Drunk driver arrested after his iPhone crash detection automatically calls the c...

 1 year ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2023/02/09/drunk-driver-arrested-after-his-iphone-crash-detection-automatically-calls-the-cops-after-crash/
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Drunk driver arrested after his iPhone crash detection automatically calls the cops after crash

Thursday, February 9, 2023 1:44 pm1 Comment

Apple’s crash detection technology led to a suspected drunk driver being detained by police after his iPhone automatically called them after a crash.

Crash Detection uses specialized components paired with Apple-designed algorithms to detect a severe car crash and automatically dial emergency services when a user is unconscious or unable to reach their iPhone.
Crash Detection uses specialized components paired with Apple-designed algorithms to detect a severe car crash and automatically dial emergency services when a user is unconscious or unable to reach their iPhone.

Hamish McNeilly for Stuff New Zealand:

The 46-year-man was driving along Andersons Bay Rd in Dunedin when he crashed at about 1am on Thursday, driving into a tree on the centre barrier.

“His iPhone activated the emergency function and called police advising us of the crash,” Senior Sergeant Anthony Bond said.

The driver spoke to the 111 operator telling them that police “should not worry about it”.

But because the man sounded heavily intoxicated, a police patrol car was sent to the scene.

Officers found the suspected drink-driver, who was less than pleased to see them.

He allegedly pushed at police as they began drink-driving procedures, and refused a blood sample being taken.

He was charged with refusing a blood sample and assaulting police, and will appear in court on February 16.

MacDailyNews Take: Luckily, no one was hurt. Don’t drink and drive.

Crash Detection is designed to detect severe car crashes—such as front-impact, side-impact, and rear-end collisions, and rollovers—involving sedans, minivans, SUVs, pickup trucks, and other passenger cars.

When a severe car crash is detected, your iPhone or Apple Watch sounds an alarm and displays an alert.

• Your iPhone reads the alert, in case you can’t see the screen. If you have only your phone, the screen displays an Emergency Call slider and your phone can call emergency services.

• Your Apple Watch chimes and taps your wrist, and checks in with you on the screen. If you have only your watch, the screen displays an Emergency Call slider. If you have a watch with cellular or your watch is connected to Wi-Fi, it can call emergency services.

• If you have your iPhone and Apple Watch, the Emergency Call slider appears only on your watch, and the call is connected and the call audio plays from your watch.

• If you’re able, you can choose to call emergency services or dismiss the alert.

• If you’re unable to respond, your device automatically calls emergency services after a 20-second delay.

• If you’ve added emergency contacts, your device sends a message to share your location and let them know that you’ve been in a severe car crash.

• If you’ve set up your Medical ID, your device displays a Medical ID slider, so that emergency responders can access your medical information.

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