So you want to make a new JS framework

 1 year ago
source link: https://daverupert.com/2023/01/so-you-want-to-make-a-new-js-framework/
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So you want to make a new JS framework

January 20, 2023#code

I sometimes think about what it would take to start a successful JS framework project in the year 2023…

  • You need a library that is different from React, but similar enough that people might actually use it
  • You need say it’s “fast”
  • You need 10 influencers to get hyped about it because it’s “fast”
  • You need a CLI
  • You need a specialized linter/formatter
  • You need a build process
  • You need a custom file extension
  • You need components
  • You need types
  • You need local and global state management
  • You need a marketing site
  • You need a doc site
  • You need dark mode
  • You need a module system
  • You need a dark mode module
  • You need a router module
  • You need an auth module
  • You need an image module
  • You need a metaframework for “apps” but really it’s just to make the doc site
  • You need a specialized doc site generator that competes with the metaframework
  • You need your metaframework to have islands
  • You need your metaframework to do SSG/SSR/CSR/Universal/ISR/ODB/CDN delivery backed by edge functions
  • And you need to get VC funding to do all this and ultimately become a cloud hosting provider

…or… I dunno. PHP and Web Components?

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Joyk means Joy of geeK