CEO Spotlight: Jimmy Matamoros – Founder & CEO of Turn-To, CEO of Arizona Ho...

 1 year ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2023/02/01/ceo-spotlight-jimmy-matamoros-founder-ceo-of-turn-to-ceo-of-arizona-house-of-film-co-founder-of-moringa-tree-company/
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CEO Spotlight: Jimmy Matamoros – Founder & CEO of Turn-To, CEO of Arizona House of Film, Co-Founder of Moringa Tree Company

Jimmy Matamoros

Jimmy Matamoros is a successful entrepreneur known for his diverse business ventures, including Turn-To, Arizona House of Film, and Moringa Tree Company. Turn-To is a unique job search engine that aims to level the playing field in job searching and provide a functional job map for desktop, iPad, and mobile devices. Jimmy took three years to develop Turn-To fully, and his goal is not to build for today but for tomorrow’s workforce. He also includes internships on the platform, which are important for job seekers.

Arizona House of Film is a company that specializes in window films and has partnerships with well-known companies such as Isagenix and Boeing. Founded almost 20 years ago when Jimmy left the US Navy, the company’s business includes anything related to window film technology. Arizona House of Film has worked on projects ranging from cars and houses to buildings in Arizona. Its mission is to provide energy-efficient solutions that reduce overall business costs.

Furthermore, Jimmy has been working at Moringa Tree Company for the last five years. The company’s mission is to understand the nature of the Moringa tree and provide products to the market from the leaves, seeds, or tree wood. Jimmy’s focus on regenerative and sustainable practices aligns with his outlook on the future and his desire to promote a better world.

Q: Can you describe to us briefly how the Turn-To platform works?

Jimmy Matamoros: Turn-To is a job search platform that aims to provide equal opportunity for job seekers by going beyond traditional text-based search methods. One of the platform’s key features is a job map that helps job seekers identify specific locations, which is crucial in the job search process. This includes salary, culture, and factors such as distance, commute, expenses, and overall work-life balance. The platform can be used for local, national, or global job searches and currently focuses on the US market, with plans to expand to the Canadian and European markets.

Q: Which are the booming industries and jobs in demand nowadays?

Jimmy Matamoros: Despite the current uncertainty and fluctuations in the job market across various industries, I have identified transportation and logistics as sectors that hold significant growth potential. As the founder and CEO of Turn-To, a job search engine, I am committed to staying informed and up-to-date on the latest job market trends and opportunities within these industries. Through my efforts in collecting data and gaining insights, I can make informed decisions and strategic investments that will support the growth and development of Turn-To.

Q: How difficult is it to head three different businesses?

Jimmy Matamoros: Managing multiple businesses requires a great deal of discipline and focus. By clearly understanding my goals and how to achieve them, I can seamlessly transition between my various ventures while maintaining my overall objectives. Additionally, I consistently gather information from both internal and external sources to ensure that my approach and decision-making remain consistent and well-informed. This enables me to effectively lead and manage my businesses, despite the added complexity of overseeing multiple operations.

Q: What are the challenges that senior executives have to manage today?

Jimmy Matamoros: In today’s rapidly evolving business environment, it is crucial to understand the foundation and evolution of a company to navigate current challenges and opportunities effectively. This means considering the needs and perspectives of employees and staying attuned to the broader market trends and shifts. As a senior executive, I ensure that my companies are adaptable and responsive to these changes while maintaining transparency and clear communication with my employees. This requires a balance of strategic planning and flexibility and a commitment to fostering a positive and supportive corporate culture.

Q: What characteristics should the leadership model have in your experience?

Jimmy Matamoros: Promoting a positive company culture is crucial for the success and growth of a business. As a leader, it is important to constantly communicate a clear message and mission to employees and take proactive measures to ensure that the workplace is a positive and fulfilling environment for all. This includes providing support and resources for employees and going above and beyond to create a culture where everyone feels valued and happy to come to work each day. This approach not only benefits the employees but also positively impacts the overall performance and productivity of the company.

Q: How would you describe 2022 for your companies? Which goals were achieved, and which plans were postponed? 

Jimmy Matamoros: This year has been a year of continued development for Turn-To, as the job market has been greatly affected by the pandemic. The platform aims to provide users with a unique and personalized job search experience, going beyond the traditional text-based approach. Additionally, this year has allowed for a greater focus on the development of Arizona House of Film and Moringa Tree Company, with a particular emphasis on understanding the growth and cultivation of the Moringa tree. As we move into 2023, we want to continue providing innovative solutions for job seekers and sustainable products for the market.

Q: How do you manage to keep a work-personal life balance?

Jimmy Matamoros: I balance my personal and professional life by prioritizing and maintaining a clear separation between the two. I refrain from being heavily involved in social media and instead focus on reading books and other activities that help me disconnect from work. I have a set schedule that I stick to, typically starting work in the early morning and finishing by mid-afternoon. This strict routine allows me to stay focused and centered, which is crucial in managing multiple businesses and responsibilities. The discipline of maintaining a schedule that works for me is something that I have always prioritized and believe is essential for leading a balanced and successful life. 

Q: What are your future plans? What is your vision for your businesses? 

Jimmy Matamoros: As the CEO of Arizona House of Film, I aim to continue building upon the success and growth we have achieved in the window film industry over the last decade. Additionally, I am committed to growing the Moringa Tree Company cautiously and strategically. As the founder and CEO of Turn-To, our mission is to empower job seekers by providing a comprehensive job search platform that simplifies finding the perfect job fit. We aim to break down barriers and improve the traditional job search by integrating all job listings into a convenient job map feature. Our goal is to ensure that no one feels the frustration of not being able to find a job.

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CEOWORLD magazine - Top Stories - CEO Spotlight - CEO Spotlight: Jimmy Matamoros – Founder & CEO of Turn-To, CEO of Arizona House of Film, Co-Founder of Moringa Tree Company

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