numeric values so we can't accidentally parse any other opcodes.

use num_derive::FromPrimitive;
use num_traits::FromPrimitive;

enum TransferOpCode {
    Data = 3,
    Ack = 4,
    Error = 5,

fn transfer_opcode(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], TransferOpCode> {
    map_opt(be_u16, TransferOpCode::from_u16)(input)

For Data we just peel off the u16 block number and then retain the rest as the original &[u8]. The type alias here isn't necessary, but I like to do small things like this for organizational purposes.

type Data<'a> = (u16, &'a [u8]);

fn data(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Data> {
    tuple((be_u16, rest))(input)

Ack is, once again, the simplest. Just a named wrapper around be_u16.

type Ack = u16;

fn ack(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Ack> {

The Error variant is nearly as simple, but we need a call to Result::map to call Into impls and convert code from u16 to ErrorCode and message from &str to String.

type Error = (ErrorCode, String);

fn error(input: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], Error> {
    tuple((be_u16, null_str))(input)
        .map(|(input, (code, message))| (input, (code.into(), message.into())))

When we put it all these combinators together in a transfer function it looks more complex than our earlier request function. That's only because there are more variants and my choice to use anonymous struct variants instead of tuple structs means there's no easy constructor, so we map over a closure. Otherwise the idea is the same as before.

pub fn transfer(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Transfer, ParsePacketError> {
    let iresult = match opcode(input).finish()? {
        (input, TransferOpCode::Data) => map(all_consuming(data), |(block, data)| {
            Transfer::Data { block, data }
        (input, TransferOpCode::Ack) => {
            map(all_consuming(ack), |block| Transfer::Ack { block })(input)
        (input, TransferOpCode::Error) => map(all_consuming(error), |(code, message)| {
            Transfer::Error { code, message }

        .map(|(_, transfer)| transfer)

Just like with Request we create a Transfer::deserialize method to hide these parsing details from the rest of our code.

impl<'a> Transfer<'a> {
    pub fn deserialize(bytes: &'a [u8]) -> Result<Self, ParsePacketError> {


We can now read bytes into packets, which is handy, but astute readers will have noticed that you need to do the reverse if you're going to have a full TFTP conversation. Luckily, this serialization is (mostly) infallible, so there's less to explain.

I used BytesMut because I was already using the bytes crate for the extension methods on the BufMut trait like put_slice. Plus, this way I avoid an accidental panic if I pass a &mut [u8] and forget to size it appropriately.

Serializing Request

Serializing a Request packet is deceptively straightfoward. We use a match expression to pull our Payload out of the request and associate with a RequestOpCode. Then we just serialize the opcode as a u16 with put_u16. The filename and mode we serialize as null-terminated strings using a combo of put_slice and put_u8.

impl Request {
    pub fn serialize(&self, buffer: &mut BytesMut) {
        let (opcode, payload) = match self {
            Request::Read(payload) => (RequestOpCode::Rrq, payload),
            Request::Write(payload) => (RequestOpCode::Wrq, payload),

        buffer.put_u16(opcode as u16);

Converting our mode with as_bytes through a to_string is possible thanks to our earlier Display impl for Mode. The filename conversion to bytes through PathBuf's to_string_lossy might reasonably raise some eyebrows. Unlike strings a Rust path is not guaranteed to be UTF-8, so any non-Unicode characters will be replaced with � (U+FFFD). For now, given my earlier Unicode decision I'm comfortable with this, but a more robust method is desirable.

Serializing Transfer

Serializing a Transfer packet is more straightforward.

impl Transfer<'_> {
    pub fn serialize(&self, buffer: &mut BytesMut) {
        match *self {
            Self::Data { block, data } => {
                buffer.put_u16(TransferOpCode::Data as u16);
            Self::Ack { block } => {
                buffer.put_u16(TransferOpCode::Ack as u16);
            Self::Error { code, ref message } => {
                buffer.put_u16(TransferOpCode::Error as u16);

As before, with each variant we serialize a u16 for the TransferOpCode and then do variant-specific serialization.

  • For Data we serialize a u16 for the block number and then the remainder of the data.
  • For Ack we also serialize a u16 block number.
  • For Error we use our From impl from earlier to serialize the ErrorCode as a u16 and then serialize the message as a null-terminated string.

That's it! Now we can read and write structured data to and from raw bytes! 🎉


A post on parsing wouldn't be complete without some tests showing that our code works as expected. First, we'll use the marvelous test-case crate to bang out a few negative tests on things we expect to be errors.

#[test_case(b"\x00" ; "too small")]
#[test_case(b"\x00\x00foobar.txt\x00octet\x00" ; "too low")]
#[test_case(b"\x00\x03foobar.txt\x00octet\x00" ; "too high")]
fn invalid_request(input: &[u8]) {
    let actual = Request::deserialize(input);
    // We don't care about the nom details, so ignore them with ..
    assert!(matches!(actual, Err(ParsePacketError(..))));

And, for good measure, we'll show that we can round-trip an RRQ packet from raw bytes with a stop at a proper enum in between.

fn roundtrip_rrq() -> Result<(), ParsePacketError> {
    let before = b"\x00\x01foobar.txt\x00octet\x00";
    let expected = Request::Read(Payload {
        filename: "foobar.txt".into(),
        mode: Mode::Octet,
    let packet = Request::deserialize(before)?;
    // Use an under-capacity buffer to test panics.
    let mut after = BytesMut::with_capacity(4);
    packet.serialize(&mut after);
    assert_eq!(packet, expected);
    assert_eq!(&before[..], after);

Unless you want to copy/paste all this code you'll have to trust me that the tests pass. 😉 Don't worry, I've written many more tests, but this is a blog post, not a test suite, so I'll spare you the details.


Wow. You actually read all the way to the end. Congrats, and more importantly, thank you! 🙇‍♂️

All of the work above is part of a personal project I chip away at in my spare time, but I don't do it alone. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my friend & Rust mentor, Zefira, who has spent countless hours letting me pick her brain on every minute detail of this TFTP code. I could not have written this blog post without her!

I also need to thank Yiannis M (@oblique) for their work on the async-tftp-rs crate, from which I have borrowed liberally and learned a great deal. You may recognize some combinators if you dive into that code.

Finally, I can't thank my wife enough helping me edit this. There are many fewer mistakes as a result.

The source code for the rest of the project is not currently public, but when I'm more confident in it I'll definitely share more details. Meanwhile, I welcome any and all suggestions on how to make what I've written here more efficient and safe.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK