Silicon Valley billionaires compete for £480m NHS data contract

 1 year ago
source link: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/02/04/silicon-valley-billionaires-compete-480m-nhs-data-contract/
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Silicon Valley billionaires compete for £480m NHS data contract

Peter Thiel’s Palantir among bidders to streamline health service's tech systems

By Matthew Field

4 February 2023 • 4:00pm
Peter Thiel, co-founder and chairman of Palantir Technologies Inc.

Peter Thiel, Palantir's controversial chairman, has been critical of the NHS and its veneration

Credit: Kiyoshi Ota / Bloomberg

Silicon Valley billionaires are lining up to bid for a £480m NHS contract to transform the health service’s creaking IT systems into a high tech database....

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