KStateMachine documentation | kstatemachine

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KStateMachine documentation

KStateMachine is a Kotlin DSL library for creating state machines and hierarchical state machines (statecharts).

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KStateMachine documentation


Building blocks (main interfaces) of the library:

  • StateMachine - is a collection of states and transitions between them, processes events when started
  • IState - states where state machine can go to
  • Event - is a base interface for events which are processed by state machine and may trigger transitions
  • Transition - is an operation of moving from one state to another
  • TransitionParams - information about current transition, passed to notification functions

Working with state machine consists of two major steps:

  1. Creation with initial setup and starting
  2. Processing events, on which state machine can switch its states and notify about changes
val machine = createStateMachine {
    // Setup is made in this block ...
// After setup and start, it is ready to process events
// ...

Create state machine

First we create a state machine with createStateMachine() function:

val machine = createStateMachine(
    "Traffic lights" // Optional name is convenient for logging debugging and export
) {
    // Set up state machine ...

By default, createStateMachine() starts state machine. You can control it using start argument.

Setup states

Default states

IState is just an interface, DefaultState & co. are implementations.

Use default states if you do not need to distinguish states (by type) outside from state machine. Otherwise, consider using state subclasses.

In state machine setup block define states with initialState(), state() and finalState() functions:

createStateMachine {
    // Use initialState() function to create initial State and add it to StateMachine
    // State machine enters this state after setup is complete
    val greenState = initialState()
    // State name is optional and is useful to getting state instance
    // after state machine setup and for debugging
    val yellowState = state("Yellow")
    val redState = finalState()
    // ...

You can use setInitialState() function to set initial state separately:

createStateMachine {
    val greenState = state()
    // ...

State subclasses

You can use your own IState subclasses with addInitialState(), addState() and addFinalState() functions. Subclass DefaultState, DefaultFinalState or their data analogs DefaultDataState , DefaultFinalDataState, then you can easily distinguish your states by type when observing state changes:

class SomeState : DefaultState()

createStateMachine {
    val someState = addState(SomeState())
    // ...

Listen states

In state setup blocks we can add listeners for states:

state {
    onEntry { println("Enter $name state") }
    onExit { println("Exit $name state") }

Or even shorter:

state().onEntry { /* ... */ }

onEntry and onExit DSL methods provide once argument. If it is set to true the listener will be removed after the first triggering.

state().onEntry(once = true) { /* ... */ }

Note: it is safe to add and remove listeners from any machine callbacks, library protects its internal loops from such modifications.

Listen group of states

If you need to perform some actions depending on active statuses of two or more states use onActiveAllOf() and onActiveAnyOf() functions.

onActiveAllOf(State1, State2, State3) {
    println("states active: $it")

Setup transitions

In a state setup block we define which events will trigger transitions to another states. The simplest transition is created with transition() function:

greenState {
    // Setup transition which is triggered on YellowEvent
    transition<YellowEvent> {
        // Set target state where state machine go when this transition is triggered
        targetState = yellowState
    // The same with shortcut version
    transition<RedEvent>("My transition", redState)

Same as for states we can listen to transition triggering:

transition<YellowEvent> {
    targetState = yellowState
    onTriggered { println("Transition to $targetState is triggered by ${it.event}") }

There is an extended version of transition() function, it is called transitionOn(). It works the same way but takes a lambda to calculate target state. This allows to use lateinit state variables and to choose target state depending on an application business logic like with conditional transitions but with shorter syntax and less flexibility:

createStateMachine {
    lateinit var yellowState: State

    greenState {
        transitionOn<YellowEvent> {
            targetState = { yellowState }

    yellowState = state {
        // ...

Target-less transitions

Transition may have no target state (targetState is null) which means that state machine stays in current state when such transition triggers, it is useful to perform some actions without changing current state:

greenState {
    transition<YellowEvent> {
        onTriggered { /* ... */ }

Note: Such transitions are also called internal.

Transition type

There are two types of transitions TransitionType.LOCAL (default) and TransitionType.EXTERNAL. Most of the cases both transitions are functionally equivalent except in cases where transition is happening between super and sub states. Local transition doesn’t cause exit and entry to source state if target state is a sub-state of a source state. Local transition doesn’t cause exit and entry to target state if target is a superstate of a source state.

Use type argument or property of transition builder functions to set transition type:

transition<SwitchEvent> {
    type = EXTERNAL
    targetState = state2

Listen to all transitions in one place

There might be many transitions from one state to another. It is possible to listen to all of them in state machine setup block:

createStateMachine {
    // ...
    onTransition {
        // Listen to all triggered transitions here

Guarded transitions

Guarded transition is triggered only if specified guard function returns true. Guarded transition is a special kind of conditional transition with shorter syntax. Use transition() or transitionOn() functions to create guarded transition:

state1 {
    transition<SwitchEvent> {
        guard = { value > 10 }
        targetState = state2
        // ...

See guarded transition sample

Guarded transition diagram

Conditional transitions

State machine becomes more powerful tool when you can choose target state depending on your business logic (some external data). Conditional transitions give you maximum flexibility on choosing target state and conditions when transition is triggered.

There are three options to choose transition direction:

  • stay() - transition is triggered but state is not changed;
  • targetState(nextState) - transition is triggered and state machine goes to the specified state;
  • noTransition() - transition is not triggered.

Use transitionConditionally() function to create conditional transition and specify a function which makes desired decision:

redState {
    // A conditional transition helps to control when it 
    // should be triggered and determine its target state
    transitionConditionally<GreenEvent> {
        direction = {
            // Suppose you have a function returning some 
            // business logic value which may differ
            fun getCondition() = 0

            when (getCondition()) {
                0 -> targetState(greenState)
                1 -> targetState(yellowState)
                2 -> stay()
                else -> noTransition()
    // Same as before you can listen when conditional transition is triggered
    onTriggered { println("Conditional transition is triggered") }

Transition event type matching

By default, event type that triggers transition is matched as instance of specified event class. For example transition<SwitchEvent>() matches SwitchEvent class and its subclasses. If you have event hierarchy it might be necessary to control matching mechanism, it might be done with eventMatcher argument of transition builder functions:

transition<SwitchEvent> {
    eventMatcher = isEqual()

There are two predefined event matchers:

  • isInstanceOf() matches specified class and its subclasses (default)
  • isEqual() matches only specified class

You can define your own matchers by subclassing EventMatcher class.

Undo transitions

Transitions may be undone with StateMachine.undo() function or alternatively by sending special UndoEvent to machine like this machine.processEvent(UndoEvent). State Machine will roll back last transition which is usually is switching to previous state (except target-less transitions). This API might be called as many times as needed. To implement this feature library stores transitions in a stack, it takes memory, so this feature is disabled by default and must be enabled explicitly using createStateMachine(enableUndo = true) argument.

Undo functionality is implemented as Event, so it possible to call undo() from notification callbacks, if you use QueuePendingEventHandler (which is default) or its analog.

For example if states of state machine represent UI screens, undo() acts like some kind of navigateUp() function.

Internally every UndoEvent is transformed to WrappedEvent which stores original event and argument. When some state is entered as a result of undo operation you can access original event and argument with unwrappedEvent and unwrappedArgument extension properties of TransitionParams class. Original event is the event that triggered original transition to this state.

state {
    onEntry { transitionParams -> // when called as result of undo() operation
        transitionParams.event // is WrappedEvent
        transitionParams.unwrappedEvent // is original event
        (transitionParams.event as WrappedEvent).event // same as using unwrappedEvent extension

See undo transition sample


You can enable internal state machine logging on your platform.


createStateMachine {
    logger = StateMachine.Logger { println(it) }
    // ...

On Android:

createStateMachine {
    logger = StateMachine.Logger { Log.d(this::class.qualifiedName, it) }
    // ...

Finishing states and state machine

Some of state machines and states are infinite, but other ones may finish.

  • In ChildMode.EXCLUSIVE state or state machine finishes when enters top-level final state.
  • In ChildMode.PARALLEL state or state machine finishes when all its children has finished.

To make a state final, it must implement FinalState marker interface. Built-in implementation of such state is DefaultFinalState. It can be created directly with finalState() function or be subclassed and added with addFinalState() function. Alternatively you can inherit basic DefaultState and mark it with FinalState explicitly like here:

sealed class States : DefaultState() {
    object State1 : States()
    object State2 : States(), FinalState

Finishing of states and state machines is treated little differently. State machine that was finished stops processing incoming events. But when some nested state is finished its transitions are still active, only notification is triggered and isFinished property set.

Notifications about finishing are available in two forms:

  1. Triggering of onFinished() listener callback. This is the only option for StateMachine.

     val machine = createStateMachine {
         val final = finalState("final")
         onFinished { println("State machine is finished") }
     machine.isFinished // is true
  2. Generation and processing of special FinishedEvent. This option is also available for composite states and useful for performing transitions on finishing:

     createStateMachine {
         val state2 = state("state2")
         initialState("state1") {
             val final = finalState("final")
             // this transition matches only FinishedEvent generated by finishing of "state1"
             transition<FinishedEvent>(targetState = state2)

    Transition for FinishedEvent is detected by the library and matched by special kind of EventMatcher, so such transition is triggered only for FinishedEvent that corresponds to this state. FinishingEvent generated by finishing of another state will not trigger such transition.

    If FinalState that triggered FinishedEvent is also a DataState then its data field will be copied into FinishedEvent. See transition on FinishedEvent sample

Nested states

With nested states you can build hierarchical state machines and inherit transitions by grouping states.

To create nested states simply use same functions (state(), initialState() etc.) as for state machine but in state setup block:

val machine = createStateMachine {
    val topLevelState = initialState {
        // ...
        val nestedState = initialState {
            // ...

Inherit transitions by grouping states

Suppose you have three states that all should have a transitions to another state. You can explicitly set this transition for each state but with this approach complexity grows and when you add fourth state you have to remember to add this specific transition. This problem can be solved with adding parent state which defines such transition and groups its child states. Child states inherit there parent transitions.

Inherit transitions diagram

A child state can override an inherited transition. To override parent transition child state should define any transition that matches the event.

createStateMachine {
    val state2 = state("state2")
    // all nested states inherit this parent transition
    transition<SwitchEvent> { targetState = state2 }

    // child state overrides transitions for all events
    initialState("state1") { transition<Event>() }

Cross-level transitions

A transition can have any state as its target. This means that the target state does not have to be on the same level in the state hierarchy as the source state.

Cross-level transition diagram

Composed (nested) state machines

StateMachine is a subclass of IState, this allows to use it as a child of another state machine like a simple state. The parent state machine treats the child machine as an atomic state. It is not possible to reference states of a child machine from parent transitions and vise versa. Child machine is automatically started when parent enters it. Events from parent machine are not passed to it child machines. Child machine receives events only from its own processEvent() calls.

Parallel states

Sometimes it might be useful to have a state machine containing mutually exclusive properties. Assume your laptop, it might be charging, sleeping, its lid may be open at the same time. If you try to create a state machine for those properties you will have 3 * 3 = 9 amount of states (“Charging, Sleeping, LidOpen”, “OnBattery, Sleeping, LidOpen”, etc…). This is where parallel states come into play. This feature helps to avoid combinatorial explosion of states. Using parallel states this machine will look like this:

Parallel states diagram

Set childMode argument of a state machine, or a state creation functions to ChildMode.PARALLEL. When a parent state with parallel child mode is entered or exited, all its child states will be simultaneously entered or exited:

createStateMachine(childMode = ChildMode.PARALLEL) {
    state("Charger") {
        initialState("Charging") { /* ... */ }
        state("OnBattery") { /* ... */ }
    state("Lid") { /* ... */ }
    // ..

Currently, there is no way to process multiple transitions for one event by using parallel states, only one transition may be triggered for each event.

Pseudo states

Pseudo states are special kind of states that machine cannot enter, but they are useful to describe additional logic in machine behaviour.

Choice state

Choice state allows to select target state depending on some condition. When transition targeting a choice state is triggered, choice function is evaluated and machine goes to resulting state:

choiceState {
    if (event.value > 3) State1 else State2

History state

There are two types of history states, shallow and deep. Shallow history state is used to represent the most recently active child (its neighbour) of a parent state. It does not recurse into this child’s active configuration (sub states), initial states will be used. Deep history state in contrast reflects the most recent active configuration of the parent state (including all sub states). You can specify default state which will be used if history was not recorded yet (parent was not active). When default state is not specified, parent initial state will be entered on transition to history state.

val machine = createStateMachine {
    state {
        val state11 = initialState()
        val state12 = state()
        historyState(defultState = state12)
    state {
        // ...

Typesafe transitions

It is a common case when a state expects to receive some data from an event. Library provides typesafe API for such case. It is implemented with DataEvent and DataState. Both interfaces are parameterized with data type. To create typesafe transition use dataTransition() and dataTransitionOn() functions. This API helps to ensure that event data parameter type matches data parameter type that is expected by a target state of a transition. Compiler will protect you from defining a transition with incompatible data type parameters of event and target state.

class StringEvent(override val data: String) : DataEvent<String>

createStateMachine {
    val state2 = dataState<String> {
        onEntry { println("State data: $data") }

    initialState {
        dataTransition<StringEvent, String> { targetState = state2 }

DataState’s data field is set and might be accessed only while the state is active. At the moment when DataState is activated it requires data value from a DataEvent. You can use lastData field to access last data value even after state exit, it falls back to defaultData if provided or throws.

Corner cases of DataState activation

  1. Implicit activation. DataState might be activated by Event (not DataEvent) that is targeting its child state. In this case data field of DataState is assigned with lastData field value. If state is activating the first time lastData falls back to defaultData if provided, otherwise exception is thrown.
  2. Activation by undo() of UndoEvent. This works same way as undone transition.
  3. Activation by FinishedEvent. FinishedEvent may contain non-null data field. DataState receives this data if its type matches. DataExtractor class is responsible for matching. Such transition might be created only by transitionConditionally() function.
  4. Activation by non data event. This should not be necessary, but it might be done manually, same way as in case 3. Using custom DataExtractor you can pass any data from any event type to DataState.


Note: Type of arguments is Any?, so it is not type safe ot use them.

Event argument

Usually if event may hold some data we define Event subclass, it is type safe. Sometimes if data is optional it may be simpler to use event argument. You can specify arbitrary argument with an event in processEvent() function. Then you can get this argument in a state and transition listeners.

val machine = createStateMachine {
    state("offState").onEntry {
        println("Event ${it.event} argument: ${it.argument}")
    // ...
// Pass argument with event
machine.processEvent(TurnOn, 42)

Transition argument

If transition listener produce some data, you can pass it to target state as a transition argument:

val second = state("second").onEntry {
    println("Transition argument: ${it.transition.argument}")
state("first") {
    transition<SwitchEvent> {
        targetState = second
        onTriggered { it.transition.argument = 42 }

Note: it is up to user to control that argument field is set from one listener. You can use some mutable data structure and fill it from multiple listeners.

Error handling

Ignored events

By default, state machine simply ignores events that does not match any defined transition. You can see those events if logging is enabled or use custom IgnoredEventHandler for example to throw error:

createStateMachine {
    // ...
    ignoredEventHandler = StateMachine.IgnoredEventHandler { event, _ ->
        error("unexpected $event")

Pending events

Pending events are such events that are posted for processing while another event is already processing, for example from listeners callbacks.

Default PendingEventHandler that is created with queuePendingEventHandler() stores such events in queue and machine processes them all after a current one. This allows to call processEvent() from listeners callbacks.

If you are using another PendingEventHandler implementation, like logging or throwing one created by throwingPendingEventHandler() function, then behaviour of calling processEvent() while state machine is already processing event will depend on PendingEventHandler implementation. Pending event may be simply dropped or exception thrown. Alternatively with custom PendingEventHandler you can post such events to some queue to process them later passing to processEvent(). Using of throwing PendingEventHandler sample:

createStateMachine {
    // ...
    pendingEventHandler = throwingPendingEventHandler()

Note: PendingEventHandler that does nothing will not let you process pending events (they will be dropped) as it leads to undefined machine state and mixed notifications.

Exceptions from listeners

Event though KStateMachine assumes that listener callbacks should not throw exceptions, it may happen in practice. If your app code throws exceptions in a listener callbacks library catches them, completes transition successfully and passes the first occurred exception to listenerExceptionHandler. It simply rethrows exception by default, but you may want to mute them with custom handler for example.

Other exceptions

Exceptions coming from other client code callbacks, that are considered to be no-throwing (like guard functions of transitions) are not caught. Machine will be automatically destroyed with destroy() function on such exceptions, as it is in unpredictable state and cannot be used anymore. Calling processEvent() on destroyed machine will throw also.

Multithreading and concurrency

State machine is designed to work in single thread. Concurrent access to library classes must be controled by external synchronization. If you need to process events from different threads you can post them to some thread safe queue and start a single thread which will pull events from that queue in a loop and call processEvent() function.


Note: Currently transitions that use lambdas like transitionConditionally() and transitionOn() are not exported. User defined lambdas that are passed to calculate next state could not be correctly called during export process as they may touch application data that is not valid when export is running.


Use exportToPlantUml() extension function to export state machine to PlantUML state diagram.

val machine = createStateMachine { /* ... */ }

Copy/paste resulting output to Plant UML online editor

See PlantUML nested states export sample


For testing, it might be useful to check how state machine reacts on events from particular state. There is Testing.startFrom() function which allows starting the machine from a specified state:

lateinit var state2: State

val machine = createStateMachine(start = false) {
    state2 = state("state2")
    // ...


Consider using Kotlin sealed classes

With sealed classes for states and events your state machine structure may look simpler. Try to compare this two samples they both are doing the same thing but using of sealed classes makes code self explaining:

Minimal sealed classes sample vs Minimal syntax sample

Also sealed classes eliminate need of using lateinit states variables or reordering of states in state machine setup block to have a valid state references for transitions.

Object states

Keep in mind that states are mutated by machine instance, defining them with object keyword (i.e. singleton) often makes your states live longer than machine. It is common use case when you have multiple similar machines that are using same singleton states sequentially. Library detects such cases automatically by default (see autoDestroyOnStatesReuse argument of createStateMachine function) and cleans states allowing for future reuse. You can disable automatic machine destruction on state reuse, and call StateMachine.destroy() manually if required, or just do not use object keyword for defining states. If you have your own DefaultState subclasses that are singletons and has data fields, use onCleanup() callback to clean your data before state reuse.

Do not

State machine is a powerful tool to control states, so let it do its job. Do not try to rule it from outside (selecting a target state) by sending different event types depending on business logic state. Let the state machine to make decisions itself.

Wrong - managing target state from outside:

if (somethingHappend)

Correct - let the state machine to make decisions on an event:


In certain scenarios (maybe like state pattern) it is fine to use events like some kind of setState() / goToState() function but in general it is wrong, as events are not commands.

Known issues

It is not recommended to use custom generic classes as events and as argument of DataState. JVM removes difference between generic classes with different argument types, this is known as type erasure. So library cannot separate such types from each other at runtime. When it is necessary to check that some object is an instance of a class, such check may be positive for class parameterized with any type. So it’s easier aviod using generic types in such cases. You have to use custom EventMatchers and DataExtractor’s that will use some additional information to compare such types. Or be sure that such invalid comparison never happens.

kstatemachine is maintained by nsk90. This page was generated by GitHub Pages.

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