How Austral’s Linear Type Checker Works

 1 year ago
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How Austral’s Linear Type Checker Works

What I cannot create, I do not understand.

— Richard Feynman

Austral is a new programming language featuring linear types and capability-based security. Linear types give you compile-time memory and resource safety, capability-based security allows you to constrain the kind of side effects a program can do.

In my last post, I introduced the language and went over what linear types are, how they work, and the rules that characterize them. In this post, I’ll explain linear types from another perspective: the compiler’s point of view. That is, how does the Austral compiler actually enforce the linearity rules?

This article is a walkthrough of the Austral compiler’s linearity checker; the compiler pass that enforces the linear type rules.


The Goal

We want one language feature that gives us:

  1. No memory or resource leaks.
  2. Memory safety without runtime checks or garbage collection.
  3. Resource safety: file handles, sockets, database handles etc. are guaranteed to be closed properly and there are no use-after-free errors, without runtime checks.
  4. Safe concurrency.
  5. Capability-based security.
  6. The ability to enforce high-level protocols in APIs, e.g. that certain operations can’t be performed multiple times, or must be performed in a particular order.

And all this should be done at compile time, with no runtime cost, and it should be as fast as C, and the rules should be simple enough they fit in a page of text. And the implementation should be simple enough for anyone to understand.

Linear types are this feature. The rules fit in a page. The implementation of Austral’s linearity checking algorithm is 600 lines of OCaml, much of which is error reporting, comments, and utility functions.

What Linear Types Are

I don’t want to endlessly repeat introductory information, because that leads to fragmentation (i.e. which of these ten articles should I read?), so for an overview of linear types, check Introducing Austral.

Use-Once Rules

A linear type is a type whose values must be used once. Not zero times or multiple times: once and exactly once.

How do we enforce this at compile time? We can understand this on a case-by-case basis, in order to gradually build up a general set of rules.

For the remainder of this section, let:

  1. Lin be some linear type.
  2. make() be a function that takes no arguments and returns an instance of Lin.
  3. consume() be a function that takes an instance of Lin, consumes it, and returns nothing.

In Austral syntax:

type Lin: Linear;

function make(): Lin;

function consume(x: Lin): Unit;

Variable Discarding

The simplest case is something like this:

let x: Lin := make();

Here, we’re declaring a variable x of type Lin, and its initial value is the result of evaluating make(), which is a value of type Lin. So from the type checker’s perspective this checks out: the type on the left is the same as the type on the right.

But the linearity checker will reject this code because the variable x is used zero times. And that gives us our first rule.

Rule 1: Variables of a linear type cannot appear zero times in the scope in which they are defined.

To make the compiler happy, we should rewrite the above to this:

let x: Lin := make();

Then x is used once and the rules are respected.

Expression Discarding

A kind of corollary to the above is we can’t do this either:


Here, we’re calling make() and discarding its result. Obviously this is not allowed, because while the value is not bound to any variable, it is still a value of a linear type and it’s still being discarded. So we get another rule:

Rule 2: values of a linear type cannot be silently discarded.

If Statements

“Used once” does not mean “appears once”. Consider this:

let x: Lin := make();
if foo then
    -- Do nothing.
end if;

The compiler will reject this. Here, x appears once in its scope, but it is not used once: it’s used once if foo is true and zero times otherwise. To make this code pass, we have to write:

let x: Lin := make();
if foo then
end if;

Which leads us to another rule:

Rule 3: linear variables (i.e.: variables of a linear type) defined outside an if statement must be used consistently in all branches: they must either be consumed in every branch or appear zero times in every branch.

Note that this is perfectly fine:

if foo then
    let x: Lin := make();
    -- Do nothing.
end if;

Because the variable exists only in one branch of the if statement, it is created there and consumed there, once and exactly once. The key distinction here is whether the variable was defined outside the statement.

Case Statements

case statements are just if statements but for taking apart sum types. So if we had:

let x: Lin := make();
case binary of
    when One do
    when Zero do
        -- Nothing.
end case;

Again the compiler will reject this, for the obvious reason: like the branches in an if statement, the cases of a case statement are all disjoint, and therefore linear variables defined outside the statement must be used consistently inside of it. Which leads to a rule analogous to the previous one.

Rule 4: linear variables defined outside a case statement must be used consistently in all when clauses, that is, they must either be consumed in every clause or appear zero times in every clause.



while true do
end while;

The problem here is that x is being consumed an infinite number of times, which is obviously contrary to the rules. Then:

Rule 5: linear variables defined outside a loop cannot be consumed inside the loop.

Note that this is also fine:

while true do
    let x: Lin := make();
end while;

Because x is being created inside the loop, and definitely consumed once. Each iteration of the loop has a new and distinct value of x.

A Brief Comment on Loops

What about this?

let x: Lin := make();
let cond: Bool := true;
while cond do
    cond := false;
end while;

Here, it is obvious that the loop executes only once, and therefore the compiler could prove that x is consumed exactly once.

The compiler will still reject this. Why? Because there is an infinite number of cases like this, where the code lies just outside the rules, where a compiler could be expected to apply “common sense” and be more lenient.

Each of these special cases requires a new heuristic be added to the compiler, heuristics which must be maintained over time and which can interact with each other in unpredictable ways.

This is not just a problem for compiler engineers, it’s a problem for anyone learning or using the language, because there is an ocean of difference between a small set of simple rules vs. an ever-growing pile of heuristics. The former you can understand, the other you can only get used to.


This rule is a concession to usability. Consider a Linear record with Free contents:

record Position: Linear is
    x: Int32;
    y: Int32;

Then, if we have a variable pos: Position, we can do something like this:

print("x = ");
print("y = ");

And this doesn’t count as consuming the value, because we’re only accessing the Free components.

Rule 6: a record access expression that starts with a linear variable doesn’t count as consuming the variable if it ends in a Free value.


The next rule is simple. We can’t do this:

let x: Lin := make();
return foo;

Because we would be discarding x. Then:

Rule 7: every linear variable in scope must have been consumed when execution reaches a return statement.

Borrowing: Overview

The linearity rules are very onerous. For example, imagine a generic List type:

type List[T: Type]: Linear;

If we wanted to write a function to get the length of a list, we couldn’t write:

generic [T: Type]
function length(list: List[T]): Index;

This function would have to consume and deallocate the list just to return its length1. And if the list has linear contents, it wouldn’t know how to consume them. We would have to do this:

generic [T: Type]
function length(list: List[T]): Pair[Index, List[T]];

Where the return type contains the length and the original list again. This isn’t ideal.

Borrowing allows us to suspend linearity in a safe way. We can take free (copyable) references to linear types, pass them around, store them in data structures, access (free) data through them. Mutable references can even edit the contents of linear values. And references are limited in such a way that they cannot escape the lifetime of a linear value: the compiler ensures that by the time a linear value is consumed, every reference is no longer available.

Reference Types

There are two reference types: immutable references and mutable references. Both reference types have two generic type parameters: the type of the thing they point to, and the region the reference is in. A region is like a type tag that is used by the compiler to ensure references do not outlive the thing they point to.

The syntax is: &[T, R] is an immutable reference to a type T in the region R, and &![T, R] is the mutable reference analogue.

Borrowing: The Shorthand Syntax

There are two ways to do borrowing: a shorthand form that works for most cases, and a more general but more verbose form.

Suppose we have a function foo that takes an immutable reference to a Lin value and returns nothing:

generic [R: Region]
function foo(ref: &[Lin, R]): Unit;

Then we can write something like this:

let x: Lin := make(); -- Create
foo(&x);              -- Borrow
consume(x);           -- Consume

The shorthand syntax is &x for taking an immutable reference, and &! for a mutable reference.

Naturally we can’t do this:

let x: Lin := make();

Because x is being borrowed after being consumed. Thus:

Rule 8: borrowing cannot happen after consumption

There is another restriction, but this one doesn’t require an explicit rule, it’s just something that won’t typecheck in the first place. We can’t do this:

let x: Lin := make();
let ref: &[Lin, R] := foo(&x);
-- Do something with `ref`, after the thing it points to
-- has been consumed.

This won’t even reach the type checker: the compiler will complain it doesn’t know what R is, since it has never been defined. When borrowing using the shorthand syntax, the region the reference belongs to is a region without a name, that can’t be referred to.

The function foo is generic over the region, so it doesn’t need to know the region name to accept the reference. Inside foo you can do almost anything with the reference: pass it around, transform it, store it in data structure (as long as that data structure’s lifetime does not exceed the execution of foo) and extract it. But the reference cannot escape its call site, because it’s type cannot be written, and therefore it can’t be stored in some variable or data structure that survives the call to foo.

And the way Austral ensures that references do not outlive the thing they reference is very simple. There’s no need to do sophisticated control flow analysis. There’s no way to write the type of a reference outside the scope where that reference is defined, therefore, you can’t define a variable that can hold a reference past its scope, you can’t design a data structure that can capture a reference and hide it internally.

There is one more restriction, and this is to ensure we can’t have multiple mutable references live at once (this will be important for multithreading). The restriction is we can’t write something like:

doSomething(&!x, &!x)

Rule 9: the same variable cannot be borrowed mutably multiple times in the same expression.

Borrowing: The General Syntax

The shorthand syntax covers 95% of the cases of borrowing. But sometimes it’s convenient to be able to write the type of the reference, if we’re doing complex control flow or data flow. This is where the borrow statement comes in:

let x: Lin := make();
borrow x as ref in R do
   -- Here, we can refer to the region by
   -- its name, `R`.
   let ref2: &[T, R] := transform(ref);

In the shorthand syntax, regions have no name. In the borrow statement, regions are given a name, which exists within the body of the region. Again, references cannot escape the borrow statement, because the following:

let escape: &[T, R] := ...;
borrow x as ref in R
   escape := ref;

The compiler won’t even get to the borrow statement, it will stop at let and complain that R is not defined. And, analogously, we can’t do this:

borrow x as ref in R
   -- ...
let bar: &[T, R] := ...;

Because R is not defined outside the borrow statement.

And, again, we can’t borrow after consumption:

let x: Lin := make();
borrow x as ...

Because Rule 8 applies to the general syntax, too.

There are two more restrictions that have to be enforced explicitly. The first one is obvious:

let x: Lin := make();
borrow x as ref in R do

Rule 10: a linear variable cannot be consumed in a borrow statement that borrows it.

The second restriction is analogous to Rule 9. We can’t do this:

let x: Lin := make();
-- `borrow!` is the mutable version of `borrow`
borrow! x as ref1 in R do
   borrow! x as ref1 in R do

Rule 11: you can’t mutably borrow a variable that is already mutably borrowed.

The Algorithm, In Prose

Putting all the previous rules together, we can now describe the linearity checking algorithm.

For simplicity, I’ll describe the narrow case, where we consider one variable at a time.

  • Given:
    • x: a variable of some linear type.
    • b: the block of code where the variable is defined, i.e., its scope.
  • Let:
    • s: the variable’s consumption state, which is one of Unconsumed, BorrowedRead, BorrowedWrite, or Consumed. Initially this is Unconsumed.
    • d: the current loop depth, a natural number. Initially this is zero.
  • Start: traverse b in execution order, that is, depth first, and at each statement:
    1. Go through each expression e that appears in the statement in evaluation order, and count the number of times x appears in e. There are four ways x can appear in an expression: being consumed, being borrowed mutably, being borrowed immutably, or appearing at the head of a path.
      1. If x does not appear in e, continue.
      2. If x is consumed in e, set s := Consumed as long as the following are true, and otherwise signal an error:
        1. x only appears once in e (can’t consume multiple times).
        2. s = Unconsumed (can’t consume if it’s borrowed, or already consumed).
        3. d = 0 (we’re not consuming the variable inside a loop).
      3. If x is borrowed mutably, check that the following are true, or signal an error:
        1. s = Unconsumed (can’t borrow if it’s consumed or already borrowed)
        2. x is only borrowed mutably once, and does not appear in any other way (can’t have multiple mutable references).
      4. If the variable is neither consumed nor borrowed mutably, then it can be borrowed immutably, or appear at the head of a path, any number of times, as long as s = Unconsumed.
    2. If we’re at an if or case statement:
      • Run the algorithm in each of the branches in parallel, and check that the resulting state is the same in both. That is, either the variable is consumed in all branches, or in none.
      • If the variable is used inconsistently between the branches, signal an error.
    3. If we’re at a for or while loop:
      • Increase d by one and run the algorithm in the loop’s body, then decrement d by one.
    4. If we’re at a borrow statement for x:
      • Check that s = Unconsumed, and signal an error otherwise.
      • Set s := BorrowedRead or BorrowedWrite for the duration of the statement’s body, depending on what kind of borrow it is. Afterwards, set s := Unconsumed again.
    5. If we’re at a return statement:
      • Check that s = Consumed. Otherwise, signal an error saying x must be consumed before returning.

And that’s it.

The Algorithm, In Code

I’ll walk through the code as of commit c22914c. The code is in two files:


The entrypoint to the linearity checker is the function check_module_linearity, which takes a typed module and runs the linearity checker over every declaration in the module:

let rec check_module_linearity (TypedModule (_, decls)): unit =
  with_frame "Linearity Checker"
    (fun _ ->
      let _ = List.map check_decl_linearity decls in

The only declarations we have to check are places where code is: functions and typeclass methods:

and check_decl_linearity (decl: typed_decl): unit =
  match decl with
  | TFunction (_, _, name, _, params, _, b, _) ->
     with_frame ("Checking linearity of function " ^ (ident_string name))
       (fun _ -> linearity_check params b)
  | TInstance (_, _, _, _, _, methods, _) ->
     let _ = List.map check_method_linearity methods in
  | _ ->

and check_method_linearity (TypedMethodDef (_, name, params, _, b)) =
  with_frame ("Checking linearity of method " ^ (ident_string name))
    (fun _ -> linearity_check params b)

The linearity_check function takes the list of value parameters for a function or method, and the function’s body, and runs the linearity checker over the body. The value parameter is list is necessary because some parameters have linear types and therefore count as linear variables.

let linearity_check (params: value_parameter list) (body: tstmt): unit =
  (* Initialize the loop depth to zero. *)
  let depth: int = 0 in
  (* Initialize the state table to the empty table. *)
  let tbl: state_tbl = empty_tbl in
  (* Populate the table with the linear parameters. *)
  let tbl: state_tbl = init_tbl tbl params in
  (* Traverse the code in execution order. *)
  let _ = check_stmt tbl depth body in

The State Table

The state table maps a linear variable’s name to its consumption state, and the loop depth of the statement where the variable was defined. The purpose of the table is to track the consumption state of a variable throughout the linearity checking process.

(** The state table maps linear variables to the loop depth at the point where
    they are defined and their consumption state. *)
type state_tbl

(** The loop depth represents, for a particular piece of code, how many loops
    into the function that piece of code is. *)
type loop_depth = int

(** The consumption state of a variable. *)
type var_state =
  | Unconsumed
  | BorrowedRead
  | BorrowedWrite
  | Consumed

It’s essentially abstract interpretation: we traverse the code in execution order, and when we encounter a linear variable, we add it to the table with state Unconsumed. When it is borrowed we mark its state as BorrowedRead or BorrowedWrite within the scope of the borrow statement. When the variable is consumed, we mark it as Consumed.

The loop depth is just an integer that’s used to check whether a variable defined outside a loop is being consumed in a loop. The loop depth for code at the toplevel of a function is zero. When we enter the body of a loop, we increase it by one. We keep track of the loop depth where the variable is defined, and the loop depth at the point where it’s consumed, in order to check they’re the same.

The code for the state table is just CRUD, so I won’t post the code, just the API definition:

(** The empty state table. *)
val empty_tbl : state_tbl

(** Find an entry in the state table. *)
val get_entry : state_tbl -> identifier -> (loop_depth * var_state) option

(** Add a new entry to the state table. Throws an error if an entry with that name already exists. All new variables start as unconsumed. *)
val add_entry : state_tbl -> identifier -> loop_depth -> state_tbl

(** Update the state of a variable in the table. Throws an error if there is no entry with this name. *)
val update_tbl : state_tbl -> identifier -> var_state -> state_tbl

(** Remove a row from the table. If the variable is not consumed, throws an error. *)
val remove_entry : state_tbl -> identifier -> state_tbl

(** Remove a set of variables from the table. If any of them are not consumed, throws an error. *)
val remove_entries : state_tbl -> identifier list -> state_tbl

(** Return all entries as a list. *)
val tbl_to_list : state_tbl -> (identifier * loop_depth * var_state) list

Statement Checking

And check_stmt recursively traverses the code in execution order (depth first). It takes the initial state table and returns the final state table.

let rec check_stmt (tbl: state_tbl) (depth: loop_depth) (stmt: tstmt): state_tbl =
  match stmt with
  | TSkip _ -> tbl (* do nothing *)
  (* ... *)

The code is too long to put it one big code block, so I’ll go through the individual cases separately.

The first non-trivial case is the let statement. Here we just check that if a variable is of a linear type2, and if so, add it to the state table with the initial state of Unconsumed, recur into the body of the let statement, which is where the variable is defined, and then take it out of the table.

  | TLet (_, name, ty, expr, body) ->
     (* First, check the expression. *)
     let tbl: state_tbl = check_expr tbl depth expr in
     (* If the type is linear, add an entry to the table. *)
     if universe_linear_ish (type_universe ty) then
       let tbl: state_tbl = add_entry tbl name depth in
       let tbl: state_tbl = check_stmt tbl depth body in
       (* Once we leave the scope, remove the variable we added. *)
       let tbl: state_tbl = remove_entry tbl name in
       check_stmt tbl depth body

When entering a loop, we recur into the loop’s body, and increase the loop depth by one:

  | TWhile (_, cond, body) ->
     let tbl: state_tbl = check_expr tbl depth cond in
     let tbl: state_tbl = check_stmt tbl (depth + 1) body in
  | TFor (_, _, start, final, body) ->
     let tbl: state_tbl = check_expr tbl depth start in
     let tbl: state_tbl = check_expr tbl depth final in
     let tbl: state_tbl = check_stmt tbl (depth + 1) body in

The if and case statements are a special case, because of rules 3 and 4, respectively. Here we have to check that variables defined outside the statement are used consistently inside the statement. Essentially, we run the linearity checker “in parallel” for each branch, and then check that the state table at the each of each branch is identical:

  | TIf (_, cond, tb, fb) ->
     let tbl: state_tbl = check_expr tbl depth cond in
     let true_tbl: state_tbl = check_stmt tbl depth tb in
     let false_tbl: state_tbl = check_stmt tbl depth fb in
     let _ = tables_are_consistent "an if" true_tbl false_tbl in
  | TCase (_, expr, whens) ->
     let tbl: state_tbl = check_expr tbl depth expr in
     let tbls: state_tbl list = check_whens tbl depth whens in
     let _ = table_list_is_consistent tbls in
     (match tbls with
      | first::rest ->
         let _ = rest in
      | [] ->

The consistency checking is done by the function tables_are_consistent:

let tables_are_consistent (stmt_name: string) (a: state_tbl) (b: state_tbl): unit =
  (* Tables should have the same set of variable names. *)
  let names_a: identifier list = List.map (fun (name, _, _) -> name) (tbl_to_list a)
  and names_b: identifier list = List.map (fun (name, _, _) -> name) (tbl_to_list b)
  if List.equal equal_identifier names_a names_b then
    (* Make a list of triples with the variable name, its state in A, and its
       state in B. *)
    let common: (identifier * var_state * var_state) list =
      List.filter_map (fun (name, _, state_a) ->
          match get_entry b name with
          | Some (_, state_b) ->
             Some (name, state_a, state_b)
          | None ->
        (tbl_to_list a)
    (* Ensure the states are the same. *)
    List.iter (fun (name, state_a, state_b) ->
        if state_a <> state_b then
          austral_raise LinearityError [
              Text "The variable ";
              Code (ident_string name);
              Text " is used inconsistently in the branches of ";
              Text stmt_name;
              Text " statement. In one branch it is ";
              Text (humanize_state state_a);
              Text " while in the other it is ";
              Text (humanize_state state_b);
              Text "."
          ()) common
    (* I *think* this is an internal error. *)
    internal_err ("Consumption state tables are inconsistent. This is likely a bug in the linearity checker. Table contents:\n\n"
                  ^ (show_state_tbl a)
                  ^ "\n\n"
                  ^ (show_state_tbl b))

In a borrow statement, we have to check that the variable’s state is Unconsumed. Then we update the variable’s state to either BorrowedRead or BorrowedWrite, depending on what kind of borrow it is, for the duration of the statement’s body. Then, when the statement ends, we mark the variable as Unconsumed again.

  | TBorrow { original; mode; body; _ } ->
     (* Ensure the original variable is unconsumed to be borrowed. *)
     if is_unconsumed tbl original then
       let tbl: state_tbl =
         match mode with
         | ReadBorrow ->
            update_tbl tbl original BorrowedRead
         | WriteBorrow ->
            update_tbl tbl original BorrowedWrite
       (* Traverse the body. *)
       let tbl: state_tbl = check_stmt tbl depth body in
       (* After the body, unborrow the variable. *)
       let tbl: state_tbl = update_tbl tbl original Unconsumed in
       let state: var_state = get_state tbl original in
       austral_raise LinearityError [
           Text "Cannot borrow the variable ";
           Code (ident_string original);
           Text " because it is already ";
           Text (humanize_state state);
           Text "."

Finally, when we reach a return statement, we have to check that all the variables in the state table have been consumed. And if they haven’t, show the user an error.

  | TReturn (_, expr) ->
     let tbl: state_tbl = check_expr tbl depth expr in
     (* Ensure that all variables are Consumed. *)
     let _ =
       List.map (fun (name, _, state) ->
           if state = Consumed then
             austral_raise LinearityError [
                 Text "The variable ";
                 Code (ident_string name);
                 Text " is not consumed by the time of the return statement. Did you forget to call a destructure, or destructure the contents?"
         (tbl_to_list tbl)

Expression Checking

“Expression checking” means checking that all the linear variables in the table are used correctly within a given expression. That is, linear variables can only be consumed once, you can’t have multiple mutable borrows in the same expression, you can’t consume a variable that’s borrowed or already consumed, etc. The full rules are below.

let check_expr (tbl: state_tbl) (depth: loop_depth) (expr: texpr): state_tbl =
  (* For each variable in the table, check if the variable is used correctly in
     the expression. *)
  let names: identifier list = List.map (fun (name, _, _) -> name) (tbl_to_list tbl) in
  let f (tbl: state_tbl) (name: identifier): state_tbl =
    check_var_in_expr tbl depth name expr
  Util.iter_with_context f tbl names

The previous section describing the algorithm in prose is very verbal. Maybe it’s useful for learning, but when implemented directly, it becomes a huge tree of unwieldy if statements. So I turned it into a decision table:

Previous State Consumed Borrowed mutably Borrowed immutably Path access Valid? Reason
Unconsumed Zero times Zero times Not yet consumed, and at most immutable borrows or path reads.
Unconsumed Zero times Once Zero times Zero times Not yet consumed, borrowed mutably once, and nothing else.
Unconsumed Zero times Once Not yet consumed, borrowed mutably, then either borrowed immutably or accessed through a path.
Unconsumed Zero times More than once Not yet consumed, borrowed mutably more than once.
Unconsumed Once Zero times Zero times Zero times Consumed once, and nothing else.
Unconsumed Once Consumed once, then either borrowed or accessed through a path.
Unconsumed More than once Not yet consumed, consumed more than once.
Read Zero times Zero times Zero times Read borrowed, and at most accessed through a path.
Read Read borrowed, and either consumed or borrowed again.
Write Zero times Zero times Zero times Zero times Write borrowed, unused.
Write Write borrowed, used in some way.
Consumed Zero times Zero times Zero times Zero times Already consumed, and unused.
Consumed Already consumed, and used in some way.

The first five columns are inputs:

  1. The variable’s previous consumption state (unconsumed, borrowed mutably, borrowed immutably, consumed).
  2. The number of times the variable is consumed in the expression (e.g. foo(x)).
  3. The number of times the variable is mutably borrowed in the expression (e.g. &!x).
  4. The number of times the variable is borrowed immutably in the expression (e.g. &x).
  5. The number of times the variable is at the head of a path expression (e.g. x.foo.bar[baz]).

The last two columns are outputs: whether this situation should pass or signal an error, and why.

let rec check_var_in_expr (tbl: state_tbl) (depth: loop_depth) (name: identifier) (expr: texpr): state_tbl =
  (* Count the appearances of the variable in the expression. *)
  let apps: appearances = count name expr in
  (* Destructure apps. *)
  let { consumed: int; write: int; read: int; path: int } = apps in
  (* What is the current state of this variable? *)
  let state: var_state = get_state tbl name in
  (* Make a tuple with the variable's state, and the partitioned appearances. *)
  let tup = (state, partition consumed, partition write, partition read, partition path) in
  match tup with
  (*       State        Consumed      WBorrow       RBorrow      Path    *)
  (* ---------------|-------------|-------------|------------|---------- *)
  | (     Unconsumed,         Zero,         Zero,           _,           _) -> (* Not yet consumed, and at most used through immutable borrows or path reads. *)
  | (     Unconsumed,         Zero,          One,        Zero,        Zero) -> (* Not yet consumed, borrowed mutably once, and nothing else. *)
  | (     Unconsumed,         Zero,          One,           _,           _) -> (* Not yet consumed, borrowed mutably, then either borrowed immutably or accessed through a path. *)
     error_borrowed_mutably_and_used name
  | (     Unconsumed,         Zero,  MoreThanOne,           _,           _) -> (* Not yet consumed, borrowed mutably more than once. *)
     error_borrowed_mutably_more_than_once name
  | (     Unconsumed,          One,         Zero,        Zero,        Zero) -> (* Not yet consumed, consumed once, and nothing else. Valid IF the loop depth matches. *)
     consume_once tbl depth name
  | (     Unconsumed,          One,            _,           _,           _) -> (* Not yet consumed, consumed once, then either borrowed or accessed through a path. *)
     error_consumed_and_something_else name
  | (     Unconsumed,  MoreThanOne,            _,           _,           _) -> (* Not yet consumed, consumed more than once. *)
     error_consumed_more_than_once name
  | (   BorrowedRead,         Zero,         Zero,        Zero,           _) -> (* Read borrowed, and at most accessed through a path. *)
  | (   BorrowedRead,            _,            _,           _,           _) -> (* Read borrowed, and either consumed or borrowed again. *)
     error_read_borrowed_and_something_else name
  | (  BorrowedWrite,         Zero,         Zero,        Zero,        Zero) -> (* Write borrowed, unused. *)
  | (  BorrowedWrite,            _,            _,           _,           _) -> (* Write borrowed, used in some way. *)
     error_write_borrowed_and_something_else name
  | (       Consumed,         Zero,         Zero,        Zero,        Zero) -> (* Already consumed, and unused. *)
  | (       Consumed,            _,            _,           _,           _) -> (* Already consumed, and used in some way. *)
     error_already_consumed name

And each case in the table is implemented as a separate function, which mostly just throw errors:

and consume_once (tbl: state_tbl) (depth: loop_depth) (name: identifier): state_tbl =
   if depth = get_loop_depth tbl name then
      update_tbl tbl name Consumed
      austral_raise LinearityError [
         Text "The variable ";
         Code (ident_string name);
         Text " was defined outside a loop, but you're trying to consume it inside a loop.";
         Text "This is not allowed because it could be consumed zero times or more than once."

and error_borrowed_mutably_and_used (name: identifier) =
   austral_raise LinearityError [
      Text "The variable ";
      Code (ident_string name);
      Text " is borrowed mutably, while also being either borrowed or used through a path.";
      Text "Mutable borrows cannot appear in the same expression where the variable is used elsewhere."

and error_borrowed_mutably_more_than_once (name: identifier) =
   austral_raise LinearityError [
      Text "The variable ";
      Code (ident_string name);
      Code " is borrowed mutably multiple times in the same expression."

and error_consumed_and_something_else (name: identifier) =
   austral_raise LinearityError [
      Text "The variable ";
      Code (ident_string name);
      Code " is consumed in the same expression where it is used in some other way.";
      Text "A linear variable cannot appear multiple times in the expression that consumes it.";

and error_consumed_more_than_once (name: identifier) =
   austral_raise LinearityError [
      Text "The variable ";
      Code (ident_string name);
      Text " is consumed multiple times within the same expression.";

and error_read_borrowed_and_something_else (name: identifier) =
   austral_raise LinearityError [
      Text "The variable ";
      Code (ident_string name);
      Text " cannot be consumed or borrowed again while it is borrowed (immutably).";

and error_write_borrowed_and_something_else (name: identifier) =
   austral_raise LinearityError [
      Text "The variable ";
      Code (ident_string name);
      Text "cannot be used in any way while it is vorrowed (mutably).";

and error_already_consumed (name: identifier) =
   austral_raise LinearityError [
      Text "The variable ";
      Code (ident_string name);
      Text " has already been consumed.";

Counting Appearances

There are four ways a variable can appear in an expression:

  1. Being consumed.
  2. Being borrowed immutably.
  3. Being borrowed mutably.
  4. At the head of a path (e.g. city->pos->latitude).

We have to count how many times a variable appears in each of these four ways. We track that in the appearances type:

type appearances = {
    consumed: int;
    read: int;
    write: int;
    path: int;

What I like about Austral’s semantics is that the most fanciful data structure the linearity checker needs is a hash table and a record of four integers.

The following constants are essentially the base cases for the recursion in the count function:

let zero_appearances: appearances = {
    consumed = 0;
    read = 0;
    write = 0;
    path = 0;

let consumed_once: appearances = {
    consumed = 1;
    read = 0;
    write = 0;
    path = 0;

let read_once: appearances = {
    consumed = 0;
    read = 1;
    write = 0;
    path = 0;

let write_once: appearances = {
    consumed = 0;
    read = 0;
    write = 1;
    path = 0;

let path_once: appearances = {
    consumed = 0;
    read = 0;
    write = 0;
    path = 1;

And the function merge is the addition operation for appearances values:

let merge (a: appearances) (b: appearances): appearances =
    consumed = a.consumed + b.consumed;
    read = a.read + b.read;
    write = a.write + b.write;
    path = a.path + b.path;

let merge_list (l: appearances list): appearances =
  List.fold_left merge zero_appearances l

The way we do the counting is: recur down the AST, and at the leaf nodes, return one of the four constants, and at any branch node, just call merge on the result of the recursion:

let rec count (name: identifier) (expr: texpr): appearances =
  let c = count name in
  match expr with
  | TNilConstant ->
  | TBoolConstant _ ->
  | TIntConstant _ ->
  | TFloatConstant _ ->
  | TStringConstant _ ->
  | TConstVar _ ->
     (* Constants variables can't be linear. *)
  | TParamVar (name', _) ->
     if equal_identifier name name' then
  | TLocalVar (name', _) ->
     if equal_identifier name name' then
  | TFunVar _ ->
  | TFuncall (_, _, args, _, _) ->
     merge_list (List.map c args)
  | TMethodCall (_, _, _, args, _, _) ->
     merge_list (List.map c args)
  | TVarMethodCall { args; _ } ->
     merge_list (List.map c args)
  | TFptrCall (_, args, _) ->
     merge_list (List.map c args)
  | TCast (e, _) ->
     c e
  | TComparison (_, lhs, rhs) ->
     merge (c lhs) (c rhs)
  | TConjunction (lhs, rhs) ->
     merge (c lhs) (c rhs)
  | TDisjunction (lhs, rhs) ->
     merge (c lhs) (c rhs)
  | TNegation e ->
     c e
  | TIfExpression (e, t, f) ->
     merge (c e) (merge (c t) (c f))
  | TRecordConstructor (_, args) ->
     merge_list (List.map (fun (_, e) -> c e) args)
  | TUnionConstructor (_, _, args) ->
     merge_list (List.map (fun (_, e) -> c e) args)
  | TPath { head; elems; _ } ->
     let head_apps: appearances =
       (* If the head of the path is a variable, check if it is the one we are
          looking for. If it is, count that as a path appearance. *)
       (match head with
        | TParamVar (name', _) ->
           if equal_identifier name name' then
        | TLocalVar (name', _) ->
           if equal_identifier name name' then
        | _ ->
           (* Otherwise, just count the appearances inside the expression. *)
           c head)
     and path_apps: appearances = merge_list (List.map (count_path_elem name) elems)
     merge head_apps path_apps
  | TEmbed (_, _, args) ->
     merge_list (List.map c args)
  | TDeref e ->
     c e
  | TSizeOf _ ->
  | TBorrowExpr (mode, name', _, _) ->
     if equal_identifier name name' then
       (match mode with
        | ReadBorrow ->
        | WriteBorrow ->

and count_path_elem (name: identifier) (elem: typed_path_elem): appearances =
  match elem with
  | TSlotAccessor _ ->
  | TPointerSlotAccessor _ ->
  | TArrayIndex (e, _) ->
     count name e


The overriding goal in designing Austral was fits-in-head simplicity, and I think this was accomplished. The linearity checking algorithm is a page of text, the corresponding code is less than 1k lines of code. The concepts and rules are simple enough that anyone can understand them, and essentially run the algorithm in their head while reading the code.

And, importantly: the rules are static, so that you learn them once, and can apply the same rules in perpetuity, just like a type system.


  1. But we are allowed to use record accesses to free values inside linear types. So why can’t we do list.length? You could do this within the same module that defines List, but for opaque types (which data structures generally should be), their contents cannot be accessed from other modules except through the public API. 

  2. The type parameters of a generic function can be constrained to accept only types in the linear universe, or only types in the free universe, or, for more general code, they can accept types from either universe but treatment as if they were linear, since that’s the lowest common denominator behaviour. Hence “linearish”. 

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