Why Apple is the only tech giant that still hasn't announced layoffs

 1 year ago
source link: https://macdailynews.com/2023/01/19/why-apple-is-the-only-tech-giant-that-still-hasnt-announced-layoffs/
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Why Apple is the only tech giant that still hasn’t announced layoffs

Thursday, January 19, 2023 2:09 pm2 Comments

Many of the biggest technology companies are laying off staff amid rampant inflation and fears of a looming recession rise. But, those job cuts come after a few years of rapid expansion. Apple is an exception on both fronts.

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Kif Leswing and Gabriel Cortés for CNBC:

On Wednesday, Microsoft announced it will eliminate 10,000 employees, reducing its workforce by 5%, and Amazon began conducting layoffs that will eventually slash 18,000 jobs. Microsoft and Amazon are joining tech industry peers including Alphabet and Meta which have also cut staff in recent months.

While each company is slightly different, most companies going through layoffs are blaming macroeconomic conditions and the possibility of a future recession as the reason for their belt-tightening.

But an underappreciated factor is how rapidly tech companies ramped up hiring over the last two years… Apple is a major exception: It did not appreciably increase its rate of hiring over the last two years, and also has not announced any layoffs.

Apple grew much more slowly during the pandemic. In fact, Apple’s hiring over the past few years has followed the same general trend since 2016.

MacDailyNews Take: After 20+ years of closely covering Apple, we’ve been through several recessions, big and small, under Jobs and Cook. Apple will weather any recession just fine.

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