Posting only possible in periods 2022/11 and 2022/10 in company code ORNT Messag...

 1 year ago
source link: https://answers.sap.com/questions/13813025/posting-only-possible-in-periods-202211-and-202210.html
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5 minutes ago

Posting only possible in periods 2022/11 and 2022/10 in company code ORNT Message No. M7053



Iam trying to do a goods receipt for a material but the follwong error is popping up.

" Posting only possible in periods 2022/11 and 2022/10 in company code ORNT Message No. M7053 "

Checked in MMRV and the current and previous period are 11/2022 and 10/2022 . Todays date is 02/2023. when I tried to close the period in MMPV tcode , it said " The specified year 2022 is not the current calender ".

How should i update to the present year and date to make a goods receipt in MIGO transaction.

please show me a solution.

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