‘Prehistoric Isle 2 ACA NEOGEO’ Review – A Shoot ‘Em Up From a Lost Age

 1 year ago
source link: https://machash.com/touch-arcade/345700/prehistoric-isle-2-aca-neogeo-review-shoot-em-up-lost/
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By Shaun MusgraveJan 27, 2023, 12:25 pm117 ptsphoto of ‘Prehistoric Isle 2 ACA NEOGEO’ Review – A Shoot ‘Em Up From a Lost Age imageIt’s somewhat surprising how clearly one can draw a line between SNK before NEOGEO’s launch and after. The likes of Psycho Soldier and Ikari were relegated to cameo appearances, and only a few lucky pre-NEOGEO IPs ever saw follow-ups on the multi-system. Perhaps the strangest of the rare bunch was…

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